
My men turned with spoils and riches

تولت رجالي بالغنائم والغنى

1. My men turned with spoils and riches
Urging their camels over the sands

١. تَوَلَّت رِجالي بِالغَنائِمِ وَالغِنى
مُزَجّينَ لِلأَجمالِ مِن رَمَلانِ

2. They called to depart but I could not bear
To return defeated from battle

٢. وَنادوا نِداءً بِالرَحيلِ فَلَم أُطِق
إِياباً وَصِنوي في المَعارِكِ فانِ

3. Shall I go back to my mother unharmed and honored
When Gharasan lies slain in the abode of disgrace?

٣. أَؤوبُ إِلى أُمّي سَليماً مُكَرَّماً
وَغَرسانُ مَقتولٌ بِدارِ هَوانِ

4. Shall I abandon one who never disobeyed me
However I summoned with every tongue?

٤. أَأَترُكُ مَن لا يَترُكُ الدَهر طاعَتي
مُلَبٍّ لَما أَدعو بِكُلِّ لِسانِ

5. My brother, my ally in tribulations, my companion
In all my raids with the edge of my blade

٥. أَخي وَمُعيني في الخُطوبِ وَصاحِبي
بِكُلِّ إِغاراتي بِحَدِّ سَنانِ

6. When he called "O Ibn Rawahana" I did not waver
I spurred my stallion and charged forth

٦. فَلَمّا دَعاني يا اِبنَ رَوحانَ لَم أَخِم
وَقَوَّمتُ عَسّالي وَصَدرَ حِصاني

7. I stabbed through the brow of Malik with my spear
And plunged him into darkness without delay

٧. طَعَنتُ بِنَصلِ الرُمحِ جَبهَةَ مالِكٍ
وَغَيَّبتُهُ فيهِ بِغَيرِ تَوانِ

8. And I felled Ammar with a blow of my sword
Shattering the enemy ranks in turmoil

٨. وَجَندَلتُ عَمّاراً بِضَربَةِ صارِمٍ
وَمَزَّقتُ شَملَ الجُندِ بِالخَولانِ