1. We ride the stars in darkness
Though we do not mount a saddle or step
١. حَتّامَ نَحنُ نُساري النَجمَ في الظُلَمِ
وَما سُراهُ عَلى خُفٍّ وَلا قَدَمِ
2. Nor feel eyelids that feel
A wakeful stranger who slept without sleep
٢. وَلا يُحِسُّ بِأَجفانٍ يُحِسُّ بِها
فَقدَ الرُقادِ غَريبٌ باتَ لَم يَنَمِ
3. The sun blackens the white of our faces
But does not blacken the white of excuse and blame
٣. تُسَوِّدُ الشَمسُ مِنّا بيضَ أَوجُهِنا
وَلا تُسَوِّدُ بيضَ العُذرِ وَاللِمَمِ
4. Their state was the same in judgment
If we had appealed from the world to an arbiter
٤. وَكانَ حالُهُما في الحُكمِ واحِدَةً
لَوِ اِحتَكَمنا مِنَ الدُنيا إِلى حَكَمِ
5. And we leave water that does not cease from travel
What traveled in cloud traveled in blood
٥. وَنَترُكُ الماءَ لا يَنفَكُّ مِن سَفَرٍ
ما سارَ في الغَيمِ مِنهُ سارَ في الأَدَمِ
6. I do not hate the staff but I avoided through it
My heart from sorrow or my body from sickness
٦. لا أُبغِضُ العيسَ لَكِنّي وَقَيتُ بِها
قَلبي مِنَ الحُزنِ أَو جِسمي مِنَ السَقَمِ
7. I chased their hands in Egypt with their feet
Until we slipped away from turbulent Gosh and standards
٧. طَرَدتُ مِن مِصرَ أَيديها بِأَرجُلِها
حَتّى مَرَقنَ بِنا مِن جَوشَ وَالعَلَمِ
8. The ostriches of Al-Daw parade for them
Rivaling the swaying braids with ostrich eggs
٨. تَبري لَهُنَّ نَعامُ الدَوِّ مُسرَجَةً
تُعارِضُ الجُدُلَ المُرخاةَ بِاللُجُمِ
9. In a raid they risked their souls and were content
With what the left hands met of wounds
٩. في غِلمَةٍ أَخطَروا أَرواحَهُم وَرَضوا
بِما لَقينَ رِضا الأَيسارِ بِالزَلَمِ
10. Whenever they cast their turbans
Turbans seemed created black without stripes
١٠. تَبدو لَنا كُلَّما أَلقَوا عَمائِمَهُم
عَمائِمٌ خُلِقَت سوداً بِلا لُثُمِ
11. The white brows jabbing those they caught up with
Of the horsemen paralyzing for the ostriches
١١. بيضُ العَوارِضِ طَعّانونَ مَن لَحِقوا
مِنَ الفَوارِسِ شَلّالونَ لِلنَعَمِ
12. They reached with their spears beyond capacity
And what courage lies in them does not reach limits
١٢. قَد بَلَّغوا بِقَناهُم فَوقَ طاقَتِهِ
وَلَيسَ يَبلُغُ ما فيهِم مِنَ الهِمَمِ
13. Except that their souls in the sacred months
Are of their perfume which permeates them
١٣. في الجاهِلِيَّةِ إِلّا أَنَّ أَنفُسَهُم
مِن طيبِهِنَّ بِهِ في الأَشهُرِ الحُرُمِ
14. They brandished spears though they did not speak
So they taught them the birds’ screams in the haze
١٤. ناشوا الرِماحَ وَكانَت غَيرَ ناطِقَةٍ
فَعَلَّموها صِياحَ الطَيرِ في البُهَمِ
15. Our mounts take us white whose hooves
Are green, their horseshoes in fetters and blinkers
١٥. تَخدي الرِكابُ بِنا بيضاً مَشافِرُها
خُضراً فَراسِنُها في الرُغلِ وَاليَنَمِ
16. Goaded by the whips of the tribe we drive them
From the place of grass we desire the place of vines
١٦. مَكعومَةً بِسِياطِ القَومِ نَضرِبُها
عَن مَنبِتِ العُشبِ نَبغي مَنبِتَ الكَرَمِ
17. And where is its place after its place
Of my father Shuja the plague of Arabs and non-Arabs
١٧. وَأَينَ مَنبِتُهُ مِن بَعدِ مَنبِتِهِ
أَبي شُجاعِ قَريعِ العُربِ وَالعَجَمِ
18. No protector remains in Egypt whom we visit
Nor successor amongst all people
١٨. لا فاتِكٌ آخَرٌ في مِصرَ نَقصِدُهُ
وَلا لَهُ خَلَفٌ في الناسِ كُلِّهِمِ
19. He whom the living do not resemble in nature
The dead resemble him in decay
١٩. مَن لا تُشابِهُهُ الأَحياءُ في شِيَمِ
أَمسى تُشابِهُهُ الأَمواتُ في الرِمَمِ
20. I lost him as if I traveled seeking him
The world does not increase me save nonexistence
٢٠. عَدِمتُهُ وَكَأَنّي سِرتُ أَطلُبُهُ
فَما تَزيدُنِيَ الدُنيا عَلى العَدَمِ
21. I still laugh whenever my camels look
At him whose stirrups their hooves bled for
٢١. ما زِلتُ أُضحِكُ إِبلي كُلَّما نَظَرَت
إِلى مَنِ اِختَضَبَت أَخفافُها بِدَمِ
22. I walk them between idols I see
Yet I do not see in them the honor of an idol
٢٢. أُسيرُها بَينَ أَصنامٍ أُشاهِدُها
وَلا أُشاهِدُ فيها عِفَّةَ الصَنَمِ
23. Until I returned and my pens blame me
Glory is for the sword not glory for the pen
٢٣. حَتّى رَجَعتُ وَأَقلامي قَوائِلُ لي
المَجدُ لِلسَيفِ لَيسَ المَجدُ لِلقَلَمِ
24. Record us forever after writing with it
For we are but servants to the swords
٢٤. اِكتُب بِنا أَبَداً بَعدَ الكِتابِ بِهِ
فَإِنَّما نَحنُ لِلأَسيافِ كَالخَدَمِ
25. You heard me and my medicine I indicated
If I am absent my cure is little wisdom
٢٥. أَسمَعتِني وَدَوائي ما أَشَرتِ بِهِ
فَإِن غَفِلتُ فَدائي قِلَّةُ الفَهَمِ
26. Whoever seeks his need save the Indian
Answers every question about "if only" with "if"
٢٦. مَنِ اِقتَضى بِسِوى الهِندِيِّ حاجَتَهُ
أَجابَ كُلَّ سُؤالٍ عَن هَلٍ بِلَمِ
27. The people supposed poverty brought us closer
And in growing closer lies what invites suspicion
٢٧. تَوَهَّمَ القَومُ أَنَّ العَجزَ قَرَّبَنا
وَفي التَقَرُّبِ ما يَدعو إِلى التِهَمِ
28. Scant fairness always severs
Between men even if they are kindred
٢٨. وَلَم تَزَل قِلَّةُ الإِنصافِ قاطِعَةً
بَينَ الرِجالِ وَلَو كانوا ذَوي رَحِمِ
29. So no visit unless you visit them
With hands calloused waving bright scabbards
٢٩. فَلا زِيارَةَ إِلّا أَن تَزورَهُمُ
أَيدٍ نَشَأنَ مَعَ المَصقولَةِ الخُذُمِ
30. From every arbiter with death its blade
Between an avenger from him and an avenger
٣٠. مِن كُلِّ قاضِيَّةٍ بِالمَوتِ شَفرَتُهُ
ما بَينَ مُنتَقَمٍ مِنهُ وَمُنتَقِمِ
31. It protected its sheaths from them so they did not fall
In the places of cowardice in hands or bosses
٣١. صُنّا قَوائِمَها عَنهُم فَما وَقَعَت
مَواقِعَ اللُؤمِ في الأَيدي وَلا الكَزَمِ
32. Make easy on sight what offends it
Wakefulness of the eye is like dreams
٣٢. هَوِّن عَلى بَصَرٍ ما شَقَّ مَنظَرُهُ
فَإِنَّما يَقَظاتُ العَينِ كَالحُلُمِ
33. Do not complain to people so they gloat over you
Complaint of the wounded to ravens and ostriches
٣٣. وَلا تَشَكَّ إِلى خَلقٍ فَتُشمِتَهُ
شَكوى الجَريحِ إِلى الغِربانِ وَالرَخَمِ
34. And beware of people, hiding it
And do not be fooled by their smiling mouths
٣٤. وَكُن عَلى حَذَرٍ لِلناسِ تَستُرُهُ
وَلا يَغُرُّكَ مِنهُم ثَغرُ مُبتَسِمُ
35. Loyalty is scarce so you will not find it in a group
Truthfulness in telling and oaths is lacking
٣٥. غاضَ الوَفاءُ فَما تَلقاهُ في عِدَةٍ
وَأَعوَزَ الصِدقُ في الإِخبارِ وَالقَسَمِ
36. Glory to the Creator of my soul, how it delighted
In what souls see as the epitome of pain
٣٦. سُبحانَ خالِقِ نَفسي كَيفَ لَذَّتُها
فيما النُفوسُ تَراهُ غايَةُ الأَلَمِ
37. Fate is astonished I carry its misfortunes
And my body's endurance of its crushing blows
٣٧. الدَهرُ يَعجَبُ مِن حَملي نَوائِبَهُ
وَصَبرِ جِسمي عَلى أَحداثِهِ الحُطُمِ
38. Time is wasted and a life — would that its length
Were in other than my nation from former peoples
٣٨. وَقتٌ يَضيعُ وَعُمرٌ لَيتَ مُدَّتَهُ
في غَيرِ أُمَّتِهِ مِن سالِفِ الأُمَمِ
39. Time brought its sons in their youth
So it delighted them, and we came to it in old age
٣٩. أَتى الزَمانَ بَنوهُ في شَبيبَتِهِ
فَسَرَّهُم وَأَتَيناهُ عَلى الهَرَمِ