
We heard what you said in dreams

قد سمعنا ما قلت في الأحلام

1. We heard what you said in dreams
And saw you in a vision during sleep

١. قَد سَمِعنا ما قُلتَ في الأَحلامِ
وَأَنَلناكَ بَدرَةً في المَنامِ

2. And we woke up just as you woke up without anything
And the obtainment was equal to the words

٢. وَاِنتَبَهنا كَما اِنتَبَهتَ بِلا شَي
ءٍ وَكانَ النَوالُ قَدرَ الكَلامِ

3. While writing you were sleeping eyed
So were you sleeping handed

٣. كُنتَ فيما كَتَبتَهُ نائِمَ العَيـ
ـنِ فَهَل كُنتَ نائِمَ الأَقلامِ

4. O you who complain, when the pillars sleep
There is no sleep with destruction

٤. أَيُّها المُشتَكي إِذا رَقَدَ الإِعـ
ـدامَ لا رَقدَةٌ مَعَ الإِعدامِ

5. Open your eyelids and leave the words in sleep
And distinguish the speech of the sword of mankind

٥. إِفتَحِ الجَفنَ وَاِترُكِ القَولَ في النَو
مِ وَمَيِّز خِطابَ سَيفِ الأَنامِ

6. He who is without an adequacy and without
An alternative or a protector of what he intended

٦. الَّذي لَيسَ عَنهُ مُغنٍ وَلا مِنـ
ـهُ بَديلٌ وَلا لَما رامَ حامي

7. All his forefathers are the dignitaries of the people of the world
But he is the most dignified of the dignitaries

٧. كُلُّ آبائِهِ كِرامُ بَني الدُنـ
ـيا وَلَكِنَّهُ كَريمُ الكِرام