1. O sister of the best brother, o daughter of the best father
Referring to their nobility over all other lineages
١. يا أُختَ خَيرِ أَخٍ يا بِنتَ خَيرِ أَبٍ
كِنايَةً بِهِما عَن أَشرَفِ النَسَبِ
2. I esteem your worth to be called well-mannered
And whoever describes you has named you as epitome of Arabs
٢. أُجِلُّ قَدرَكِ أَن تُسْمَيْ مُؤَبَّنَةً
وَمَن يَصِفكِ فَقَد سَمّاكِ لِلعَرَبِ
3. Sorrow does not allow the grieved one control over his words
Or tears, as they are under sorrow's grasp
٣. لا يَملِكُ الطَرِبُ المَحزونُ مَنطِقَهُ
وَدَمعَهُ وَهُما في قَبضَةِ الطَرَبِ
4. O Death you have betrayed, how many you have ended
With those you have afflicted and how many boisterous talks you have silenced
٤. غَدَرتَ يا مَوتُ كَم أَفنَيتَ مِن عَدَدٍ
بِمَن أَصَبتَ وَكَم أَسكَتَّ مِن لَجَبِ
5. How much you have accompanied her brother in adversity
And how much you have asked but neither was stingy nor lied
٥. وَكَم صَحِبتَ أَخاها في مُنازَلَةٍ
وَكَم سَأَلتَ فَلَم يَبخَل وَلَم تَخِبِ
6. It traversed Al-Jazira until news came to me
I hoped it was lies due to my aspirations
٦. طَوى الجَزيرَةَ حَتّى جاءَني خَبَرٌ
فَزِعتُ فيهِ بِآمالي إِلى الكَذِبِ
7. Until when its honesty left me no hope
I gushed tears nearly gushing myself
٧. حَتّى إِذا لَم يَدَع لي صِدقُهُ أَمَلاً
شَرِقتُ بِالدَمعِ حَتّى كادَ يَشرَقُ بي
8. Tongues tripped over it,
And so did pens in books and cold on paths
٨. تَعَثَّرَت بِهِ في الأَفواهِ أَلسُنُها
وَالبُردُ في الطُرقِ وَالأَقلامُ في الكُتُبِ
9. As if a calamity had not filled her processions
The abodes of Bakr, had not been evacuated or blown away
٩. كَأَنَّ فَعلَةَ لَم تَمْلَأْ مَواكِبُها
دِيارَ بَكرٍ وَلَم تَخلَع وَلَم تَهِبِ
10. Nor had it returned a departed soul,
Or helped a weeping implorer, distraught and war-ridden
١٠. وَلَم تَرُدَّ حَياةً بَعدَ تَولِيَةٍ
وَلَم تُغِث داعِياً بِالوَيلِ وَالحَرَبِ
11. I see Iraq with long nights since she was mourned
So how are the nights of the young man of the youth in Aleppo
١١. أَرى العِراقَ طَويلَ اللَيلِ مُذ نُعِيَت
فَكَيفَ لَيلُ فَتى الفِتيانِ في حَلَبِ
12. He assumes my heart is not aflame
And that the tears of my eyelids do not cascade
١٢. يَظُنُّ أَنَّ فُؤادي غَيرُ مُلتَهِبٍ
وَأَنَّ دَمعَ جُفوني غَيرُ مُنسَكِبِ
13. Yes, by the sanctity of her who regarded highly
The sanctity of glory, chivalry and propriety
١٣. بَلى وَحُرمَةِ مَن كانَت مُراعِيَةً
لِحُرمَةِ المَجدِ وَالقُصّادِ وَالأَدَبِ
14. And she whose traits that have passed were not bequeathed
Even if her leadership was hereditary of ambition
١٤. وَمَن مَضَت غَيرَ مَوروثٍ خَلائِقُها
وَإِن مَضَت يَدُها مَوروثَةَ النَشَبِ
15. And her ambition was for the heights and glory
While the ambition of her peers is for nonsense and play
١٥. وَهَمُّها في العُلى وَالمَجدِ ناشِئَةً
وَهَمُّ أَترابِها في اللَهوِ وَاللَعِبِ
16. They know, when her smile is greeted, the beauty of her smile
And none knows her dimples except Allah
١٦. يَعلَمنَ حينَ تُحَيّا حُسنَ مَبسِمِها
وَلَيسَ يَعلَمُ إِلّا اللَهُ بِالشَنَبِ
17. A delight she diffused in the hearts of the good
And sorrow in the hearts of the white and warped
١٧. مَسَرَّةٌ في قُلوبِ الطيبِ مَفرِقُها
وَحَسرَةٌ في قُلوبِ البَيضِ وَاليَلَبِ
18. When the wearer of her veil saw her, he saw
The veils higher than him in stature
١٨. إِذا رَأى وَرَآها رَأسَ لابِسِهِ
رَأى المَقانِعَ أَعلى مِنهُ في الرُتَبِ
19. And if she was created female, she was nevertheless created
Generous - not female in mind and lineage
١٩. وَإِن تَكُن خُلِقَت أُنثى لَقَد خُلِقَت
كَريمَةً غَيرَ أُنثى العَقلِ وَالحَسَبِ
20. And if she surpassed the masters in nature
Then wine has a quality grapes do not encompass
٢٠. وَإِن تَكُن تَغلِبُ الغَلباءُ عُنصُرَها
فَإِنَّ في الخَمرِ مَعنىً لَيسَ في العِنَبِ
21. If only she who sees the two suns would disappear
And she who does not see them had not disappeared
٢١. فَلَيتَ طالِعَةَ الشَمسَينِ غائِبَةٌ
وَلَيتَ غائِبَةَ الشَمسَينِ لَم تَغِبِ
22. And that the eye darkness fell for
Was ransom for the eye that faded and did not return
٢٢. وَلَيتَ عَينَ الَّتي آبَ النَهارُ بِها
فِداءُ عَينِ الَّتي زالَت وَلَم تَؤُبِ
23. So neither the ruby wore something resembling her
Nor did agates wear indian carnelian
٢٣. فَما تَقَلَّدَ بِالياقوتِ مُشبِهُها
وَلا تَقَلَّدَ بِالهِندِيَّةِ القُضُبِ
24. And whenever I mentioned any of her works
I cried, for there is no platonic love without a reason
٢٤. وَلا ذَكَرتُ جَميلاً مِن صَنائِعِها
إِلّا بَكَيتُ وَلا وُدٌّ بِلا سَبَبِ
25. Every veil before seeing her was not enough for her, O land, as covers
Nor did the eyes of mankind perceive her
٢٥. قَد كانَ كُلُّ حِجابٍ دونَ رُؤيَتِها
فَما قَنِعتِ لَها يا أَرضُ بِالحُجُبِ
26. So were you envious of her, O eyes of elders?
And have you (land) heard a greeting that pained her?
٢٦. وَلا رَأَيتِ عُيونَ الإِنسِ تُدرِكُها
فَهَل حَسَدتِ عَلَيها أَعيُنَ الشُهُبِ
27. For I have been sleepless, and not rested a bit
And how can our dying, that was buried, reach her
٢٧. وَهَل سَمِعتِ سَلاماً لي أَلَمَّ بِها
فَقَد أَطَلتُ وَما سَلَّمتُ مِن كَثَبِ
28. When the absent struggle to reach even those alive?
O best of patience, visit the hearts most deserving of her
٢٨. وَكَيفَ يَبلُغُ مَوتانا الَّتي دُفِنَت
وَقَد يُقَصِّرُ عَن أَحيائِنا الغَيَبِ
29. And say to their companions: O most beneficial clouds
And O people of merit! Without excluding anyone
٢٩. يا أَحسَنَ الصَبرِ زُر أَولى القُلوبِ بِها
وَقُل لِصاحِبِهِ يا أَنفَعَ السُحُبِ
30. From all the other meritorious people except your noble fathers
Time made your symbol one in two bodies
٣٠. وَأَكرَمَ الناسِ لا مُستَثنِياً أَحَداً
مِنَ الكِرامِ سِوى آبائِكَ النُجُبِ
31. And the evanescence of their pearls ransomed by gold lasted
And the one seeking the abandoned has returned
٣١. قَد كانَ قاسَمَكَ الشَخصَينِ دَهرُهُما
وَعاشَ دُرُّهُما المَفديُّ بِالذَهَبِ
32. We forget while days keep seeking
However short the time between them was
٣٢. وَعادَ في طَلَبِ المَتروكِ تارِكُهُ
إِنّا لَنَغفُلُ وَالأَيّامُ في الطَلَبِ
33. It was as if the time between flowers and branches
May your Lord reward your sorrows with forgiveness
٣٣. ماكانَ أَقصَرَ وَقتاً كانَ بَينَهُما
كَأَنَّهُ الوَقتُ بَينَ الوِردِ وَالقَرَبِ
34. For the sorrow of every grieving brother is the sorrow of rage
While you are people whose souls are ardent
٣٤. جَزاكَ رَبُّكَ بِالأَحزانِ مَغفِرَةً
فَحُزنُ كُلِّ أَخي حُزنٍ أَخو الغَضَبِ
35. With what He bestows rather than with what He deprives
You have attained amongst all kings
٣٥. وَأَنتُمُ نَفَرٌ تَسخو نُفوسُكُمُ
بِما يَهَبنَ وَلا يَسخونَ بِالسَلَبِ
36. The status of the brown liquor from all other chaffs
So may nights not wear you down, though their hands
٣٦. حَلَلتُمُ مِن مُلوكِ الناسِ كُلِّهِمِ
مَحَلَّ سُمرِ القَنا مِن سائِرِ القَصَبِ
37. If they tap, they'd break the spring with departure
Nor may they support an enemy whom you subdue
٣٧. فَلا تَنَلكَ اللَيالي إِنَّ أَيدِيَها
إِذا ضَرَبنَ كَسَرنَ النَبعَ بِالغَرَبِ
38. For they deter the falcon with ruins
If they were joyed by a beloved then saddened for his sake
٣٨. وَلا يُعِنَّ عَدُوّاً أَنتَ قاهِرُهُ
فَإِنَّهُنَّ يَصِدنَ الصَقرَ بِالخَرَبِ
39. They have surprised you equally in both states
And maybe one assumes he has attained their limits
٣٩. وَإِن سَرَرنَ بِمَحبوبٍ فَجَعنَ بِهِ
وَقَد أَتَينَكَ في الحالَينِ بِالعَجَبِ
40. Only to be struck by an unforeseen matter
And none has fulfilled his wishes regarding them
٤٠. وَرُبَّما اِحتَسَبَ الإِنسانُ غايَتَها
وَفاجَأَتهُ بِأَمرٍ غَيرِ مُحتَسَبِ
41. Or reached a time limit save another
People dispute amongst each other, without agreeing
٤١. وَما قَضى أَحَدٌ مِنها لُبانَتَهُ
وَلا اِنتَهى أَرَبٌ إِلّا إِلى أَرَبِ
42. Except on pleas of the apology, disputing even pleas
So it was said: "the soul of a human is salvaged safely"
٤٢. تَخالَفَ الناسُ حَتّى لا اِتِّفاقَ لَهُم
إِلّا عَلى شَجَبٍ وَالخُلفُ في الشَجَبِ
43. And it was said: "the human body shares in the spoils"
He who contemplates life and its blend
٤٣. فَقيلَ تَخلُصُ نَفسُ المَرءِ سالِمَةً
وَقيلَ تَشرَكُ جِسمَ المَرءِ في العَطَبِ
44. Is rendered by thought between frustration and fatigue
٤٤. وَمَن تَفَكَّرَ في الدُنيا وَمُهجَتِهِ
أَقامَهُ الفِكرُ بَينَ العَجزِ وَالتَعَبِ