1. My excuse, from the excuses of affairs
That settled my feelings instead of sadness
١. عَذيري مِن عَذارى مِن أُمورِ
سَكَنَّ جَوانِحي بَدَلَ الخُدورِ
2. And smiles of aroused beauties of an age
Not from swords but from the frontiers
٢. وَمُبتَسِماتِ هَيجاواتِ عَصرٍ
عَنِ الأَسيافِ لَيسَ عَنِ الثُغورِ
3. I rode determined, my feet towards it
And every slender-waisted restless ostrich
٣. رَكِبتُ مُشَمِّراً قَدَمي إِلَيها
وَكُلَّ عُذافِرٍ قَلِقِ الضُفورِ
4. Sometimes in the houses of nomads is my baggage
And sometimes on the camel's saddle
٤. أَواناً في بُيوتِ البَدوِ رَحلي
وَآوِنَةً عَلى قَتَدِ البَعيرِ
5. I expose my soft neck to the spears
And set free my face to the winds
٥. أُعَرِّضُ لِلرِماحِ الصُمِّ نَحري
وَأَنصِبُ حُرَّ وَجهي لِلهَجيرِ
6. And travel in the darkness of night alone
As if I, because of it, am in an illuminated moon
٦. وَأَسري في ظَلامِ اللَيلِ وَحدي
كَأَنّي مِنهُ في قَمَرٍ مُنيرِ
7. Say about a need I did not fulfill
Quenching my passion for it or little sleep
٧. فَقُل في حاجَةٍ لَم أَقضِ مِنها
عَلى شَغَفي بِها شَروى نَقيرِ
8. And a soul that does not respond to a villain
And an eye that does not glance at a counterpart
٨. وَنَفسٍ لا تُجيبُ إِلى خَسيسِ
وَعَينٍ لا تُدارُ عَلى نَظيرِ
9. And a palm that does not dispute he who came to me
Disputing me other than my honor and goodness
٩. وَكَفٍّ لا تُنازِعُ مَن أَتاني
يُنازِعُني سِوى شَرَفي وَخَيري
10. And few supporters, You sufficed me
With evil from You, O evil of eras
١٠. وَقِلَّةِ ناصِرٍ جوزيتَ عَنّي
بِشَرٍّ مِنكَ يا شَرَّ الدُهورِ
11. My enemy is everything in you, even
If I envied the protected, swollen chests
١١. عَدُوّي كُلُّ شَيءٍ فيكَ حَتّى
لَخِلتُ الأُكمَ موغَرَةَ الصُدورِ
12. If I were envied over my soul
You would find with it the successful finder
١٢. فَلَو أَنّي حُسِدتُ عَلى نَفيسٍ
لَجُدتَ بِهِ لِذي الجَدِّ العَثورِ
13. But I am envied over my life
And what is the good of life without joy
١٣. وَلَكِنّي حُسِدتُ عَلى حَياتي
وَما خَيرُ الحَياةِ بِلا سُرورِ
14. So O son of Karawwas, O half blind
And if you are proud, O half sighted
١٤. فَيا اِبنَ كَرَوَّسٍ يا نِصفَ أَعمى
وَإِن تَفخَر فَيا نِصفَ البَصيرِ
15. You oppose us because we are not docile
And hate us because we are not one-eyed
١٥. تُعادينا لِأَنّا غَيرُ لُكنٍ
وَتُبغِضُنا لِأَنّا غَيرُ عورِ
16. If you were a man who was satirized as we satirize
But a coward fell short of proceeding
١٦. فَلَو كُنتَ اِمرَأً يُهجى هَجَونا
وَلَكِن ضاقَ فِترٌ عَن مَسيرِ