1. The ships of loved ones, truly the tears
Flow down the cheeks like flowing torrents
١. أَرَكائِبَ الأَحبابِ إِنَّ الأَدمُعا
تَطِسُ الخُدُودَ كَما تَطِسنَ اليَرمَعا
2. So recognize who has set you against me
And walk gently in times of affliction and submission
٢. فَاِعرِفنَ مَن حَمَلَت عَلَيكُنَّ النَوى
وَاِمشينَ هَوناً في الأَزِمَّةِ خُضَّعا
3. Shyness used to prevent me from crying
Today, crying prevents it from preventing
٣. قَد كانَ يَمنَعُني الحَياءُ مِنَ البُكا
فَاليَومَ يَمنَعُهُ البُكا أَن يَمنَعا
4. It is as if every bone has a lament
In its skin and every vein a tear
٤. حَتّى كَأَنَّ لِكُلِّ عَظمٍ رَنَّةً
في جِلدِهِ وَلِكُلِّ عِرقٍ مَدمَعا
5. It is enough that one who exposed secrets openly
Betrayed his lover and my death with death
٥. وَكَفى بِمَن فَضَحَ الجَدايَةَ فاضِحاً
لِمُحِبِّهِ وَبِمَصرَعي ذا مَصرَعا
6. She traveled and absence made her sallow
Concealing her eyelids without kohl
٦. سَفَرَت وَبَرقَعَها الفِراقُ بِصُفرَةٍ
سَتَرَت مَحاجِرَها وَلَم تَكُ بُرقُعا
7. As if she were gold with pearls streaming down her
Adorned with threaded strands of pearls
٧. فَكَأَنَّها وَالدَمعُ يَقطُرُ فَوقَها
ذَهَبٌ بِسِمطى لُؤلُؤٍ قَد رُصِّعا
8. She revealed three braids of her hair
In one night so I saw four nights
٨. كَشَفَت ثَلاثَ ذَوائِبٍ مِن شَعرِها
في لَيلَةٍ فَأَرَت لَيالِيَ أَربَعا
9. She turned her face to the moon in the sky
Showing me two moons at the same time
٩. وَاِستَقبَلَت قَمَرَ السَماءِ بِوَجهِها
فَأَرَتنِيَ القَمَرَينِ في وَقتٍ مَعا
10. Return the union that gave drink to your long separation
If your union were like it would not fade
١٠. رُدّي الوِصالَ سَقى طُلولَكِ عارِضٌ
لَو كانَ وَصلُكِ مِثلَهُ ما أَقشَعا
11. A man who shows you the atmosphere as fire and salt
As a meadow, green like the sea and hills
١١. زَجَلٌ يُريكِ الجَوَّ ناراً وَالمَلا
كَالبَحرِ وَالتَلَعاتِ رَوضاً مُمرِعا
12. Like the meadows of Abdul Waheed, so green
Who gives drink and safety to whom he wills, and terror
١٢. كَبَنانِ عَبدِ الواحِدِ الغَدَقِ الَّذي
أَروى وَآمَنَ مَن يَشاءُ وَأَفزَعا
13. He mastered manliness from when he was born
As if he was fed as a suckling milk mixed with frankincense
١٣. أَلِفَ المُروءَةَ مُذ نَشا فَكَأَنَّهُ
سُقِيَ اللِبانَ بِها صَبِيّاً مُرضَعا
14. His virtues were threaded onto him like amulets
So he got used to them and when they fell he panicked
١٤. نُظِمَت مَواهِبُهُ عَلَيهِ تَمائِما
فَاِعتادَها فَإِذا سَقَطنَ تَفَزَّعا
15. He left arts shining like meteors
And sublime deeds spread open like banners
١٥. تَرَكَ الصَنائِعَ كَالقَواطِعِ بارِقا
تٍ وَالمَعالِيَ كَالعَوالِيَ شُرَّعا
16. Smiling at his chastity instead of something clearly shameful
His splendors overwhelm the gleaming lightnings
١٦. مُتَبَسِّماً لِعُفاتِهِ عَن واضِحٍ
تَغشى لَوامِعُهُ البُروقَ اللُمَّعا
17. Baring his weapons instead of tyranny
If its shoulder shook the heavens it would shake them
١٧. مُتَكَشِّفاً لِعُداتِهِ عَن سَطوَةٍ
لَو حَكَّ مَنكِبُها السَماءَ لَزَعزَعا
18. The resolute, vigilant, daring, knowledgeable, discerning
Quick-witted, pleasant, delightful, outstanding one
١٨. الحازِمَ اليَقِظَ الأَغَرَّ العالِمَ ال
فَطِنَ الأَلَدَّ الأَريَحِيَّ الأَروَعا
19. The elegant, eloquent, generous, ingenious writer
Of pleasant company, the excellent debater
١٩. الكاتِبَ اللَبِقَ الخَطيبَ الواهِبَ ال
نَدُسَ اللَبيبَ الهِبرِزِيَّ المِصقَعا
20. A soul whose nature is that of time, for
It destroys souls and divides what is joined
٢٠. نَفسٌ لَها خُلُقُ الزَمانِ لِأَنَّهُ
مُفني النُفوسِ مُفَرِّقٌ ما جَمَّعا
21. And a hand whose generosity is that of clouds, for
It gives drink to dwellings and barren land
٢١. وَيَدٌ لَها كَرَمُ الغَمامِ لِأَنَّهُ
يَسقي العِمارَةَ وَالمَكانَ البَلقَعا
22. He forever reconciles and restores
An abundant clan and brings together a split one
٢٢. أَبَداً يُصَدِّعُ شَعبَ وَفرٍ وافِرِ
وَيَلُمُّ شَعبَ مَكارِمٍ مُتَصَدِّعا
23. He trembles with resolve like a bent spear
Shook by hope one day and awareness another day
٢٣. يَهتَزُّ لِلجَدوى اِهتِزازَ مُهَنَّدٍ
يَومَ الرَجاءِ هَزَزتَهُ يَومَ الوَعى
24. O you who sing the hopes of the destitute with your presence
And whose prayer after prayers when you pray
٢٤. يا مُغنِياً أَمَلَ الفَقيرِ لِقائُهُ
وَدُعائُهُ بَعدَ الصَلاةِ إِذا دَعا
25. You fell short and were not stingy, you fulfilled your duty
And reached where the stars wander in groups of four
٢٥. أَقصِر وَلَستَ بِمُقسِرٍ جُزتَ المَدى
وَبَلَغتَ حَيثُ النَجمُ تَحتَكَ فَاِربَعا
26. And attained positions of glorious deeds
That neither of the two precious ones attained
٢٦. وَحَلَلتَ مِن شَرَفِ الفَعالِ مَواضِعاً
لَم يَحلُلِ الثَقَلانِ مِنها مَوضِعا
27. And contained their superiority - none aspired
To it, nor aspired that he would aspire
٢٧. وَحَوَيتَ فَضلَهُما وَما طَمِعَ اِمرُؤٌ
فيهِ وَلا طَمِعَ اِمرُؤٌ أَن يَطمَعا
28. Fate carried out what you wanted as if
It were yours - whatever thing you intended was intended
٢٨. نَفَذَ القَضاءُ بِما أَرَدتَ كَأَنَّهُ
لَكَ كُلَّما أَزمَعتَ شَيئاً أَزمَعا
29. And defiant time obeyed you as if it
Were a slave, responding quickly when you called
٢٩. وَأَطاعَكَ الدَهرُ العَصِيُّ كَأَنَّهُ
عَبدٌ إِذا نادَيتَ لَبّى مُسرِعا
30. Your glories surpassed glories and recoiled
From competing with them, my eulogy's journey failed
٣٠. أَكَلَت مَفاخِرُكَ المَفاخِرَ وَاِنثَنَت
عَن شَأوِهِنَّ مَطِيُّ وَصفي ظُلَّعا
31. And they flowed like the course of the sun in its orbits
Cutting short its setting and overtaking its rising
٣١. وَجَرَينَ مَجرى الشَمسِ في أَفلاكِها
فَقَطَعنَ مَغرِبَها وَجُزنَ المَطلَعا
32. If the world were adjoined by another like it
It would encompass it and fear it would not suffice
٣٢. لَو نيطَتِ الدُنيا بِأُخرى مِثلِها
لَعَمَمنَها وَخَشينَ أَن لا تَقنَعا
33. So when can someone who claims superiority over this be denied
And Allah bears witness that the claim is true?
٣٣. فَمَتى يُكَذَّبُ مُدَّعٍ لَكَ فَوقَ ذا
وَاللَهُ يَشهَدُ أَنَّ حَقّاً ما اِدَّعى
34. And when can a speaker fully describe your condition
If he keeps safe the little, the pittance, of what was squandered?
٣٤. وَمَتى يُؤَدّي شَرحَ حالِكَ ناطِقٌ
حَفِظَ القَليلَ النَزرَ مِمّا ضَيَّعا
35. If one calls a young man thus
Name the people as birds with one finger
٣٥. إِن كانَ لا يُدعى الفَتى إِلّا كَذا
رَجُلاً فَسَمِّ الناسَ طُرّاً إِصبَعا
36. If a glorious one only strives for generosity thus
Then rain is more stingy than one who strived
٣٦. إِن كانَ لا يَسعى لِجودٍ ماجِدٌ
إِلّا كَذا فَالغَيثُ أَبخَلُ مَن سَعى
37. Al-‘Abbas left you his mantle my son
A sight for us until the final days and hearing
٣٧. قَد خَلَّفَ العَبّاسُ غُرَّتَكَ اِبنَهُ
مَرأىً لَنا وَإِلى القِيامَةِ مَسمَعا