
My preoccupation from the quarters is to ask about them

شغلي عن الربع أن أسائله

1. My preoccupation from the quarters is to ask about them
And to prolong weeping in their presence

١. شغْلي عن الرّبع أن أُسائلَه
وأن أطيلَ البُكاء في خَلَقِهْ

2. With prison, shackles, iron and what
Would be removed at the time of standing from its ring

٢. بالسجن والقيد والحديد وما
يُنقضُ عند القيام من حلَقِهْ

3. In every thieves when I was alone with him
He talked about his unbelief and about his theft

٣. في كل لصٍّ إذا خلوتُ به
حدَّث عن جحده وعن سرَقِهْ

4. If his leg was created like his worry
Then he would have surpassed the spies in their speed

٤. لو خُلقت رجله كهامته
إذاً لبارى البُزاةَ في طلَقِهْ

5. I changed his neighbors and his afflictions
In the line of the prince's palm from his paper

٥. بدّلت جيرانه وبِلْيته
في خطّ كفّ الأمير من ورَقِهْ

6. O the honorable master, Abu Al-Abbas, and the one seeking refuge from his wrath
I mean the prince, who by his awe

٦. يا أيها السيد الهمام أبا ال
عباس والمستعاذُ من حَنَقِهْ

7. The heart of the infant flutters in its wrap
The one who shows justice among his subjects

٧. أعني الأمير الذي لهيبته
يخفق قلب الرضيع في خِرَقِهْ

8. And the transgressor, his patience on his annoyance
When I examined him, I saw for him

٨. المظهر العدل في رعيته
والمعتدى حلمه على نزقِهْ

9. Glories in which attributes go astray in its ways
I looked from his nature to the king

٩. لما تأملته رأيت له
مجداً تضلُّ الصفات في طرقِهْ

10. Protectors of Damascus frown from his ethics
If you do not see his bloodshed with his power

١٠. نظرت من طبعه إلى ملك
يغضى حماة الشآم من خُلُقِهْ

11. The blood of both worlds would be in his neck
O you when the imam denied through him

١١. لو ما ترى سفكه بقدرته
كان دم العالمين في عنقِهْ

12. All the people died of his separation
Every day he moves to a work

١٢. يا من إذا استنكر الإمام به
مات جميع الأنام من فرقِهْ

13. In an army that is seen only its pupils
The ground burns from his lightnings

١٣. في كل يوم يسرى إلى عملٍ
في عسكر لا يُرى سوى حدقِهْ

14. Fire, and the swords shine from his armors
The heat has affected his beauty

١٤. تشتعل الأرض من بوارقه
ناراً وتنبو السيوف عن درَقِهْ

15. And the smell of musk has come out from his sweat
It is as if the sun has not visited a country

١٥. قد أثّر القيظ في محاسنه
وفاح ريح العبير من عرقِهْ

16. In the land except you have risen on its horizon
Oh owner of the Emir, in the man

١٦. كأنّما الشمس لم تزر بلداً
في الأرض إلّا طلعتَ في أُفُقِهْ

17. Nothing remained of his body but his breath
How much the light of dawn hoped for you tomorrow

١٧. اللَه يا ذا الأمير في رجل
لم تبق من جسمه سوى رمقِهْ

18. And the wing of night called upon you in its darkness
He called upon you from a whirlpool to save him

١٨. كم ضوء صبح رجاك في غده
وجنح ليل دعاك في غَسقِهْ

19. From drowning, of which he does not doubt in his drowning

١٩. ناداك من لجّة لتنقذه
من بعد مالا يشكُّ في غرقِهْ