
In cheek decided the mixture to depart

في الخد أن عزم الخليط رحيلا

1. In cheek decided the mixture to depart
A rain you increase with cheeks more beautiful

١. في الخَدِّ أَن عَزَمَ الخَليطُ رَحيلاً
مَطَرٌ تَزيدُ بِهِ الخُدُودُ مُحولا

2. Oh a look denied sleep and left
In my heart's cheek what revived embers

٢. يا نَظرَةً نَفَتِ الرُقادَ وَغادَرَت
في حَدِّ قَلبي ما حَيِيتُ فُلولا

3. My questions were only from kohl
My life imagined in my heart distracted

٣. كانَت مِنَ الكَحلاءِ سُؤلي إِنَّما
أَجَلي تَمَثَّلَ في فُؤادي سولا

4. I find grace except you gallantry
And patience except your coquetry beautiful

٤. أَجِدُ الجَفاءَ عَلى سِواكِ مُروءَةً
وَالصَبرَ إِلّا في نَواكِ جَميلا

5. And I see your much coquetry lovely
And I see a little coquetry boring

٥. وَأَرى تَدَلُّلَكِ الكَثيرَ مُحَبَّباً
وَأَرى قَليلَ تَدَلُّلٍ مَملولا

6. You complain of your spirited mare above her
A complaint that found your love presumptuous

٦. تَشكو رَوادِفَكِ المَطِيَّةَ فَوقَها
شَكوى الَّتي وَجَدَت هَواكَ دَخيلا

7. And the pulling of her bridle taunts me
So loosen her to you like a suitor seeking a kiss

٧. وَيُعيرُني جَذبُ الزِمامِ لِقَلبِها
فَمَها إِلَيكِ كَطالِبٍ تَقبيلا

8. The gazes of beasts glared at me
The day we parted raging and burning

٨. حَدَقُ الحِسانِ مِنَ الغَواني هِجنَ لي
يَومَ الفِراقِ صَبابَةً وَغَليلا

9. A gaze that dims other killers beside it
Badr son of Ammar son of Ismael

٩. حَدَقٌ يُذِمُّ مِنَ القَواتِلِ غَيرَها
بَدرُ بنُ عَمّارِ بنِ إِسماعيلا

10. Dispelling distresses with its like
And leaving the mighty king humiliated

١٠. الفارِجُ الكُرَبَ العِظامَ بِمِثلِها
وَالتارِكُ المَلِكَ العَزيزَ ذَليلا

11. A judgment when the adversary delays with his debt
It makes the sword with what it wants guarantor

١١. مَحِكٌ إِذا مَطَلَ الغَريمُ بِدَينِهِ
جَعَلَ الحُسامَ بِما أَرادَ كَفيلا

12. A utterance when speech sheds its wrap
It gives hearts with its speech minds

١٢. نَطِقٌ إِذا حَطَّ الكَلامُ لِثامَهُ
أَعطى بِمَنطِقِهِ القُلوبَ عُقولا

13. Lavishness exceeded time so he was lavish with it
And time can through it be stingy

١٣. أَعدى الزَمانَ سَخاؤُهُ فَسَخا بِهِ
وَلَقَد يَكونُ بِهِ الزَمانُ بَخيلا

14. As if lightning in the bosom of clouds
Indian in his palm unsheathed

١٤. وَكَأَنَّ بَرقاً في مُتونِ غَمامَةٍ
هِندِيُّهُ في كَفِّهِ مَسلولا

15. And the place of his pillar pours gifts
If they were a flood they would not find an outlet

١٥. وَمَحَلُّ قائِمِهِ يَسيلُ مَواهِباً
لَو كُنَّ سَيلاً ما وَجَدنَ مَسيلا

16. His tent pegs so they are as though
They show from loving necks convulsed

١٦. رَقَّت مَضارِبُهُ فَهُنَّ كَأَنَّما
يُبدينَ مِن عِشقِ الرِقابِ نُحولا

17. Did you crack the lion cub's whip
For whom did you save the polished sword

١٧. أَمُعَفِّرَ اللَيثِ الهِزَبرِ بِسَوطِهِ
لِمَنِ اِدَّخَرتَ الصارِمَ المَصقولا

18. There fell upon the Jordan through him an affliction
With which the zealots' resolves collapsed

١٨. وَقَعَت عَلى الأُردُنِّ مِنهُ بَلِيَّةٌ
نُضِدَت بِها هامُ الرِفاقِ تُلولا

19. A lion when he comes to drink at the well
And the Euphrates his roar and the Nile

١٩. وَردٌ إِذا وَرَدَ البُحَيرَةَ شارِباً
وَرَدَ الفُراتَ زَئيرُهُ وَالنيلا

20. Dyed with the blood of knights wearing
In his twisting from his sides twisting

٢٠. مُتَخَضِّبٌ بِدَمِ الفَوارِسِ لابِسٌ
في غيلِهِ مِن لِبدَتَيهِ غيلا

21. His eyes were not met but were thought
Under darkness the fire of separation lodged

٢١. ما قوبِلَت عَيناهُ إِلّا ظُنَّتا
تَحتَ الدُجى نارَ الفَريقِ حُلولا

22. In the seclusion of monks but he
Knows no prohibition nor permissibility

٢٢. في وَحدَةِ الرُهبانِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
لا يَعرِفُ التَحريمَ وَالتَحليلا

23. He walks on land gently in his wanderings
As if a staff feeling out an invalid

٢٣. يَطَءُ الثَرى مُتَرَفِّقاً مِن تيهِهِ
فَكَأَنَّهُ آسٍ يَجُسُّ عَليلا

24. And he returns his disheveled hair to his temples
Until it becomes for his head a wreath

٢٤. وَيَرُدُّ عُفرَتَهُ إِلى يافوخِهِ
حَتّى تَصيرَ لِرَأسِهِ إِكليلا

25. And you would think from his snarling self
He is preoccupied with the intensity of his rage

٢٥. وَتَظُنُّهُ مِمّا يُزَمجِرُ نَفسُهُ
عَنها لِشِدَّةِ غَيظِهِ مَشغولا

26. His fear shortened his steps so it is as though
He rode his camel kneeled

٢٦. قَصَرَت مَخافَتُهُ الخُطى فَكَأَنَّما
رَكِبَ الكَمِيُّ جَوادَهُ مَشكولا

27. He threw down his prey and pounced without it
And approached a relation making him dependent

٢٧. أَلقى فَريسَتَهُ وَبَربَرَ دونَها
وَقَرُبتَ قُرباً خالَهُ تَطفيلا

28. So the two natures resembled in his audacity
And differed in enjoying that edible

٢٨. فَتَشابَهُ الخُلُقانِ في إِقدامِهِ
وَتَخالَفا في بَذلِكَ المَأكولا

29. A lion seeing in you his two kidneys
A prey pulled down and an arm unstrung

٢٩. أَسَدٌ يَرى عُضوَيهِ فيكَ كِلَيهِما
مَتناً أَزَلَّ وَساعِداً مَفتولا

30. In the saddlebags of a bleary-eyed sly one a heap
Whose uniqueness it refuses to be an example

٣٠. في سَرجِ ظامِئَةِ الفُصوصِ طِمِرَّةٍ
يَأبى تَفَرُّدُها لَها التَمثيلا

31. A drinking vessel of requests if not for
Giving room for its cup it would not be filled

٣١. نَيّالَةِ الطَلَباتِ لَولا أَنَّها
تُعطي مَكانَ لِجامِها ما نيلا

32. Its conversations grow limp when you recall them
And its bridle is thought to be loosened

٣٢. تَندى سَوالِفُها إِذا اِستَحضَرتَها
وَيُظَنَّ عَقدُ عِنانِها مَحلولا

33. He never stopped gathering himself in his cunning
Until you thought the width was the length

٣٣. ما زالَ يَجمَعُ نَفسَهُ في زَورِهِ
حَتّى حَسِبتَ العَرضَ مِنهُ الطولا

34. And he pounds rocks with his chest as though he
Seeks a way to what is in the abyss

٣٤. وَيَدُقُّ بِالصَدرِ الحِجارَ كَأَنَّهُ
يَبغي إِلى ما في الحَضيضِ سَبيلا

35. And as if an eye tempted him so he drew near
Not seeing the lofty, momentous peril

٣٥. وَكَأَنَّهُ غَرَّتهُ عَينٌ فَاِدَّنى
لا يُبصِرُ الخَطبَ الجَليلَ جَليلا

36. The noble's nose is above baseness
In his eye the many are few

٣٦. أَنَفُ الكَريمِ مِنَ الدَنِيَّةِ تارِكٌ
في عَينِهِ العَدَدَ الكَثيرَ قَليلا

37. And shame stings but is not fearful
Of his doom from whoever feared what was said

٣٧. وَالعارُ مَضّاضٌ وَلَيسَ بِخائِفٍ
مِن حَتفِهِ مَن خافَ مِمّا قيلا

38. He preceded meeting you with the leap of an assailant
If he did not clash with you he would have passed you by a mile

٣٨. سَبَقَ اِلتِقاءَكَهُ بِوَثبَةِ هاجِمٍ
لَو لَم تُصادِمُهُ لَجازَكَ ميلا

39. His strength betrayed him though he struggled with you
So he sought aid in surrender and humility

٣٩. خَذَلَتهُ قُوَّتُهُ وَقَد كافَحتَهُ
فَاِستَنصَرَ التَسليمَ وَالتَجديلا

40. His death grasped his hands and neck
So it was as if you met him fettered

٤٠. قَبَضَت مَنِيَّتُهُ يَدَيهِ وَعُنقَهُ
فَكَأَنَّما صادَفتَهُ مَغلولا

41. The son of his paternal aunt heard of him and his state
So he escaped fleeing terrified from you yesterday

٤١. سَمِعَ اِبنُ عَمَّتِهي بِهِ وَبِحالِهِ
فَنَجا يُهَروِلُ مِنكَ أَمسِ مَهولا

42. And more bitter than his fleeing what he fled from
Is that he did not die a victim

٤٢. وَأَمَرُّ مِمّا فَرَّ مِنهُ فِرارُهُ
وَكَقَتلِهِ أَن لا يَموتَ قَتيلا

43. Lost is he who took insolence as a trait
And counseled he who took flight as a friend

٤٣. تَلَفُ الَّذي اِتَّخَذَ الجَراءَةَ خُلَّةً
وَعَظَ الَّذي اِتَّخَذَ الفِرارَ خَليلا

44. If your knowledge of God was apportioned
Among people God would not have sent a messenger

٤٤. لَو كانَ عِلمُكَ بِالإِلَهِ مُقَسَّماً
في الناسِ ما بَعَثَ الإِلَهُ رَسولا

45. If your words to them were what God sent down not
The Qur'an, Torah and Bible

٤٥. لَو كانَ لَفظُكَ فيهِمِ ما أَنزَلَ ال
قُرآنَ وَالتَوراةَ وَالإِنجيلا

46. If what you give them before you give
They would not have known delay

٤٦. لَو كانَ ما تُعطِيهِمِ مِن قَبلِ أَن
تُعطِيهِمِ لَم يَعرِفوا التَأميلا

47. So you were known but not known truly
And you were unknown but not dim

٤٧. فَلَقَد عُرِفتَ وَما عُرِفتَ حَقيقَةً
وَلَقَد جُهِلتَ وَما جُهِلتَ خُمولا

48. Your adversities the doves sing of
And what you torment the steeds with neighs

٤٨. نَطَقَت بِسُؤدُدِكَ الحَمامُ تَغَنِّياً
وَبِما تُجَشِّمُها الجِيادُ صَهيلا

49. Not all who sought the heights striving
In them and not all men are gallant

٤٩. ما كُلُّ مَن طَلَبَ المَعالِيَ نافِذاً
فيها وَلا كُلُّ الرِجالِ فُحولا