1. They said to us Isaac died so I said to them
This is the remedy that cures folly
١. قالوا لَنا ماتَ إِسحاقُ فَقُلتُ لَهُم
هَذا الدَواءُ الَّذي يَشفي مِنَ الحُمُقِ
2. If he died he died without loss or regret
Or if he lived he lived without morals or manners
٢. إِن ماتَ ماتَ بِلا فَقدٍ وَلا أَسَفٍ
أَو عاشَ عاشَ بِلا خَلقٍ وَلا خُلُقِ
3. From him a slave learned to hold his head high
Betrayed a friend and slipped treachery into intimacy
٣. مِنهُ تَعَلَّمَ عَبدٌ شَقَّ هامَتَهُ
خَونَ الصَديقِ وَدَسَّ الغَدرِ في المَلَقِ
4. And swore a thousand dishonest oaths
Cast off like spear tips in battle
٤. وَحَلفَ أَلفِ يَمينٍ غَيرَ صادِقَةٍ
مَطرودَةٍ كَكُعوبِ الرُمحِ في نَسَقِ
5. I've always known him to be an ape without a tail
Empty of valor, full of greed
٥. ما زِلتُ أَعرِفُهُ قِرداً بِلا ذَنَبٍ
صِفراً مِنَ البَأسِ مَملوءًا مِنَ النَزَقِ
6. Like a feather in the wind, falling
Never settling in one state of restlessness
٦. كَريشَةٍ بِمَهَبِّ الريحِ ساقِطَةٍ
لا تَستَقِرُّ عَلى حالٍ مِنَ القَلَقِ
7. His palms engulf his cheeks, and his shoulders
Cloaked in the stench of his sweaty socks
٧. تَستَغرِقُ الكَفُّ فَودَيهِ وَمَنكِبَهُ
وَتَكتَسي مِنهُ ريحَ الجَورَبِ العَرِقِ
8. So ask his murderers how he died for them
Whether by blows or ripped limb from limb
٨. فَسائِلوا قاتِليهِ كَيفَ ماتَ لَهُم
مَوتاً مِنَ الضَربِ أَو مَوتاً مِنَ الفَرَقِ
9. And where the sword struck that specter
With neither head nor body nor neck
٩. وَأَينَ مَوقِعُ حَدِّ السَيفِ مِن شَبَحٍ
بِغَيرِ رَأسٍ وَلا جِسمٍ وَلا عُنُقِ
10. If not for villains and some resemblance
He'd be an infant wrapped in rags
١٠. لَولا اللِئامُ وَشَيءٌ مِن مُشابَهَةٍ
لَكانَ أَلأَمَ طِفلٍ لُفَّ في خِرَقِ
11. His talk bothered many who saw him
Grating on ears and eyes alike
١١. كَلامُ أَكثَرِ مَن تَلقى وَمَنظَرُهُ
مِمّا يَشُقُّ عَلى الآذانِ وَالحَدَقِ