
With it and its like the ranks were cloven,

به وبمثله شق الصفوف

1. With it and its like the ranks were cloven,
And from its wielder fled the cravens.

١. بِهِ وَبِمِثلِهِ شُقَّ الصُفوفُ
وَزَلَّت عَن مُباشِرِهِ الحُتوفُ

2. So leave it, a boon thou'lt be of generous strain
Whose tongues and swords all perils brave and face.

٢. فَدَعهُ لَقىً فَإِنَّكَ مِن كِرامٍ
جَواشِنُها الأَسِنَّةُ وَالسُيوفُ