
Parting, and the one I parted from was not disgraced

فراق ومن فارقت غير مذمم

1. Parting, and the one I parted from was not disgraced
A mother, and the one I hoped for was best to hope for

١. فِراقٌ وَمَن فارَقتُ غَيرُ مُذَمَّمِ
وَأَمٌّ وَمَن يَمَّمتُ خَيرُ مُيَمَّمِ

2. And the abode of pleasures is not in my view a place
If I am not esteemed there and honored

٢. وَما مَنزِلُ اللَذّاتِ عِندي بِمَنزِلٍ
إِذا لَم أُبَجَّل عِندَهُ وَأُكَرَّمِ

3. The nature of a soul that does not cease to be beautiful
Despite being cast by injustice upon every ungenerous one

٣. سَجِيَّةُ نَفسٍ ما تَزالُ مُليحَةً
مِنَ الضَيمِ مَرمِيّاً بِها كُلُّ مَخرَمِ

4. I traveled, so how many tearful ones for my eyelids
And how many tearful ones for the eyelids of Dhaygham

٤. رَحَلتُ فَكَم باكٍ بِأَجفانِ شادِنٍ
عَلَيَّ وَكَم باكٍ بِأَجفانِ ضَيغَمِ

5. And the lady of earrings is not more anguished in her place
Than the lord of the determined, well-forged sword

٥. وَما رَبَّةُ القُرطِ المَليحِ مَكانُهُ
بِأَجزَعَ مِن رَبِّ الحُسامِ المُصَمِّمِ

6. So if what was in me were a content beloved
I would excuse, but it was a veiled beloved

٦. فَلَو كانَ ما بي مِن حَبيبٍ مُقَنَّعٍ
عَذَرتُ وَلَكِن مِن حَبيبٍ مُعَمَّمِ

7. He shot and was wary of my shooting, yet beyond what he was wary of
Was a breaking, passionate love for my palm, bow, and arrows

٧. رَمى وَاِتَّقى رَميِي وَمِن دونِ ما اِتَّقى
هَوىً كاسِرٌ كَفّي وَقَوسي وَأَسهُمي

8. When the actions of a man go bad, his suspicions go bad
And he believes what he is accustomed to imagine

٨. إِذا ساءَ فِعلُ المَرءِ ساءَت ظُنونُهُ
وَصَدَّقَ ما يَعتادُهُ مِن تَوَهُّمِ

9. And becomes hostile to his loved ones by the words of his enemies
And wakes in a night of utter darkness

٩. وَعادى مُحِبّيهِ بِقَولِ عُداتِهِ
وَأَصبَحَ في لَيلٍ مِنَ الشَكِّ مُظلِمِ

10. I befriend the self of a man before his body
And I know it through his actions and speech

١٠. أُصادِقُ نَفسَ المَرءِ مِن قَبلِ جِسمِهِ
وَأَعرِفُها في فِعلِهِ وَالتَكَلُّمِ

11. And I am forbearing of my comrade, knowing that
When I repay his ignorance with forbearance, he will regret

١١. وَأَحلُمُ عَن خِلّي وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّهُ
مَتى أَجزِهِ حِلماً عَلى الجَهلِ يَندَمِ

12. And if a man shows me reluctant generosity
I repay with the generosity of one smiling and serene

١٢. وَإِن بَذَلَ الإِنسانُ لي جودَ عابِسٍ
جَزَيتُ بِجودِ التارِكِ المُتَبَسِّمِ

13. And I desire from the youths every refined, graceful one
With a chest like that of the erect Samhari

١٣. وَأَهوى مِنَ الفِتيانِ كُلَّ سَمَيذَعٍ
نَجيبٍ كَصَدرِ السَمهَرِيِّ المُقَوَّمِ

14. Under him the she-camel crossed the barren heights and mixed
With his horses the thundering camels of Thursday

١٤. خَطَت تَحتَهُ العيسُ الفَلاةَ وَخالَطَت
بِهِ الخَيلُ كَبّاتِ الخَميسِ العَرَمرَمِ

15. And there is no chastity in his sword or blades
Rather it is in the palm, the private part, and the mouth

١٥. وَلا عِفَّةٌ في سَيفِهِ وَسِنانِهِ
وَلَكِنَّها في الكَفِّ وَالفَرجِ وَالفَمِ

16. And not every desirer of beauty is a doer
Nor every doer a completer

١٦. وَما كُلُّ هاوٍ لِلجَميلِ بِفاعِلٍ
وَلا كُلُّ فَعّالٍ لَهُ بِمُتَمِّمِ

17. My father's ransoms are the generous, noble ones, for they
Are horses racing, guided by a bay steed

١٧. فِدىً لِأَبي المِسكِ الكِرامُ فَإِنَّها
سَوابِقُ خَيلٍ يَهتَدينَ بِأَدهَمِ

18. He tempted with a glory that stretched behind him
To a spacious, adorned nature and character

١٨. أَغَرَّ بِمَجدٍ قَد شَخَصنَ وَراءَهُ
إِلى خُلُقٍ رَحبٍ وَخَلقٍ مُطَهَّمِ

19. When politics prevents your very self
Then stop, stop before it to learn

١٩. إِذا مَنَعَت مِنكَ السِياسَةُ نَفسَها
فَقِف وَقفَةً قُدّامَهُ تَتَعَلَّمِ

20. It is hard for one whose excuse is seen
To be perceived as weak in effort or stingy in generosity

٢٠. يَضيقُ عَلى مَن رائَهُ العُذرُ أَن يُرى
ضَعيفَ المَساعي أَو قَليلَ التَكَرُّمِ

21. And who is like Kafoor when the horses hesitated
And few who would say to them "Go forth!"

٢١. وَمَن مِثلُ كافورٍ إِذا الخَيلُ أَحجَمَت
وَكانَ قَليلاً مَن يَقولُ لَها اِقدُمي

22. Firm of glance and soft of foot, a tireless trekker
To the recreations of the veiled horseman

٢٢. شَديدُ ثَباتِ الطَرفِ وَالنَقعُ واصِلٌ
إِلى لَهَواتِ الفارِسِ المُتَلَثِّمِ

23. My father, I hope from you victory over the enemies
And I aspire to honor that dyes the white with blood

٢٣. أَبا المِسكِ أَرجو مِنكَ نَصراً عَلى العِدا
وَآمُلُ عِزّاً يَخضِبُ البيضَ بِالدَمِ

24. And a day that vexes the envious and a state
In which I establish pleasure in place of bliss

٢٤. وَيَوماً يَغيظُ الحاسِدينَ وَحالَةً
أُقيمُ الشَقا فيها مَقامَ التَنَعُّمِ

25. And I hoped for none but the people of that place and whoever would
Send down rain without clouds and darken

٢٥. وَلَم أَرجُ إِلّا أَهلَ ذاكَ وَمَن يُرِد
مَواطِرَ مِن غَيرِ السَحائِبِ يَظلِمِ

26. Had it not been for what I set out for in Egypt
With a longing, passionate heart that yearned

٢٦. فَلَو لَم تَكُن في مِصرَ ما سِرتُ نَحوَها
بِقَلبِ المَشوقِ المُستَهامِ المُتَيَّمِ

27. My horses would not have barked at the dogs of tribes
As if there were night raids among them by raiders

٢٧. وَلا نَبَحَت خَيلي كِلابُ قَبائِلٍ
كَأَنَّ بِها في اللَيلِ حَملاتِ دَيلَمِ

28. Nor would the eye of a spy have followed our tracks
And seen nothing but a hoofprint atop a pass

٢٨. وَلا اِتَّبَعَت آثارَنا عَينُ قائِفٍ
فَلَم تَرَ إِلّا حافِراً فَوقَ مَنسِمِ

29. And we made our way through the desert until we were immersed
In the Nile and took shade under the scattered branches

٢٩. وَسَمنا بِها البَيداءَ حَتّى تَغَمَّرَت
مِنَ النيلِ وَاِستَذرَت بِظِلِّ المُقَطَّمِ

30. And my guide opposed me by singling me out, so I opposed
My guide by my aim, and blamed him

٣٠. وَأَبلَخَ يَعصي بِاِختِصاصي مُشيرَهُ
عَصَيتُ بِقَصديهِ مُشيري وَلوَّمي

31. So he brought me the customary without bitterness
And I brought him gratitude without sullenness

٣١. فَساقَ إِلَيَّ العُرفَ غَيرَ مُكَدَّرٍ
وَسُقتُ إِلَيهِ الشُكرَ غَيرَ مُجَمجَمِ

32. I have chosen you as the ruler, so choose for them, my friend
A discourse, since I have made your opinion the judge, so judge

٣٢. قَدِ اِختَرتُكَ الأَملاكَ فَاِختَر لَهُم بِنا
حَديثاً وَقَد حَكَّمتُ رَأيَكَ فَاِحكُمِ

33. The best face in the world is the face of one who does good
And the luckiest palm among them is the palm of one who grants favor

٣٣. فَأَحسَنُ وَجهٍ في الوَرى وَجهُ مُحسِنٍ
وَأَيمَنُ كَفٍّ فيهِمُ كَفُّ مُنعِمِ

34. And the noblest among them is he who has the noblest resolve
And greatest boldness against all grandeur

٣٤. وَأَشرَفُهُم مَن كانَ أَشرَفَ هِمَّةً
وَأَكبَرَ إِقداماً عَلى كُلِّ مُعظَمِ

35. For whom do you seek the world if you do not want by it
The joy of a lover or harm of a criminal?

٣٥. لِمَن تَطلُبُ الدُنيا إِذا لَم تُرِد بِها
سُرورَ مُحِبٍّ أَو إِساءَةَ مُجرِمِ

36. And the necklace which lies above his thigh
Bears your name in every neck and wrist

٣٦. وَقَد وَصَلَ المُهرُ الَّذي فَوقَ فَخذِهِ
مِنِ اِسمِكِ ما في كُلِّ عُنقٍ وَمِعصَمِ

37. For you is all the riding livestock
Even if not marked by brands

٣٧. لَكَ الحَيَوانُ الراكِبُ الخَيلَ كُلُّهُ
وَإِن كانَ بِالنيرانِ غَيرَ مُوَسَّمِ

38. If I had known how much of my life I divided
I would have made two-thirds of it waiting for you, so know

٣٨. وَلَو كُنتُ أَدري كَم حَياتي قَسَمتُها
وَصَيَّرتُ ثُلثَيها اِنتِظارَكَ فَاِعلَمِ

39. But what passes of life is gone
So grant me the share of the one seizing the opportunity

٣٩. وَلَكِنَّ ما يَمضي مِنَ العُمرِ فائِتٌ
فَجُد لي بِحَظِّ البادِرِ المُتَغَنِّمِ

40. I was content with what you were content with for me out of love
And I led my soul to you led like one submitting

٤٠. رَضيتُ بِما تَرضى بِهِ لي مَحَبَّةً
وَقُدتُ إِلَيكَ النَفسَ قَودَ المُسَلِّمِ

41. And the like of you, whose heart was the intermediary
So it spoke to him about me, and I did not speak

٤١. وَمِثلُكَ مَن كانَ الوَسيطَ فُؤادُهُ
فَكَلَّمَهُ عَنّي وَلَم أَتَكَلَّمِ