
By your generous grace, poverty is banished

برجاء جودك يطرد الفقر

1. By your generous grace, poverty is banished
And by your enmity, life itself runs out

١. بِرَجاءِ جودِكَ يُطرَدُ الفَقرُ
وَبِأَن تُعادى يَنفَدُ العُمرُ

2. So the glass fell because you drank from it
And you excused the one whom wine had overcome

٢. فَخَرَ الزُجاجُ بِأَن شَرِبتَ بِهِ
وَزَرَت عَلى مَن عافَها الخَمرُ

3. You remained sober though it intoxicated us
As if drunkenness itself had abandoned you

٣. وَسَلِمتَ مِنها وَهيَ تُسكِرُنا
حَتّى كَأَنَّكَ هابَكَ السُكرُ

4. No one hopes for an act of generosity
Except God, and you, O full moon

٤. ما يُرتَجى أَحَدٌ لِمَكرُمَةٍ
إِلّا الإِلَهُ وَأَنتَ يا بَدرُ