1. I wept, O dwelling, until I almost made you weep,
And I found myself and my tears among your melodies.
١. بَكيتُ يا رَبعُ حَتّى كِدتُ أَبكيكا
وَجُدتُ بي وَبِدَمعي في مَغانيكا
2. So good morning! Indeed, you have provoked a yearning in me,
And we repeat our greetings, we surely greet you.
٢. فَعِم صَباحاً لَقَد هَيَّجتَ لي شَجَناً
وَاِردُد تَحِيَّتَنا إِنّا مُحَيّوكا
3. By what decree of time have you become accustomed
To the empty wilderness instead of your family?
٣. بِأَيِّ حُكمِ زَمانٍ صِرتَ مُتَّخِذاً
رِئمَ الفَلا بَدَلاً مِن رِئمِ أَهليكا
4. Days in you whose suns were not revived for us
Except they shed blood with a glance poured out.
٤. أَيّامَ فيكَ شُموسٌ ما اِنبَعَثنَ لَنا
إِلّا اِبتَعَثنَ دَماً بِاللَحظِ مَسفوكا
5. And life is green, and the ruins are magnificent,
As if the light of Ubayy's servants rises over you.
٥. وَالعَيشُ أَخضَرُ وَالأَطلالُ مُشرِفَةٌ
كَأَنَّ نورَ عُبَيدِ اللَهِ يَعلوكا
6. A man survived, O son of Yahya, you were his ambition,
And the caravan of riders missed you.
٦. نَجا اِمرُؤٌ يا اِبنَ يَحيى كُنتَ بُغيَتَهُ
وَخابَ رَكبُ رِكابٍ لَم يَأُمّوكا
7. You revived poetry for the poets, so they praised
All those they praised with that which is in you.
٧. أَحيَيتَ لِلشُعَراءِ الشِعرَ فَاِمتَدَحوا
جَميعَ مَن مَدَحوهُ بِالَّذي فيكا
8. And they taught people glory through you and managed
The subtleties of meanings from your meanings.
٨. وَعَلَّموا الناسَ مِنكَ المَجدَ وَاِقتَدَروا
عَلى دَقيقِ المَعاني مِن مَعانيكا
9. So be as you are, O incomparable one,
Or however you wish, for none can equal you.
٩. فَكُن كَما أَنتَ يا مَن لا شَبيهَ لَهُ
أَو كَيفَ شِئتَ فَما خَلقٌ يُدانيكا
10. The thanks of the chaste one for what you granted found me
On the path of custom to your generosity traveled.
١٠. شُكرُ العُفاةِ لِما أَولَيتَ أَوجَدَني
إِلى نَداكَ طَريقَ العُرفِ مَسلوكا
11. And the greatness of your worth in the horizons made me imagine
That with little praise I insult you.
١١. وَعُظمُ قَدرِكَ في الآفاقِ أَوهَمَني
أَنّي بِقِلَّةِ ما أَثنَيتُ أَهجوكا
12. It suffices that you are of Qahtan in nobility
And if you take pride, they are all your followers.
١٢. كَفى بِأَنَّكَ مِن قَحطانَ في شَرَفٍ
وَإِن فَخَرتَ فَكُلٌّ مِن مَواليكا
13. And if I diminished as I have increased from generosity
Over all people, they would see me like you.
١٣. وَلَو نَقَصتُ كَما قَد زِدتُ مِن كَرَمٍ
عَلى الوَرى لَرَأَوني مِثلَ شانيكا
14. Your call answered me. Indeed, it called and I heard,
"May he ransom you," from a companion of mine, and I ransom you.
١٤. لَبّى نَداكَ لَقَد نادى فَأَسمَعَني
يَفديكَ مِن رَجُلٍ صَحبي وَأَفديكا
15. You continue to follow what you turn your hand to, hand in hand,
Until I thought my life was from your hands.
١٥. ما زِلتَ تُتبِعُ ما تولي يَداً بِيَدٍ
حَتّى ظَنَنتُ حَياتي مِن أَياديكا
16. So if you say, "These are well-known qualities of yours,"
Or not, then you do not lack in nobility.
١٦. فَإِن تَقُل ها فَعاداتٌ عُرِفتَ بِها
أَو لا فَإِنَّكَ لا يَسخو بِها فوكا