1. Dreams we see or a new era,
Or all creation in one living being repeated,
١. أَحُلماً نَرى أَم زَماناً جَديداً
أَمِ الخَلقُ في شَخصِ حَيٍّ أُعيدا
2. He was revealed to us so he illuminated us,
As if we were stars who found good fortune,
٢. تَجَلّى لَنا فَأَضَأنا بِهِ
كَأَنّا نُجومٌ لَقينا سُعودا
3. We saw the full moon and its fathers,
A new moon, full moon, and crescent born,
٣. رَأَينا بِبَدرِ وَآبائِهِ
لِبَدرٍ وَلوداً وَبَدراً وَليدا
4. We sought his pleasure by leaving what
We were pleased by so we left prostration,
٤. طَلَبنا رِضاهُ بِتَركِ الَّذي
رَضينا لَهُ فَتَرَكنا السُجودا
5. A prince, a prince with fresh dew upon him,
A generous one, stingy about not giving,
٥. أَميرٌ أَميرٌ عَلَيهِ النَدى
جَوادٌ بَخيلٌ بِأَن لا يَجودا
6. He is spoken of about his virtues reluctantly,
As if he has a jealous heart about them,
٦. يُحَدَّثُ عَن فَضلِهِ مُكرَهاً
كَأَنَّ لَهُ مِنهُ قَلباً حَسودا
7. And he only prefers to flee,
And only estimates he will increase,
٧. وَيُقدِمُ إِلّا عَلى أَن يَفِرَّ
وَيَقدِرُ إِلّا عَلى أَن يَزيدا
8. As if your gifts are some predestination,
So whatever you give of it we find renewed,
٨. كَأَنَّ نَوالَكَ بَعضُ القَضاءِ
فَما تُعطِ مِنهُ نَجِدهُ جُدودا
9. And sometimes a brave band in turmoil,
You returned with it the faded dark swords black,
٩. وَرُبَّتَما حَملَةٍ في الوَغى
رَدَدتَ بِها الذُبَّلَ السُمرَ سودا
10. And terrors you exposed, and blades you broke,
And spears you left inactive, destroying,
١٠. وَهَولٍ كَشَفتَ وَنَصلٍ قَصَفتَ
وَرُمحٍ تَرَكتَ مُباداً مُبيدا
11. And money you gave without appointment,
And spears you preceded with threats,
١١. وَمالٍ وَهَبتِ بِلا مَوعِدٍ
وَقِرنٍ سَبَقتَ إِلَيهِ الوَعيدا
12. By sheathing your swords, their scabbards,
The blades wished they could become cradled,
١٢. بِهَجرِ سُيوفِكَ أَغمادَها
تَمَنّى الطُلى أَن تَكونَ الغُمودا
13. To ambitions they set out from their like,
You see a heart set out from blossoms and flowers,
١٣. إِلى الهامِ تَصدُرُ عَن مِثلِهِ
تَرى صَدَراً عَن وُرودٍ وُروداش
14. You killed the souls of the enemies with iron,
Until you killed the iron with them,
١٤. قَتَلتَ نُفوسَ العِدا بِالحَديدِ
حَتّى قَتَلتَ بِهِنَّ الحَديدا
15. So you exhausted the remainder of their lives,
And left what you possessed of blame eternal,
١٥. فَأَنفَدتَ مِن عَيشِهِنَّ البَقاءَ
وَأَبقَيتَ مِمّا مَلَكتَ النُفودا
16. As if with poverty you seek wealth,
And with death in war you seek eternity,
١٦. كَأَنَّكَ بِالفَقرِ تَبغي الغِنى
وَبِالمَوتِ في الحَربِ تَبغي الخُلودا
17. Creatures guided to their Lord,
And I saw a sign of glory the servants saw,
١٧. خَلائِقُ تَهدي إِلى رَبِّها
وَآيَةُ مَجدٍ أَراها العَبيدا
18. Well-mannered, sweet, and bitter,
We belittled the seas with it and the lions,
١٨. مُهَذَّبَةٌ حُلوَةٌ مُرَّةٌ
حَقَرنا البِحارَ بِها وَالأُسودا
19. Far in its nearness describing it,
Extravagant assumptions and the poem flows,
١٩. بَعيدٌ عَلى قُربِها وَصفُها
تَغولُ الظُنونَ وَتَنضى القَصيدا
20. So you are alone among the sons of Adam,
And are not without peer, alone.
٢٠. فَأَنتَ وَحيدُ بَني آدَمٍ
وَلَستَ لِفَقدِ نَظيرٍ وَحيدا