
Reconciliation has settled what the enemies desired,

حسم الصلح ما اشتهته الأعادي

1. Reconciliation has settled what the enemies desired,
And the tongues of envious spoke of it,

١. حَسَمَ الصُلحُ ما اِشتَهَتهُ الأَعادي
وَأَذاعَتهُ أَلسُنُ الحُسّادِ

2. And souls intended while you set right
What was between them and what they sought.

٢. وَأَرادَتهُ أَنفُسٌ حالَ تَدبيـ
ـرُكَ ما بَينَها وَبَينَ المُرادِ

3. What plotters whispered became
More affection among dear friends.

٣. صارَ ما أَوضَعَ المُخِبّونَ فيهِ
مِن عِتابٍ زِيادَةً في الوِدادِ

4. And the talk of slanderers has no authority
Over loved ones or opponents.

٤. وَكَلامُ الوُشاةِ لَيسَ عَلى الأَحـ
ـبابِ سُلطانُهُ عَلى الأَضدادِ

5. A saying succeeds with a person when
It encounters a passion in the heart.

٥. إِنَّما تُنجِحُ المَقالَةُ في المَر
ءِ إِذا صادَفَت هَوىً في الفُؤادِ

6. By my life, you were shaken by what was said
Yet you held fast to the strongest bond.

٦. وَلَعَمري لَقَد هُزِزتَ بِما قيـ
ـلَ فَأُلفيتَ أَوثَقَ الأَطوادِ

7. Men counselled you though you were more guided
Towards rectitude than they to proper guidance.

٧. وَأَشارَت بِما أَبَيتَ رِجالٌ
كُنتَ أَهدى مِنها إِلى الإِرشادِ

8. One giving advice may hit the mark though he did not strive
And miss what's right despite his diligence.

٨. قَد يُصيبُ الفَتى المُشيرُ وَلَم يَجـ
ـهَد وَيُشوي الصَوابَ بَعدَ اِجتِهادِ

9. You attained what is not won by force of arms
And you protected lives within bodies.

٩. نِلتَ ما لا يُنالُ بِالبيضِ وَالسُمـ
ـرِ وَصُنتَ الأَرواحَ في الأَجسادِ

10. Spears in their standings turned about you
And the unsheathed remained in their scabbards.

١٠. وَقَنا الخَطِّ في مَراكِزِها حَو
لَكَ وَالمُرهَفاتُ في الأَغمادِ

11. They did not know, when they saw your heart dwelling
Among them, that its view tended to run away.

١١. ما دَرَوا إِذ رَأَوا فُؤادَكَ فيهِم
ساكِناً أَنَّ رَأيَهُ في الطِرادِ

12. So your view, which no view
Learnt or derived, redeemed.

١٢. فَفَدى رَأيَكَ الَّذي لَم تُفَدهُ
كُلُّ رَأيٍ مُعَلَّمٍ مُستَفادِ

13. If wisdom is not innate temperament
The passage of time does not make one forbearing.

١٣. وَإِذا الحِلمُ لَم يَكُن في طِباعِ
لَم يُحَلِّم تَقادُمُ الميلادِ

14. With this and its like, Kafoor, you shut
And set an example for all unruly leaders.

١٤. فَبِهَذا وَمِثلِهِ سُدتَ يا كا
فورُ وَاِقتَدتَ كُلَّ صَعبِ القِيادِ

15. And he who obeyed you is not
Of rebellious nature.

١٥. وَأَطاعَ الَّذي أَطاعَكَ وَالطا
عَةُ لَيسَت خَلائِقُ الآسادِ

16. You're a loving father, a devoted son,
More compassionate than one who yearns for his children.

١٦. إِنَّما أَنتَ والِدٌ وَالأَبُ القا
طِعُ أَحنى مِن واصِلِ الأَولادِ

17. May no harm come your way from those who wish you harm
And may ruin be restricted to the ruined.

١٧. لا عَدا الشَرُّ مَن بَغى لَكُما الشَر
رَ وَخَصَّ الفَسادُ أَهلَ الفَسادِ

18. You two are of one body and spirit,
No need for soothsayers.

١٨. أَنتُما ما اِتَّفَقتُما الجِسمُ وَالرو
حُ فَلا اِحتَجتُما إِلى العُوّادِ

19. When there is delinquency in the system,
Disorder falls on the hearts of the unruly.

١٩. وَإِذا كانَ في الأَنابيبِ خُلفٌ
وَقَعَ الطَيشُ في صُدورِ الصِعادِ

20. Delinquency gloats with the deviants, its enemies,
And the Lord of the Persians was cured of madness.

٢٠. أَشمَتَ الخُلفُ بِالشَراةِ عِداها
وَشَفى رَبَّ فارِسٍ مِن إِيادِ

21. He appointed the Yazidi in Basra until they scattered
Across the country.

٢١. وَتَوَلّى بَني اليَزيدِيِّ بِالبَصـ
ـرَةِ حَتّى تَمَزَّقوا في البِلادِ

22. And kings were like yesterday, so near,
And others like a cross and its sister pole, so far.

٢٢. وَمُلوكاً كَأَمسِ في القُربِ مِنّا
وَكَطَسمٍ وَأُختِها في البِعادِ

23. We take refuge in you from them,
From the guile of every rebel and enemy.

٢٣. بِكُما بِتُّ عائِذاً فيكُما مِنـ
ـهُ وَمِن كَيدِ كُلِّ باغٍ وَعادِ

24. And we obey your noble order to separate
The resolve of spears between steeds.

٢٤. وَبِلُبَّيكُما الأَصيلَينِ أَن تَفـ
ـرُقَ صُمُّ الرِماحِ بَينَ الجِيادِ

25. Or else, would the guardian be more wretched than the foe
With the ordnance you possess?

٢٥. أَو يَكونَ الوَلِيُّ أَشقى عَدُوٍّ
بِالَّذي تَذخُرانِهِ مِن عَتادِ

26. Will what the enemies say in every club delight him,
Now that the past is gone?

٢٦. هَل يَسُرَّنَّ باقِياً بَعدَ ماضٍ
ما تَقولُ العُداةُ في كُلِّ نادِ

27. Love, care and intimacy prevented
Your hearts from harbouring any grudges.

٢٧. مَنَعَ الوُدُّ وَالرِعايَةُ وَالسُؤ
دُدُ أَن تَبلُغا إِلى الأَحقادِ

28. And there are rights that soften the heart for the heart
Even if embedded in stones.

٢٨. وَحُقوقٌ تُرَقِّقُ القَلبَ لِلقَلـ
ـبِ وَلَو ضُمِّنَت قُلوبَ الجَمادِ

29. Thus the kingdom shone gloriously to beholders,
Thankful for your sound judgement.

٢٩. فَغَدا المُلكُ باهِراً مَن رَآهُ
شاكِراً ما أَتَيتُما مِن سَدادِ

30. In it are your hands victorious
And people's hands over their hearts.

٣٠. فيهِ أَيديكُما عَلى الظَفَرِ الحُلـ
ـوِ وَأَيدي قَومٍ عَلى الأَكبادِ

31. This is the state of nobility, compassion, glory,
Radiance, generosity and helping hands.

٣١. هَذِهِ دَولَةُ المَكارِمِ وَالرَأ
فَةِ وَالمَجدِ وَالنَدى وَالأَيادي

32. It darkened a moment as the sun darkens
Then its light increased.

٣٢. كَسَفَت ساعَةً كَما تَكسِفُ الشَمـ
ـسُ وَعادَت وَنورُها في اِزدِيادِ

33. Time jostles its pillar away from harm
With an unruly hero set on his purpose.

٣٣. يَزحَمُ الدَهرُ رُكنُها عَن أَذاها
بِفَتىً مارِدٍ عَلى المُرّادِ

34. A unifier, a follower through, faithful and adamant,
Learned, wise, valiant and generous.

٣٤. مُتلِفٍ مُخلِفٍ وَفِيٍّ أَبِيٍّ
عالِمٍ حازِمٍ شُجاعٍ جَوادِ

35. People cleared the path of Abu Misk
And necks of servants bowed to him.

٣٥. أَجفَلَ الناسُ عَن طَريقِ أَبي المِسـ
ـكِ وَذَلَّت لَهُ رِقابُ العِبادِ

36. How can the path not be cleared for a torrent,
Too narrow for its gushing waters?

٣٦. كَيفَ لا يُترَكُ الطَريقُ لِسَيلٍ
ضَيِّقٍ عَن أَتِيِّهِ كُلُّ وادِ