
I understood the Book, the most righteous of books,

فهمت الكتاب أبر الكتب

1. I understood the Book, the most righteous of books,
Listening to the order of the Prince of the Arabs,

١. فَهِمتُ الكِتابَ أَبَرَّ الكُتُب
فَسَمعاً لِأَمرِ أَميرِ العَرَب

2. Obedient to him and rejoicing in it,
Though the doing falls short of what is due,

٢. وَطَوعاً لَهُ وَاِبتِهاجاً بِهِ
وَإِن قَصَّرَ الفِعلُ عَمّا وَجَب

3. None hindered me but fear of slanderers,
For slanders are the paths of falsehood

٣. وَما عاقَني غَيرُ خَوفِ الوُشاةِ
وَإِنَّ الوِشاياتِ طُرقُ الكَذِب

4. And exaggerating some people and belittling others,
And causing dislike between us and confusion.

٤. وَتَكثيرِ قَومٍ وَتَقليلِهِم
وَتَقريبِهِم بَينَنا وَالخَبَب

5. His hearing used to help them,
While his heart and nobility helped me.

٥. وَقَد كانَ يَنصُرُهُم سَمعُهُ
وَيَنصُرُني قَلبُهُ وَالحَسَب

6. I have not called the full moon a muddy puddle,
Nor have I called the sun pieces of gold,

٦. وَما قُلتُ لِلبَدرِ أَنتَ اللُجَينُ
وَلا قُلتُ لِلشَمسِ أَنتِ الذَهَب

7. So that the far-off man of thin patience
Should be alarmed at it and the slow to wrath be angry.

٧. فَيَقلَقَ مِنهُ البَعيدُ الأَناةِ
وَيَغضَبَ مِنهُ البَطيءُ الغَضَب

8. No country has met me after you,
Nor have I accused my Lord of blessings, my Lord!

٨. وَما لاقَني بَلَدٌ بَعدَكُم
وَلا اِعتَضتُ مِن رَبِّ نُعمايَ رَب

9. He who rode the ox after the stallion
Found its withers narrow and its flanks uncomely.

٩. وَمَن رَكِبَ الثَورَ بَعدَ الجَوادِ
أَنكَرَ أَظلافَهُ وَالغَبَب

10. I have not judged all the kings of countries.
Leave mention of some, with him who is in Aleppo!

١٠. وَما قِستُ كُلَّ مُلوكِ البِلادِ
فَدَع ذِكرَ بَعضٍ بِمَن في حَلَب

11. If I had named them by name,
Iron they would have been, and they wood.

١١. وَلَو كُنتُ سَمَّيتُهُم بِاِسمِهِ
لَكانَ الحَديدَ وَكانوا الخَشَب

12. Can one be compared in opinion or bounty,
Or courage or literary skill?

١٢. أَفي الرَأيِ يُشبَهُ أَم في السَخاءِ
أَم في الشَجاعَةِ أَم في الأَدَب

13. Blessed of name, noblest of titles,
Generous of lineage, noble of descent,

١٣. مُبارَكُ الاِسمِ أَغَرُّ اللَقَب
كَريمُ الجِرِشّى شَريفُ النَسَب

14. Brother of war, serving those he captured,
Clothing them and divesting himself of what he plundered

١٤. أَخو الحَربِ يُخدِمُ مِمّا سَبى
قَناهُ وَيَخلَعُ مِمّا سَلَب

15. If he gained money he gained it as
A man not pleased with what he does not give.

١٥. إِذا حازَ مالاً فَقَد حازَهُ
فَتىً لا يُسَرُّ بِما لا يَهَب

16. I follow mention of him with
The prayer of God and the watering of the clouds,

١٦. وَإِنّي لَأُتبِعُ تَذكارَهُ
صَلاةَ الإِلَهِ وَسَقيَ السُحُب

17. And I praise him for his kind acts,
Whether near or far from him.

١٧. وَأُثني عَلَيهِ بِآلائِهِ
وَأَقرُبُ مِنهُ نَأى أَو قَرُب

18. If his rains have deserted me,
Most of them pour down when they are not expected.

١٨. وَإِن فارَقَتنِيَ أَمطارُهُ
فَأَكثَرُ غُدرانِها ما نَضَب

19. By the sword of thy Lord, not His creation!
By the noble one, not by the branch of thorn-trees!

١٩. أَيا سَيفَ رَبِّكَ لا خَلقِهِ
وَيا ذا المَكارِمِ لاذا الشُطَب

20. He put far away an aspiring soul,
And knew him who had certain titles by his titles!

٢٠. وَأَبعَدَ ذي هِمَّةٍ هِمَّةً
وَأَعرَفَ ذي رُتبَةٍ بِالرُتَب

21. He pierced whoever touched his honour,
And struck whoever struck with a sword!

٢١. وَأَطعَنَ مَن مَسَّ خَطِّيَّةً
وَأَضرَبَ مَن بِحُسامٍ ضَرَب

22. With this speech the people of the frontiers called you,
And you answered though the mysterious voices spoke beneath the bushes.

٢٢. بِذا اللَفظِ ناداكَ أَهلُ الثُغورِ
فَلَبَّيتَ وَالهامُ تَحتَ القُضُب

23. They despaired of the sweetness of life,
An eye that sunk, a heart that leapt.

٢٣. وَقَد يَئِسوا مِن لَذيذِ الحَياةِ
فَعَينٌ تَغورُ وَقَلبٌ يَجِب

24. The injustice of the enemies was gross
In saying that Ali was slow and sluggish.

٢٤. وَغَرَّ الدُمُستُقَ قَولُ العُداةِ
أَنَّ عَلِيّاً ثَقيلاً وَصِب

25. His horses knew that when he determined,
Though sick, to ride, he rode.

٢٥. وَقَد عَلِمَت خَيلَهُ أَنَّهُ
إِذا هَمَّ وَهوَ عَليلٌ رَكِب

26. He brought them wider than their lands,
Long of stirrup, short of reins,

٢٦. أَتاهُم بِأَوسَعَ مِن أَرضِهِم
طِوالَ السَبيبِ قِصارَ العُسُب

27. The tall were concealed among his army,
And seemed short when they did not disappear.

٢٧. تَغيبُ الشَواهِقُ في جَيشِهِ
وَتَبدو صِغاراً إِذا لَم تَغِب

28. The wind cannot pass in his air
Unless it glides through the passes or leaps.

٢٨. وَلا تَعبُرُ الريحُ في جَوِّهِ
إِذا لَم تَخَطَّ القَنا أَو تَثِب

29. He drowned their towns in armies
And silenced their voices with calamities.

٢٩. فَغَرَّقَ مُدنَهُمُ بِالجُيوشِ
وَأَخفَتَ أَصواتَهُم بِاللَجَب

30. He did wickedly in attacking them when he wished to conquer them,
And wickedly when he wished to leave them alone.

٣٠. فَأَخبِث بِهِ طالِباً قَهرَهُم
وَأَخبِث بِهِ تارِكاً ما طَلَب

31. You were far away, so you fought them in person,
And you came near, so you fought them in flight.

٣١. نَأَيتَ فَقاتَلَهُم بِاللِقاءِ
وَجِئتَ فَقاتَلَهُم بِالهَرَب

32. They had the glory when he came,
And you had the excuse when he went away.

٣٢. وَكانوا لَهُ الفَخرَ لَمّا أَتى
وَكُنتَ لَهُ العُذرَ لَمّا ذَهَب

33. Their deaths forestalled them before he came,
And the benefit of help before the affliction.

٣٣. سَبَقتَ إِلَيهِم مَناياهُمُ
وَمَنفَعَةُ الغَوثِ قَبلَ العَطَب

34. They fell prostrate before their Creator,
And had you not helped, they would have prostrated themselves to the crosses.

٣٤. فَخَرّوا لِخالِقِهِم سُجَّداً
وَلَو لَم تُغِث سَجَدوا لِلصُلُب

35. How often did you fend off destruction from them with destruction,
And drive away sorrow with sorrows!

٣٥. وَكَم ذَدتَ عَنهُم رَدىً بِالرَدى
وَكَشَّفتَ مِن كُرَبٍ بِالكُرَب

36. They claimed that if he counted up
The king who seized would count up with him,

٣٦. وَقَد زَعَموا أَنَّهُ إِن يَعُد
يَعُد مَعَهُ المَلِكُ المُعتَصِب

37. And they two would seek help from Him they worshipped,
And in their view He was crucified,

٣٧. وَيَستَنصِرانِ الَّذي يَعبُدانِ
وَعِندَهُما أَنَّهُ قَد صُلِب

38. To drive off from them what He suffered for them.
Strange are men for this astonishment!

٣٨. لِيَدفَعَ ما نالَهُ عَنهُما
فَيا لَلرِجالِ لِهَذا العَجَب

39. I see the Muslims with the polytheists,
Either through incapacity or fear.

٣٩. أَرى المُسلِمينَ مَعَ المُشرِكينَ
إِمّا لِعَجزٍ وَإِمّا رَهَب

40. While you are with God in a party
Little of sleep, much of weariness.

٤٠. وَأَنتَ مَعَ اللَهِ في جانِبٍ
قَليلُ الرُقادِ كَثيرُ التَعَب

41. It is as though you alone made Him one,
And mankind altogether surrendered to the Son and Father.

٤١. كَأَنَّكَ وَحدَكَ وَحَّدتَهُ
وَدانَ البَرِيَّةُ بِاِبنِ وَأَب

42. Would that your swords were in a hater
When they appear above them piled up!

٤٢. فَلَيتَ سُيوفَكَ في حاسِدٍ
إِذا ما ظَهَرَت عَلَيهِم كَئِب

43. Would that your arrows were in his body,
Would that you might reward hatred and love!

٤٣. وَلَيتَ شَكاتَكَ في جِسمِهِ
وَلَيتَكَ تَجزي بِبُغضٍ وَحُب

44. If you rewarded with it, I should obtain from you
The weakest share with the strongest claim.

٤٤. فَلَو كُنتَ تَجزي بِهِ نِلتُ مِنكَ
أَضعَفَ حَظٍّ بِأَقوى سَبَب