
Indeed I do not complain of the doing of one who is ungrateful

إني لغير صنيعة لشكور

1. Indeed I do not complain of the doing of one who is ungrateful
No, though your equal treatment of me were delusive

١. إنّي لغَيرِ صنيعةٍ لشكورُ
كلا وإن سَواءك المغرورُ

2. Why do I see myself in your presence like one suffering from thirst
Beneath a rain-cloud, seeking to drink, while you are a pourer of rain?

٢. ما لي أراني منكَ تحتَ سحابَةٍ
ظمآن أستسقي وأنتَ مَطيرُ

3. You are the prince, the others are your deputies
And mighty affairs in your striving are a little thing

٣. أنتَ الأميرُ وغيرُكُ المأمورُ
وعظيمُ شغلٍ في جداكَ يسيرُ