
Congratulations are for equals,

إنما التهنئات للأكفاء ولمن يدني من البعداء

1. Congratulations are for equals,
And for those brought near from afar.

١. إِنَّما التَهنِئاتُ لِلأَكفاءِ
وَلِمَن يَدَّني مِنَ البُعَداءِ

2. As for me, no member of yours
Congratulates the others for delight.

٢. وَأَنا مِنكَ لا يُهَنِّئُ عُضوٌ
بِالمَسَرّاتِ سائِرَ الأَعضاءِ

3. Independent are you of lands, though
The stars compose the bricks of this building.

٣. مُستَقِلٌّ لَكَ الدِيارَ وَلَو كا
نَ نُجوماً آجُرُّ هَذا البِناءِ

4. And if what pours in it of white silver
Were but bubbles from the sea foam.

٤. وَلَوَ أَنَّ الَّذي يَخِرُّ مِنَ الأَم
واهِ فيها مِن فِضَّةٍ بَيضاءِ

You are too lofty to be congratulated

٥. أَنتَ أَعلى مَحَلَّةً أَن تُهَنّى
بِمَكانٍ في الأَرضِ أَو في السَماءِ

6. For a place on earth or in the heavens.
And yours are the people and the lands, all

٦. وَلَكَ الناسُ وَالبِلادُ وَما يَسـ
ـرَحُ بَينَ الغَبراءِ وَالخَضراءِ

7. That roams between the dusky and the green.
And your orchards are the steeds, and what

٧. وَبَساتينُكَ الجِيادُ وَما تَحـ
ـمِلُ مِن سَمهَرِيَّةٍ سَمراءِ

8. A browny-bay camel bears of gifts.
The noble one, father of fragrance, boasts

٨. إِنَّما يَفخَرُ الكَريمُ أَبو المِسـ
ـكِ بِما يَبتَني مِنَ العَلياءِ

9. Only of what he builds from the sublime,
And of his days that have slipped away from him,

٩. وَبِأَيّامِهِ الَّتي اِنسَلَخَت عَنـ
ـهُ وَما دارُهُ سِوى الهَيجاءِ

10. While his abode is nothing but desolation,
And of what his white blades have implanted

١٠. وَبِما أَثَّرَت صَوارِمُهُ البيـ
ـضُ لَهُ في جَماجِمِ الأَعداءِ

11. In the skulls of foes for him.
And of a musk, named for him, not the musk,

١١. وَبِمِسكٍ يُكنى بِهِ لَيسَ بِالمِسـ
ـكِ وَلَكِنَّهُ أَريجُ الثَناءِ

12. But the sweetest of all praise.
Not of what the cities in the countryside plant,

١٢. لا بِما يَبتَني الحَواضِرُ في الريـ
ـفِ وَما يَطَّبي قُلوبَ النِساءِ

13. Nor what delights the hearts of women.
It descended, when you descended upon it,

١٣. نَزَلَت إِذ نَزَلتَها الدارُ في أَحـ
ـسَنَ مِنها مِنَ السَنا وَالسَناءِ

14. In better than it in glory and splendor.
In the place fruits grow from it grew

١٤. حَلَّ في مَنبِتِ الرَياحينِ مِنها
مَنبِتُ المَكرُماتِ وَالآلاءِ

15. The place of honor and bounty.
The sun is outshone whenever the sun

١٥. تَفضَحُ الشَمسَ كُلَّما ذَرَّتِ الشَمـ
ـسُ بِشَمسٍ مُنيرَةٍ سَوداءِ

16. Dawns with a shining black orb.
In your robe, wherein is glory,

١٦. إِنَّ في ثَوبِكَ الَّذي المَجدُ فيهِ
لَضِياءً يُزري بِكُلِّ ضِياءِ

17. Is a brilliance that mocks all brilliance.
A skin is but a garment, and the whiteness

١٧. إِنَّما الجِلدُ مَلبَسٌ وَاِبيِضاضُ الـ
ـنَفسِ خَيرٌ مِنَ اِبيِضاضِ القَباءِ

18. Of a soul is better than gowns' whiteness.
Bounty in valor, wit in splendor,

١٨. كَرَمٌ في شَجاعَةٍ وَذَكاءٌ
في بَهاءٍ وَقُدرَةٌ في وَفاءِ

19. Potency in loyalty.
Who has the hues of kings to change their color

١٩. مَن لِبيضِ المُلوكِ أَن تُبدِلَ اللَو
نَ بِلَونِ الأُستاذِ وَالسَحناءِ

20. To that of the professor's and praiser's?
So the lords of war see you through eyes

٢٠. فَتَراها بَنو الحُروبِ بِأَعيا
نٍ تَراهُ بِها غَداةَ اللِقاءِ

21. They'll see you with on the morrow of meeting.
O hope of eyes in every land,

٢١. يا رَجاءَ العُيونِ في كُلِّ أَرضٍ
لَم يَكُن غَيرَ أَن أَراكَ رَجائي

22. You were none but that I hoped to see you.
And the points of honor already wasted my horses

٢٢. وَلَقَد أَفنَتِ المَفاوِزُ خَيلي
قَبلَ أَن نَلتَقي وَزادي وَمائي

23. Before we met, and my provisions and water.
So strike me as you wish. I am

٢٣. فَاِرمِ بي ما أَرَدتَ مِنّي فَإِنّي
أَسَدُ القَلبِ آدَمِيُّ الرُواءِ

24. Lion-hearted, human in behavior.
And my heart is of kings, though my

٢٤. وَفُؤادي مِنَ المُلوكِ وَإِن كا
نَ لِساني يُرى مِنَ الشُعَراءِ