
He is evident until the meadows appeared

هو البين حتى ما تأنى الحزائق

1. He is evident until the meadows appeared
And O heart, you too are among those I bid farewell

١. هُوَ البَينُ حَتّى ما تَأَنّى الحَزائِقُ
وَيا قَلبِ حَتّى أَنتَ مِمَّن أُفارِقُ

2. We stood still, and our standing increased the separation
A group of passion among us, yearning and longing

٢. وَقَفنا وَمِمّا زادَ بَثّاً وُقوفُنا
فَريقَي هَوىً مِنّا مَشوقٌ وَشائِقُ

3. The eyelids became wounds from crying
And poppies bloomed on the cheeks

٣. وَقَد صارَتِ الأَجفانُ قَرحى مِنَ البُكا
وَصارَ بَهاراً في الخُدودِ الشَقائِقُ

4. People came and went, born and died
Speaking and silent

٤. عَلى ذا مَضى الناسُ اِجتِماعٌ وَفُرقَةٌ
وَمَيتٌ وَمَولودٌ وَقالٍ وَوامِقُ

5. My state changed though the nights remained the same
I grew old but time's young maidens never aged

٥. تَغَيَّرَ حالي وَاللَيالي بِحالِها
وَشِبتُ وَما شابَ الزَمانُ الغُرانِقُ

6. Ask the oxus where the gardens' streams are from its nuts
And the doves about the melodious singers

٦. سَلِ البيدَ أَينَ الجِنُّ مِنّا بِجَوزِها
وَعَن ذي المَهاري أَينَ مِنها النَقانِقُ

7. On a gloomy pitch-black night, as if
Your shining face lit our path and guided the latecomers

٧. وَلَيلٍ دَجوجِيٍّ كَأَنّا جَلَت لَنا
مُحَيّاكَ فيهِ فَاِهتَدَينا السَمالِقُ

8. Its wings shine lest the travelers lose their way
And the young camels only due to the leaders

٨. فَما زالَ لَولا نورُ وَجهِكَ جُنحُهُ
وَلا جابَها الرُكبانُ لَولا الأَيانِقُ

9. Swaying startled me from sleep as if
My clothes were flashing lightning in intoxication

٩. وَهَزٌّ أَطارَ النَومَ حَتّى كَأَنَّني
مِنَ السُكرِ في الغَرزَينِ ثَوبٌ شُبارِقُ

10. They grabbed the son of Isaac al-Husayn so his horses neighed
His spears, lances and banners mingled

١٠. شَدَوا بِاِبنِ إِسحاقَ الحُسَينِ فَصافَحَت
ذَفارِيَها كيرانُها وَالنَمارِقُ

11. One who makes the earth shudder in awe when he walks upon it
And makes the lofty mountains shake

١١. بِمَن تَقشَعِرُّ الأَرضُ خَوفاً إِذا مَشى
عَلَيها وَتَرتَجُّ الجِبالُ الشَواهِقُ

12. A young man like a raincloud, inspiring both awe and hope
His rain is hoped for, his lightning feared

١٢. فَتىً كَالسَحابِ الجونِ يُخشى وَيُرتَجى
يُرَجّى الحَيا مِنها وَتُخشى الصَواعِقُ

13. But time passes; this is lasting
And sometimes it lies while fate is truthful

١٣. وَلَكِنَّها تَمضي وَهَذا مُخَيِّمٌ
وَتَكذِبُ أَحياناً وَذا الدَهرِ صادِقُ

14. He shunned the world but its horizons remember him still
Both east and west

١٤. تَخَلّى مِنَ الدُنيا لِيُنسى فَما خَلَت
مَغارِبُها مِن ذِكرِهِ وَالمَشارِقُ

15. The Indian beauties are nourished on rapture and kohl
They are his orbit and they are the executioners

١٥. غَذا الهِندُوانِيّاتِ بِالهامِ وَالطُلى
فَهُنَّ مَداريها وَهُنَّ المَخانِقُ

16. The pockets tear from them when he attacks
And the cheeks and temples are dyed red from them

١٦. تَشَقَّقُ مِنهُنَّ الجُيوبُ إِذا غَزا
وَتُخضَبُ مِنهُنَّ اللُحى وَالمَفارِقُ

17. Those oblivious of their fate avoid them
While those who transcend themselves seek them in prayer

١٧. يُجَنَّبُها مَن حَتفُهُ عَنهُ غافِلٌ
وَيَصلى بِها مَن نَفسُهُ مِنهُ طالِقُ

18. Silent, he is argued with; argumentative while quiet
He seems silent but his sword eloquently speaks

١٨. يُحاجى بِهِ ما ناطِقٌ وَهوَ ساكِتٌ
يُرى ساكِتاً وَالسَيفُ عَن فيهِ ناطِقُ

19. I did not recognize you until I marveled long at you
Yet it is no wonder, for God is the Creator

١٩. نَكِرتُكَ حَتّى طالَ مِنكَ تَعَجُّبي
وَلا عَجَبٌ مِن حُسنِ ما اللَهُ خالِقُ

20. As if stingy towards money but in every battle
Passionately in love with death

٢٠. كَأَنَّكَ في الإِعطاءِ لِلمالِ مُبغِضٌ
وَفي كُلِّ حَربٍ لِلمَنِيَّةِ عاشِقُ

21. Barely does it last as it began with them
You made your steed compete and outrun them

٢١. أَلا قَلَّما تَبقى عَلى ما بَدا لَها
وَحَلَّ بِها مِنكَ القَنا وَالسَوابِقُ

22. The watchman will proclaim you like no star rose
And the messenger sing your praises like no radiant dawn shone

٢٢. سَيُحيِ بِكَ السُمّارُ ما لاحَ كَوكَبٌ
وَيَحدو بِكَ السُفّارُ ما ذَرَّ شارِقُ

23. Fear God and veil that beauty in a wrap
Else the longing in hearts will vanish if your face is exposed

٢٣. خَفِ اللَهَ وَاِستُر ذا الجَمالَ بِبُرقُعٍ
فَإِن لُحتَ ذابَت في الخُدورِ العَواتِقُ

24. Fate does not deprive those whose gifts you refuse
Nor favour those from whom you withhold your bounty

٢٤. فَما تَرزُقُ الأَقدارُ مَن أَنتَ حارِمٌ
وَلا تَحرِمُ الأَقدارُ مَن أَنتَ رازِقُ

25. Time does not undo what you patch up
Nor rise above what you transcend

٢٥. وَلا تَفتُقُ الأَيّامُ ما أَنتَ راتِقُ
وَلا تَرتُقُ الأَيّامُ ما أَنتَ فاتِقُ

26. The good - none but you - sought riches without you
And none but you can capture the inaccessible

٢٦. لَكَ الخَيرُ غَيري رامَ مِن غَيرِكَ الغِنى
وَغَيري بِغَيرِ اللاذِقِيَّةِ لاحِقُ

27. You are the ultimate goal and seeing you is bliss
You are the world's dwelling and you are creation

٢٧. هِيَ الغَرَضُ الأَقصى وَرُؤيَتُكَ المُنى
وَمَنزِلُكَ الدُنيا وَأَنتَ الخَلائِقُ