1. Do you deny, O son of Isaac, my brotherhood
And reckon the water of others from my vessel?
١. أَتُنكِرُ يا اِبنَ إِسحاقٍ إِخائي
وَتَحسَبُ ماءَ غَيري مِن إِنائي
2. Shall I speak estrangement of you after my knowledge
That you are the best of those under the sky?
٢. أَأَنطِقُ فيكَ هُجراً بَعدَ عِلمي
بِأَنَّكَ خَيرُ مَن تَحتَ السَماءِ
3. And dislike more than the taste of the sword's blade
And go farther in affairs than destiny?
٣. وَأَكرَهُ مِن ذُبابِ السَيفِ طَعماً
وَأَمضى في الأُمورِ مِنَ القَضاءِ
4. I have not reached twenty years old
So how have I wearied of a long life?
٤. وَما أَربَت عَلى العِشرينَ سِنّي
فَكَيفَ مَلِلتُ مِن طولِ البَقاءِ
5. I have not exhausted praising you in my eulogy
To detract anything from it with blame.
٥. وَما اِستَغرَقتُ وَصفَكَ في مَديحي
فَأَنقُصَ مِنهُ شَيئاً بِالهِجاءِ
6. This morning my saying "This is a night" was a gift,
Are the people blind to the illumination?
٦. وَهَبني قُلتُ هَذا الصُبحُ لَيلٌ
أَيَعمى العالَمونَ عَنِ الضِياءِ
7. You obey the envious ones and you are a man
I was made your ransom while they are my ransom.
٧. تُطيعُ الحاسِدينَ وَأَنتَ مَرءٌ
جُعِلتُ فِدائَهُ وَهُمُ فِدائي
8. He who does not distinguish my words
From their foolish prattle rebukes himself.
٨. وَهاجي نَفسِهِ مَن لَم يُمَيِّز
كَلامي مِن كَلامِهِمِ الهُراءِ
9. And of the wonders is that you see me
And make me equal to less than vapor.
٩. وَإِنَّ مِنَ العَجائِبِ أَن تَراني
فَتَعدِلَ بي أَقَلَّ مِنَ الهَباءِ
10. And you deny their death while I am Suhayl,
I rose at the death of the sons of adultery.
١٠. وَتُنكِرَ مَوتَهُم وَأَنا سُهَيلٌ
طَلَعتُ بِمَوتِ أَولادِ الزِناءِ