1. O He who shaped the cheeks and returned the rosiness,
And bestowed the perfection of beauty upon the perfect ones.
١. أَيا خَدَّدَ اللَهُ وَردَ الخُدودِ
وَقَدَّ قُدودَ الحِسانِ القُدودِ
2. So they shed my blood tearfully,
And tormented my heart with prolonged estrangement.
٢. فَهُنَّ أَسَلنَ دَماً مُقلَتي
وَعَذَّبنَ قَلبي بِطولِ الصُدودِ
3. And how many enamored youths there are for passion,
And how many slain victims there are for resolve.
٣. وَكَم لِلهَوى مِن فَتىً مُدنَفٍ
وَكَم لِلنَوى مِن قَتيلٍ شَهيدِ
4. So alas for the bitterness of parting,
And its fires clinging to the livers.
٤. فَواحَسرَتا ما أَمَرَّ الفِراقَ
وَأَعلَقَ نيرانَهُ بِالكُبودِ
5. And it deceived the young ones with the lovers,
And killed them for the sake of the beloved friend.
٥. وَأَغرى الصَبابَةَ بِالعاشِقينَ
وَأَقتَلَها لِلمُحِبِّ العَميدِ
6. And it made my soul desire other than reproach
With love for the gazelles with slender waists.
٦. وَأَلهَجَ نَفسي لِغَيرِ الخَنا
بِحُبِّ ذَواتِ اللَمى وَالنُهودِ
7. So they were and we were ransomed for the prince,
And his favors are never decreasing, always increasing.
٧. فَكانَت وَكُنّا فِداءَ الأَميرِ
وَلا زالَ مِن نِعمَةٍ في مَزيدِ
8. Indeed, he came between the threat and its execution with the sword,
And his gifts came between the promises and fulfillment.
٨. لَقَد حالَ بِالسَيفِ دونَ الوَعيدِ
وَحالَت عَطاياهُ دونَ الوُعودِ
9. So I hope for the best in his possessions during misfortunes,
And I hope for the best in his requests during ease.
٩. فَأَنجُمُ أَموالِهِ في النُحوسِ
وَأَنجُمُ سُؤَلِهِ في السُعودِ
10. And were I not to fear others besides his enemies over him
I would have given him glad tidings of immortality.
١٠. وَلَو لَم أَخَف غَيرَ أَعدائِهِ
عَلَيهِ لَبَشَّرتُهُ بِالخُلودِ
11. He aimed Halab with the bridles of horses,
And brown swords that shed blood in the plains.
١١. رَمى حَلَباً بِنَواصي الخُيولِ
وَسُمرٍ يُرِقنَ دَماً في الصَعيدِ
12. And white traveling ones that do not settle
Either in necks or in skulls.
١٢. وَبيضٍ مُسافِرَةٍ ما يُقِم
نَ لا في الرِقابِ وَلا في الغُمودِ
13. Leading to annihilation after the encounter
To every army numerous and well-equipped.
١٣. يَقُدنَ الفَناءَ غَداةَ اللِقاءِ
إِلى كُلِّ جَيشٍ كَثيرِ العَديدِ
14. So Al-Kharshani fled with his supporters
Like a lion who sensed the roar of lions.
١٤. فَوَلّى بِأَشياعِهِ الخَرشَنِيُّ
كَشاءٍ أَحَسَّ بِزَأرِ الأُسودِ
15. They see in fright the sound of the winds,
The neighing of the steeds and the fluttering of the banners.
١٥. يُرَونَ مِنَ الذُعرِ صَوتَ الرِياحِ
صَهيلَ الجِيادِ وَخَفقَ البُنودِ
16. So who is like the prince son of the daughter of the prince
Or like his forefathers and ancestors?
١٦. فَمَن كَالأَميرِ اِبنِ بِنتِ الأَميـ
ـرِ أَو مَن كَآبائِهِ وَالجُدودِ
17. They aspired to high glories when they were children,
And they presided and were generous when they were infants.
١٧. سَعَوا لِلمَعالي وَهُم صِبيَةٌ
وَسادوا وَجادوا وَهُم في المُهودِ
18. My sovereign to whom it is proper
To give gifts and emancipate slaves.
١٨. أَمالِكَ رِقّي وَمَن شَأنُهُ
هِباتُ اللُجَينِ وَعِتقُ العَبيدِ
19. I called upon you when hopes were cut off
And death was as near to me as my jugular vein.
١٩. دَعَوتُكَ عِندَ اِنقِطاعِ الرَجا
ءِ وَالمَوتُ مِنّي كَحَبلِ الوَريدِ
20. I called upon you when affliction befell me
And the weight of iron weakened my legs.
٢٠. دَعَوتُكَ لَمّا بَراني البَلاءُ
وَأَوهَنَ رِجلَيَّ ثِقلُ الحَديدِ
21. While their walking was in slippers
Their walking became in shackles.
٢١. وَقَد كانَ مَشيُهُما في النِعالِ
فَقَد صارَ مَشيُهُما في القُيودِ
22. While I was among people in an assembly
Hastening the applicability of penal laws upon me
٢٢. وَكُنتُ مِنَ الناسِ في مَحفِلٍ
فَها أَنا في مَحفِلٍ مِن قُرودِ
23. And my limit just before prostration.
And it was said you transgressed upon people
٢٣. تُعَجِّلُ فِيَّ وُجوبَ الحُدودِ
وَحَدّي قُبَيلَ وُجوبِ السُجودِ
24. Between me sitting and standing up.
So why do you accept the untruthful words
٢٤. وَقيلَ عَدَوتَ عَلى العالَميـ
ـنَ بَينَ وِلادي وَبَينَ القُعودِ
25. When the value of testimony is that of witnesses?
So do not listen to the false accusers,
٢٥. فَما لَكَ تَقبَلُ زورَ الكَلامِ
وَقَدرُ الشَهادَةِ قَدرُ الشُهودِ
26. And do not care for the judgement of Jews.
And distinguish between a claim I wanted
٢٦. فَلا تَسمَعَنَّ مِنَ الكاشِحينَ
وَلا تَعبَأَنَّ بِمَحكِ اليَهودِ
27. And a claim I did in a far fetched manner.
And in your generous hands is what you gifted me
٢٧. وَكُن فارِقاً بَينَ دَعوى أَرَدتُ
وَدَعوى فَعَلتُ بِشَأوٍ بَعيدِ
28. With myself even if I were the most wretched Thamud.
٢٨. وَفي جودِ كَفَّيكَ ما جُدتَ لي
بِنَفسي وَلَو كُنتُ أَشقى ثَمودِ