
The memory of childhood and abodes of tranquility

ذكر الصبى ومراتع الآرام

1. The memory of childhood and abodes of tranquility
Hastened my pigeons before their usual time

١. ذِكرُ الصِبى وَمَراتِعِ الآرامِ
جَلَبَت حِمامي قَبلَ وَقتِ حِمامي

2. It is as though when cares multiplied within
Its open spaces, like the multiplying of blamers

٢. دِمَنٌ تَكاثَرَتِ الهُمومُ عَلَيَّ في
عَرَصاتِها كَتَكاثُرِ اللُوّامِ

3. So every cloud seemed to have wept with
My eyes for Urwah ibn Hizam

٣. فَكَأَنَّ كُلَّ سَحابَةٍ وَكَفَت بِها
تَبكي بِعَينَي عُروَةَ اِبنِ حِزامِ

4. And how much did I spend the spittle of its clouds
In it, and how many reproaches did I spend

٤. وَلَطالَما أَفنَيتُ ريقَ كَعابِها
فيها وَأَفنَت بِالعِتابِ كَلامي

5. You used to jest freely about separation
And malign my character, out of wickedness and nakedness

٥. قَد كُنتَ تَهزَءُ بِالفِراقِ مَجانَةً
وَتَجُرُّ ذَيلَي شِرَّةٍ وَعُرامِ

6. It is not the domes upon the riders but rather
Life itself that has departed in peace

٦. لَيسَ القِبابُ عَلى الرِكابِ وَإِنَّما
هُنَّ الحَياةُ تَرَحَّلَت بِسَلامِ

7. Would that He who created nuclei had made pebbles
To be the joints and bones of their hoofs and my joints and bones

٧. لَيتَ الَّذي خَلَقَ النَوى جَعَلَ الحَصى
لِخِفافِهِنَّ مَفاصِلي وَعِظامي

8. Exchanging glances, we pour the water of our affairs
Wary of the spying in the sleeves

٨. مُتَلاحِظَينِ نَسُحُّ ماءَ شُؤونِنا
حَذَراً مِنَ الرُقَباءِ في الأَكمامِ

9. Our souls have departed and after them we lived
After they had dripped upon the feet

٩. أَرواحُنا اِنهَمَلَت وَعِشنا بَعدَها
مِن بَعدِ ما قَطَرَت عَلى الأَقدامِ

10. Had they been like our patience on the day of departure
They would have been unlike fetters

١٠. لَو كُنَّ يَومَ جَرَينَ كُنَّ كَصَبرِنا
عِندَ الرَحيلِ لَكُنَّ غَيرَ سِجامِ

11. They left me no friend but sorrow
And the appendage of a ostrich like a stallion ostrich

١١. لَم يَترُكوا لي صاحِباً إِلّا الأَسى
وَذَميلَ دِعبِلَةٍ كَفَحلِ نَعامِ

12. The aloofness of the noble turned their backs
To none but you, upon me unlawfully

١٢. وَتَعَذُّرُ الأَحرارِ صَيَّرَ ظَهرَها
إِلّا إِلَيكَ عَلَيَّ فَرجَ حَرامِ

13. You are the stranger in an era whose people
Were born with their virtues incomplete

١٣. أَنتَ الغَريبَةُ في زَمانٍ أَهلُهُ
وُلِدَت مَكارِمُهُم لِغَيرِ تَمامِ

14. You have been excessive in bestowing gifts but have not ceased
To be a banner of benevolence and favor

١٤. أَكثَرتَ مِن بَذلِ النَوالِ وَلَم تَزَل
عَلَماً عَلى الإِفضالِ وَالإِنعامِ

15. You made each great one small and grew
As if you had counted the years of a boy

١٥. صَغَّرتَ كُلَّ كَبيرَةٍ وَكَبُرتَ عَن
لَكَأَنَّهُ وَعَدَدتَ سِنَّ غُلامِ

16. You have reveled in garments of praise though
Lack of praise is the end of oblivion

١٦. وَرَفَلتَ في حُلَلِ الثَناءِ وَإِنَّما
عَدَمُ الثَناءِ نِهايَةُ الإِعدامِ

17. A fault upon you is seen bearing a sword amidst the fray
What can sword do against sword?

١٧. عَيبٌ عَلَيكَ تُرى بِسَيفٍ في الوَغى
ما يَصنَعُ الصَمصامُ بِالصَمصامِ

18. If one like you existed or exists
Then I am exonerated from Islam

١٨. إِن كانَ مِثلُكَ كانَ أَو هُوَ كائِنٌ
فَبَرِئتُ حينَئذٍ مِنَ الإِسلامِ

19. A king whose days were adorned with his position
Until they boasted of him against the days

١٩. مَلِكٌ زُهَت بِمَكانِهِ أَيّامُهُ
حَتّى اِفتَخَرنَ بِهِ عَلى الأَيّامِ

20. His image robbed the world of their dreams
Of his dream, so they are without dreams

٢٠. وَتَخالُهُ سَلَبَ الوَرى أَحلامَهُم
مِن حِلمِهِ فَهُمُ بِلا أَحلامِ

21. And if you tested, his resolves would be exposed
To the unique annulment and conclusion

٢١. وَإِذا اِمتَحَنتَ تَكَشَّفَت عَزَماتُهُ
عَن أَوحَدِيِّ النَقضِ وَالإِبرامِ

22. And if you asked his edifice about his achievements
He would not be content with fulfilling the bounds of the world

٢٢. وَإِذا سَأَلتَ بَنانَهُ عَن نَيلِهِ
لَم يَرضَ بِالدُنيا قَضاءَ ذِمامِ

23. Wait! By God, what the thin worms have done
To Amr son of Hind and Dabba the dark camels

٢٣. مَهلاً أَلا لِلَّهِ ما صَنَعَ القَنا
في عَمروُ حابِ وَضَبَّةَ الأَغتامِ

24. When the tongues gained mastery over them
They erred while they dragged in the rulings

٢٤. لَمّا تُحَكَّمَتِ الأَسِنَّةُ فيهِم
جارَت وَهُنَّ يَجُرنَ في الأَحكامِ

25. You left them cleft amidst the houses as though
Their heads had become angry at their bodies

٢٥. فَتَرَكتَهُم خَلَلَ البُيوتِ كَأَنَّما
غَضِبَت رُؤوسُهُمُ عَلى الأَجسامِ

26. Stones of people over earth of blood
And white stars in a sky of darkness

٢٦. أَحجارُ ناسٍ فَوقَ أَرضٍ مِن دَمٍ
وَنُجومُ بَيضٍ في سَماءِ قَتامِ

27. The arm of each father so-and-so is a nickname
Whose companion then became father of the orphans

٢٧. وَذِراعُ كُلِّ أَبي فُلانٍ كُنيَةً
حالَت فَصاحِبُها أَبو الأَيتامِ

28. My pact with the battle of the emir and his horses
Subdued at Naqaa, refraining from subjugation

٢٨. عَهدي بِمَعرَكَةِ الأَميرِ وَخَيلُهُ
في النَقعِ مُحجِمَةٌ عَنِ الإِحجامِ

29. O sword of the state of Hashim, he who intends
To attain your gifts intends the impossible

٢٩. يا سَيفَ دَولَةِ هاشِمٍ مَن رامَ أَن
يَلقى مَنالَكَ رامَ غَيرَ مَرامِ

30. May God pray upon you without farewell
And water the soil of your parents by the clouds

٣٠. صَلّى الإِلَهُ عَلَيكَ غَيرَ مُوَدَّعٍ
وَسَقى ثَرى أَبَوَيكَ صَوبَ غَمامِ

31. He clothed you in a garment of awe from Him
And showed you the face of your brother Al-Qamqam

٣١. وَكَساكَ ثَوبَ مَهابَةٍ مِن عِندِهِ
وَأَراكَ وَجهَ شَقيقِكَ القَمقامِ

32. Indeed, he threw himself into the abode of the enemy
In the onslaught of a maddened lion

٣٢. فَلَقَد رَمى بَلَدَ العَدُوِّ بِنَفسِهِ
في رَوقِ أَرعَنَ كَالغِطَمِّ لُهامِ

33. A people whom the fates spied upon in you
And saw in you enduring patience in war

٣٣. قَومٌ تَفَرَّسَتِ المَنايا فيكُمُ
فَرَأَت لَكُم في الحَربِ صَبرَ كِرامِ

34. By God, if not for you, no man would have known
Generosity, or how to strike resolutely

٣٤. تَاللَهِ ما عَلِمَ اِمرُؤٌ لَولاكُمُ
كَيفَ السَخاءُ وَكَيفَ ضَربَ الهامِ