1. People blamed the generous chief of a tribe
For his openhandedness with wealth and leaves.
١. لامَ أُناسٌ أَبا العَشائِرِ في
جودِ يَدَيهِ بِالعَينِ وَالوَرَقِ
2. But I said: "He was created generous,
And the Creator of beings made their natures."
٢. وَإِنَّما قيلَ لِم خُلِقتَ كَذا
وَخالِقُ الخَلقِ خالِقُ الخُلُقِ
3. They said: "Has not his generosity sufficed
That he built his house blocking the roads?"
٣. قالوا أَلَم تَكفِهِ سَماحَتُهُ
حَتّى بَنى بَيتَهُ عَلى الطُرُقِ
4. I replied: "A brave youth's courage
Makes him see in meanness the image of separation."
٤. فَقُلتُ إِنَّ الفَتى شَجاعَتُهُ
تُريهِ في الشُحِّ صورَةَ الفَرقِ
5. By striking the thick-necked warriors he won
The same gains they won by baseness and flattery.
٥. بِضَربِ هامِ الكُماةِ تَمَّ لَهُ
كَسبُ الَّذي يَكسِبونَ بِالمَلَقِ
6. The sun has mounted the sky, and nothing
Can keep it from the eyes, however far.
٦. الشَمسُ قَد حَلَّتِ السَماءَ وَما
يَحجُبُها بُعدُها عَنِ الحَدَقِ
7. Be a refuge, O generous one, for your sword
Has protected you from perishing.
٧. كُن لُجَّةً أَيُّها السَماحُ فَقَد
آمَنَهُ سَيفُهُ مِنَ الغَرَقِ