
I love a man whose love fills souls

أحب امرئ حبت الأنفس

1. I love a man whose love fills souls
And most fragrant is what he smells

١. أَحَبُّ اِمرِئٍ حَبَّتِ الأَنفُسُ
وَأَطيَبُ ما شَمَّهُ مَعطِسُ

2. A blossom of pleasure but games
Are his hobby, and flower petals

٢. وَنَشرٌ مِنَ النَدِّ لَكِنَّما
مَجامِرُهُ الآسُ وَالنَرجِسُ

3. Do we not see flames that burn him
Did your glory burn him, most wretched

٣. وَلَسنا نَرى لَهَباً هاجَهُ
فَهَل هاجَهُ عِزُّكَ الأَقعَسُ

4. And those demons surrounding him
Their heads envy his feet

٤. وَإِنَّ الفِئامَ الَّتي حَولَهُ
لَتَحسُدُ أَرجُلَها الأَرؤسُ