
Oppression is attributed to this day before beholding it

ظلم لذا اليوم وصف قبل رؤيته

1. Oppression is attributed to this day before beholding it
The description is not to be believed until the gaze proves true

١. ظُلمٌ لِذا اليَومِ وَصفٌ قَبلَ رُؤيَتِهِ
لا يَصدُقُ الوَصفُ حَتّى يَصدُقُ النَظَرُ

2. The army crowded in until they could find no path
To reach your presence; I had hearing but no sight

٢. تَزاحَمَ الجَيشُ حَتّى لَم يَجِد سَبَباً
إِلى بِساطِكَ لي سَمعٌ وَلا بَصَرُ

3. So I witnessed an expert yet was absent from him
My witnessing and my own eyes were all hearsay

٣. فَكُنتُ أَشهَدَ مُختَصٍّ وَأَغيَبَهُ
مُعايِناً وَعِياني كُلُّهُ خَبَرُ

4. Today the King of Rome lifts up his gaze
For your pardon of him is for him a triumph

٤. اليَومَ يَرفَعُ مَلكُ الرومِ ناظِرَهُ
لِأَنَّ عَفوَكَ عَنهُ عِندَهُ ظَفَرُ

5. And if you answer anything regarding his messages
He will still boast of power over the kingdoms

٥. وَإِن أَجَبتَ بِشَيءٍ عَن رَسائِلِهِ
فَما يَزالُ عَلى الأَملاكِ يَفتَخِرُ

6. Their necks have rested for a time
From swords, while the rest of the people wait

٦. قَدِ اِستَراحَت إِلى وَقتٍ رِقابُهُمُ
مِنَ السُيوفِ وَباقي القَومِ يَنتَظِرُ

7. You may exchange them for other people
To gather together the heads of the people and the palace

٧. وَقَد تُبَدِّلُها بِالقَومِ غَيرُهُمُ
لِكَي تَجِمَّ رُؤوسَ القَومِ وَالقَصرُ

8. Likening your generosity to rains coming down
Generosity from your palm, which rain attained

٨. تَشبيهُ جودِكَ بِالأَمطارِ غادِيَةً
جودٌ لِكَفِّكَ ثانٍ نالَهُ المَطَرُ

9. The rising sun borrows its light from you
As the moon borrowed its brightness from it

٩. تَكَسَّبُ الشَمسُ مِنكَ النورَ طالِعَةً
كَما تَكَسَّبَ مِنها نورَهُ القَمَرُ