
My longing is not satisfied with me in this condition,

ما الشوق مقتنعا مني بذا الكمد

1. My longing is not satisfied with me in this condition,
Until I am without a heart or liver,

١. ما الشَوقُ مُقتَنِعاً مِنّي بِذا الكَمَدِ
حَتّى أَكونَ بِلا قَلبٍ وَلا كَبِدِ

2. Nor do the abodes where the beloved once was
Complain to me, nor do I complain to anyone.

٢. وَلا الدِيارُ الَّتي كانَ الحَبيبُ بِها
تَشكو إِلَيَّ وَلا أَشكو إِلى أَحَدِ

3. Every evening star that rises continues to unsettle it,
And sickness unsettles me, until my body is etched.

٣. مازالَ كُلُّ هَزيمِ الوَدقِ يُنحِلُها
وَالسُقمُ يُنحِلُني حَتّى حَكَت جَسَدي

4. And whenever my tear flows, my patience ebbs,
As if what flows from my eyelids is from my skin.

٤. وَكُلَّما فاضَ دَمعي غاضَ مُصطَبَري
كَأَنَّ ما سالَ مِن جَفنَيَّ مِن جَلَدي

5. So where are my sighs for the one I was burdened with,
And where are you, O Ibn Yahya, boldness of the lion?

٥. فَأَينَ مِن زَفَراتي مَن كَلِفتُ بِهِ
وَأَينَ مِنكَ اِبنَ يَحيى صَولَةُ الأَسَدِ

6. When I weighed you against the world, I was fed up with it,
And in my view, a multitude of people meant little.

٦. لَمّا وَزَنتُ بِكَ الدُنيا فَمِلتَ بِها
وَبِالوَرى قَلَّ عِندي كَثرَةُ العَدَدِ

7. No joy has lasted in the eternity of days for me,
Abu Ubadah, until you remained in my eternity.

٧. ما دارَ في خَلَدِ الأَيّامِ لي فَرَحٌ
أَبا عُبادَةَ حَتّى دُرتَ في خَلَدي

8. A king, when his treasuries are filled with wealth,
Makes them taste the flavor of a mother's compassion for her son.

٨. مَلكٌ إِذا اِمتَلَأَت مالاً خَزائِنُهُ
أَذاقَها طَعمَ ثُكلِ الأُمِّ لِلوَلَدِ

9. The wise man sees the past of his soul before tomorrow
With his heart - not with what his eyes see after tomorrow.

٩. ماضي الجَنانِ يُريهِ الحَزمُ قَبلَ غَدٍ
بِقَلبِهِ ما تَرى عَيناهُ بَعدَ غَدِ

10. What is this brilliance, and what is this light from a human,
And what is this generosity in which is the generosity of hand?

١٠. ماذا البَهاءُ وَلا ذا النورُ مِن بَشَرٍ
وَلا السَماحُ الَّذي فيهِ سَماحُ يَدِ

11. Which palms can compete with the rain as they happened to meet,
Until when they parted, it did not return?

١١. أَيُّ الأَكُفِّ تُباري الغَيثَ ما اِتَّفَقا
حَتّى إِذا اِفتَرَقا عادَت وَلَم يَعُدِ

12. I used to think glory was from Mudar
Until it shone, and today it is from Aded.

١٢. قَد كُنتُ أَحسَبُ أَنَّ المَجدَ مِن مُضَرٍ
حَتّى تَبَحتَرَ فَهوَ اليَومَ مِن أَدَدِ

13. A people whose swords rain death when they unsheathe them -
You would think they are clouds pouring down on a land.

١٣. قَومٌ إِذا أَمطَرَت مَوتاً سُيوفُهُمُ
حَسِبتَها سُحُباً جادَت عَلى بَلَدِ

14. I have not set the extent of my thought about you in any description
Except I found its range the extent of eternity.

١٤. لَم أُجرِ غايَةَ فِكري مِنكَ في صِفَةٍ
إِلّا وَجَدتُ مَداها غايَةَ الأَبَدِ