
One third, for lo! O ruins

إثلث فإنا أيها الطلل

1. One third, for lo! O ruins
We weep while the camels kneel beneath us

١. إِثلِث فَإِنّا أَيُّها الطَلَلُ
نَبكي وَتُرزِمُ تَحتَنا الإِبلُ

2. Firstly, no reproach upon a ruin
For the like of it, the mature ones did

٢. أَولا فَلا عَتبٌ عَلى طَلَلِ
إِنَّ الطُلولَ لِمِثلِها فُعُلُ

3. If you could speak, you would say excusing me
Nothing in me but what in you, O man

٣. لَو كُنتَ تَنطِقُ قُلتَ مُعتَذِراً
بي غَيرُ ما بِكَ أَيُّها الرَجُلُ

4. You weep that you are part of those who were passionate
I do not weep that I am part of those who were killed

٤. أَبكاكَ أَنَّكَ بَعضُ مَن شَغَفوا
لَم أَبكِ أَنِّيَ بَعضُ مَن قَتَلوا

5. Those who stayed and endured
Their days in their lands alternate

٥. إِنَّ الَّذينَ أَقَمتَ وَاِحتَمَلوا
أَيّامُهُم لِدِيارِهِم دُوَلُ

6. Beauty moves on whenever they moved
With them and settles wherever they settled

٦. الحُسنُ يَرحَلُ كُلَّما رَحَلوا
مَعَهُم وَيَنزِلُ حَيثُما نَزَلوا

7. In my eyelids a Bedouin girl stirs them
Who was tempted by the ornaments

٧. في مُقلَتي رَشَأٍ تُديرُهُما
بَدَوِيَّةٌ فُتِنَت بِها الحِلَلُ

8. The abodes complain of the length of their abandonment
And their remoteness, and who shall they visit?

٨. تَشكو المَطاعِمُ طولَ هِجرَتِها
وَصُدودِها وَمَنِ الَّذي تَصِلُ

9. She left no milk curdled in the waterskin
Which was musk and honey

٩. ما أَسأَرَت في القَعبِ مِن لَبَنٍ
تَرَكَتهُ وَهوَ المِسكُ وَالعَسَلُ

10. She said: Will you not wake? And I said to her
You have taught me that passion is fruitless

١٠. قالَت أَلا تَصحو فَقُلتُ لَها
أَعلَمتِني أَنَّ الهَوى ثَمَلُ

11. If the steeds of Fanakhas had neighed at you
And she went out alone, the spinning would entangle her

١١. لَو أَنَّ فَنّاخُسرَ صَبَّحَكُم
وَبَرَزتِ وَحدَكِ عاقَهُ الغَزَلُ

12. And his hordes had dispersed from you
Verily the sailor folk are perfidious, killed

١٢. وَتَفَرَّقَت عَنكُم كَتائِبُهُ
إِنَّ المِلاحَ خَوادِعٌ قُتُلُ

13. You would not have done it, and your guest
Is the king of kings, yet you are stingy

١٣. ما كُنتِ فاعِلَةً وَضَيفُكُمُ
مَلِكُ المُلوكِ وَشَأنُكِ البَخَلُ

14. Will you forbid food and so disgrace yourself
Or will you give that which he requests?

١٤. أَتُمَنِّعينَ قِرىً فَتَفتَضِحي
أَم تَبذُلينَ لَهُ الَّذي يَسَلُ

15. But it is not fitting where he has settled
Stinginess, injustice or fear

١٥. بَل لا يَحُلُّ بِحَيثُ حَلَّ بِهِ
بُخلٌ وَلا جَورٌ وَلا وَجَلُ

16. A king whom, when the spear reaches him
Is a straight, upright branch we have mentioned

١٦. مَلِكٌ إِذا ما الرُمحُ أَدرَكَهُ
طَنَبٌ ذَكَرناهُ فَيَعتَدِلُ

17. If those before him did not refrain
From that which troubles him, then they were heedless

١٧. إِن لَم يَكُن مَن قَبلَهُ عَجَزوا
عَمّا يَسوسُ بِهِ فَقَد غَفَلوا

18. Until the son of her youth came to the world
And the plain and mountain complained to him

١٨. حَتّى أَتى الدُنيا اِبنُ بَجدَتِها
فَشَكا إِلَيهِ السَهلُ وَالجَبَلُ

19. The sick man's complaint to the guarantor,
That no illnesses will pass through his body

١٩. شَكوى العَليلِ إِلى الكَفيلِ لَهُ
أَن لا تَمُرَّ بِجِسمِهِ العِلَلُ

20. His courage did not lie when it said
Go forward, your soul has no term

٢٠. قالَت فَلا كَذَبَت شَجاعَتُهُ
أَقدِم فَنَفسُكَ ما لَها أَجَلُ

21. For it is the conclusion, if a parable runs
Or it is said, on the day of battle, who is the hero?

٢١. فَهُوَ النِهايَةُ إِن جَرى مَثَلٌ
أَو قيلَ يَومَ وَغىً مَنِ البَطَلُ

22. The number of delegations coming to him
Without arms, is the form and the mind

٢٢. عُدَدُ الوُفودِ العامِدينَ لَهُ
دونَ السِلاحِ الشَكلُ وَالعَقلُ

23. So their form in his horses finds work
And their mind in his fortune finds occupation

٢٣. فَلِشُكلِهِم في خَيلِهِ عَمَلٌ
وَلِعُقلِهِم في بُختِهِ شُغُلُ

24. You rouse because of his gifts
Either it or its remainder or the substitute

٢٤. تُمسي عَلى أَيدي مَواهِبِهِ
هِيَ أَو بَقِيَّتُها أَوِ البَدَلُ

25. From his hand he yearns for paths
A yearning for him the thorns grow

٢٥. يَشتاقُ مِن يَدِهِ إِلى سَبَلٍ
شَوقاً إِلَيهِ يَنبُتُ الأَسَلُ

26. Paths which his gifts grow long by
And glory not the gifts and gratuities

٢٦. سَبَلٌ تَطولُ المَكرُماتُ بِهِ
وَالمَجدُ لا الحَوذانُ وَالنَفَلُ

27. And to the pebbles of a land where he stayed
The people kiss it from venerating it

٢٧. وَإِلى حَصى أَرضٍ أَقامَ بِها
بِالناسِ مِن تَقبيلِها يَلَلُ

28. If his laughter does not mix with them
Then for whom is the kiss guarded and stored?

٢٨. إِن لَم تُخالِطهُ ضَواحِكُهُم
فَلِمَن تُصانُ وَتُذخَرُ القُبَلُ

29. In his face from the light of his Creator
Is a measure, these are the signs and messages

٢٩. في وَجهِهِ مِن نورِ خالِقِهِ
قَدَرٌ هِيَ الآياتُ وَالرُسُلُ

30. And when hearts refuse his rule
The blades of his swords are content with ruling

٣٠. وَإِذا القُلوبُ أَبَت حُكومَتَهُ
رَضِيَت بِحُكمِ سُيوفِهِ القُلَلُ

31. And when the unruly refuses to bow to him
The supple spears in it bow down

٣١. وَإِذا الخَميسُ أَبى السُجودَ لَهُ
سَجَدَت لَهُ فيهِ القَنا الذُبُلُ

32. Are you pleased, while Khosrow is not
Or will more madness come to your mother?

٣٢. أَرَضيتَ وَهشُوَذانُ ما حَكَمَت
أَم تَستَزيدُ لِأُمِّكَ الهَبَلُ

33. Your lands have returned without being acutely ill
As if they were the blossoms among the spears

٣٣. وَرَدَت بِلادَكَ غَيرَ مُعمَدَةٍ
وَكَأَنَّها بَينَ القَنا شُعَلُ

34. And the people in their chiefs are verdant
And the horses in their chiefs are lively

٣٤. وَالقَومُ في أَعيانِهِم خَزَرٌ
وَالخَيلُ في أَعيانِها قَبَلُ

35. So they came to you, not like those who came before
Among them, nor those who kept away, blend in

٣٥. فَأَتَوكَ لَيسَ بِمَن أَتَوا قِبَلٌ
بِهِم وَلَيسَ بِمَن نَأَوا خَلَلُ

36. Whoever is at the meadows does not know
That they have parted, or when they departed

٣٦. لَم يَدرِ مَن بِالرَيِّ أَنَّهُمُ
فَصَلوا وَلا يَدري إِذا قَفَلوا

37. You came resolved and not a lion
You left defeated and not a hyena

٣٧. فَأَتَيتَ مُعتَزِماً وَلا أَسَدٌ
وَمَضَيتَ مُنهَزِماً وَلا وَعِلُ

38. You give their weapons and relief
What the wretched were unable to attain

٣٨. تُعطي سِلاحَهُمُ وَراحَهُمُ
ما لَم تَكُن لِتَنالَهُ المُقَلُ

39. The most generous of kings in transferring kingship
Nearly lost his head over it

٣٩. أَسخى المُلوكِ بِنَقلِ مَملَكَةٍ
مَن كادَ عَنهُ الرَأسُ يَنتَقِلُ

40. If not for ignorance, you would not have entered among
A people you drowned while they only spit

٤٠. لَولا الجَهالَةُ ما دَلَفتَ إِلى
قَومٍ غَرِقتَ وَإِنَّما تَفَلوا

41. They did not come secretly or gain treacherously
Nor did darkness aid them

٤١. لا أَقبَلوا سِرّاً وَلا ظَفِروا
غَدراً وَلا نَصَرَتهُمُ الغِيَلُ

42. You will not meet a horse of yours that recognizes you
Except when ruses narrow for you

٤٢. لا تَلقَ أَفرَسَ مِنكَ تَعرِفُهُ
إِلّا إِذا ضاقَت بِكَ الحِيَلُ

43. No one is ashamed whom they call
The Buyids surpassed you or excelled

٤٣. لا يَستَحي أَحَدٌ يُقالُ لَهُ
نَضَلوكَ آلُ بُوَيهِ أَو فَضَلوا

44. They judged, pardoned, numbered, and if asked
They enriched, exalted, exalted even if they were just

٤٤. قَدَروا عَفَوا وَعَدوا وَفَوا سُئِلوا
أَغنَوا عَلَوا أَعلَوا وَلَو عَدَلوا

45. Above the sky and above what they sought
So when they wanted an aim they descended

٤٥. فَوقَ السَماءِ وَفَوقَ ما طَلَبوا
فَإِذا أَرادوا غايَةً نَزَلوا

46. Their virtues cut through their blades
So if a liar found it difficult, they accepted

٤٦. قَطَعَت مَكارِمُهُم صَوارِمَهُم
فَإِذا تَعَذَّرَ كاذِبٌ قَبِلوا

47. They do not brandish over their opponent
A sword, its place is taken by forbearance

٤٧. لا يَشهُرونَ عَلى مُخالِفِهِم
سَيفاً يَقومُ مَقامَهُ العَذَلُ

48. They refused Ali, through whom they conquered
And Abu Shuja, through whom they perfected

٤٨. فَأَبوا عَلِيٍّ مَن بِهِ قَهَروا
وَأَبو شُجاعٍ مَن بِهِ كَمَلوا

49. The blessings of the first of this one swore
In the cradle that no hopes escaped them

٤٩. حَلَفَت لِذا بَرَكاتُ غُرَّةِ ذا
في المَهدِ أَن لا فاتَهُم أَمَلُ