1. Worry disturbs while composure holds back,
And tears between them disobey yet obey.
١. الحُزنُ يُقلِقُ وَالتَجَمُّلُ يَردَعُ
وَالدَمعُ بَينَهُما عَصِيٌّ طَيِّعُ
2. They fight over the tears of a weeping eye,
One brings them and the other takes them away.
٢. يَتَنازَعانِ دُموعَ عَينِ مُسَهَّدٍ
هَذا يَجيءُ بِها وَهَذا يَرجِعُ
3. Sleep after Abu Shuja is disrupted,
The night lingers and stars are covered.
٣. النَومُ بَعدَ أَبي شُجاعٍ نافِرٌ
وَاللَيلُ مُعيٍ وَالكَواكِبُ ظُلَّعُ
4. I'm cowardly of leaving my loved ones,
Yet my soul toughens with resolve like a dove.
٤. إِنّي لَأَجبُنُ مِن فِراقِ أَحِبَّتي
وَتُحِسُّ نَفسي بِالحِمامِ فَأَشجَعُ
5. The enemies' wrath makes me harsher,
A friend's blame breaks and rends me apart.
٥. وَيَزيدُني غَضَبُ الأَعادي قَسوَةً
وَيُلِمُّ بي عَتبُ الصَديقِ فَأَجزَعُ
6. Life seems clear for an ignorant or heedless one,
Of what has passed and what is expected.
٦. تَصفو الحَياةُ لِجاهِلٍ أَو غافِلٍ
عَمّا مَضى فيها وَما يُتَوَقَّعُ
7. And one who deceives himself about facts,
And lets his soul covet the impossible and hope.
٧. وَلِمَن يُغالِطُ في الحَقائِقِ نَفسَهُ
وَيَسومُها طَلَبَ المُحالِ فَتَطمَعُ
8. Where are those whom the pyramids were built for?
What of their people, their time, their place of death?
٨. أَينَ الَّذي الهَرَمانِ مِن بُنيانِهِ
ما قَومُهُ ما يَومُهُ ما المَصرَعُ
9. Traces lag behind their makers,
Until oblivion overtakes them and follows.
٩. تَتَخَلَّفُ الآثارُ عَن أَصحابِها
حيناً وَيُدرِكُها الفَناءُ فَتَتبَعُ
10. Abu Shuja's heart was not content with any wealth
before death, nor was any place wide enough for him.
١٠. لَم يُرضِ قَلبَ أَبي شُجاعٍ مَبلَغٌ
قَبلَ المَماتِ وَلَم يَسَعهُ مَوضِعُ
11. We thought his houses brimmed with gold,
yet he died while every house of his was empty.
١١. كُنّا نَظُنُّ دِيارَهُ مَملوءَةً
ذَهَباً فَماتَ وَكُلُّ دارٍ بَلقَعُ
12. Now all swords and lances, spears
and crooked paths, everything comes together.
١٢. وَإِذا المَكارِمُ وَالصَوارِمُ وَالقَنا
وَبَناتُ أَعوَجَ كُلُّ شَيءٍ يَجمَعُ
13. Glory is the greatest loss, generosity the worst deal,
for the noblest soul to live for them.
١٣. المَجدُ أَخسَرُ وَالمَكارِمُ صَفقَةً
مِن أَن يَعيشَ لَها الكَريمُ الأَروَعُ
14. And people are too lowly in your time
for you to live equal to them though you are higher.
١٤. وَالناسُ أَنزَلُ في زَمانِكَ مَنزِلاً
مِن أَن تُعايِشَهُم وَقَدرُكَ أَرفَعُ
15. Repel the slander if you can with a word,
for it harms when it wants and benefits when it wants.
١٥. بَرِّد حَشايَ إِنِ اِستَطَعتَ بِلَفظَةٍ
فَلَقَد تَضُرُّ إِذا تَشاءُ وَتَنفَعُ
16. You've done no wrong toward a friend before it,
nothing objectionable or hurtful.
١٦. ما كانَ مِنكَ إِلى خَليلٍ قَبلَها
ما يُستَرابُ بِهِ وَلا ما يوجِعُ
17. I've seen you bear no blame
that a deaf heart didn't absolve you of.
١٧. وَلَقَد أَراكَ وَما تُلِمُّ مُلِمَّةٌ
إِلّا نَفاها عَنكَ قَلبٌ أَصمَعُ
18. And a hand as if fighting and helping it
were an obligation you benevolently took on.
١٨. وَيَدٌ كَأَنَّ قِتالَها وَنَوالَها
فَرضٌ يَحِقُّ عَلَيكَ وَهوَ تَبَرُّعُ
19. O you who change garments everyday,
when did you accept a garment you won't take off?
١٩. يا مَن يُبَدِّلُ كُلَّ يَومٍ حُلَّةً
أَنّى رَضيتَ بِحُلَّةٍ لا تُنزَعُ
20. You kept taking it off for whoever wanted it
until today you wore what you cannot remove.
٢٠. ما زِلتَ تَخلَعُها عَلى مَن شاءَها
حَتّى لَبِستَ اليَومَ مالا تَخلَعُ
21. You kept deflecting every grave matter
until the matter came that cannot be deflected.
٢١. ما زِلتَ تَدفَعُ كُلَّ أَمرٍ فادِحٍ
حَتّى أَتى الأَمرُ الَّذي لا يُدفَعُ
22. So you remained watching with no lances raised
against your shame, and no swords unsheathed.
٢٢. فَظَلِلتَ تَنظُرُ لا رِماحُكَ شُرَّعٌ
فيما عَراكَ وَلا سُيوفُكَ قُطَّعُ
23. By my father the army is numerous
as it weeps, and tears are the evilest weapons.
٢٣. بِأَبي الوَحيدُ وَجَيشُهُ مُتَكاثِرٌ
يَبكي وَمِن شَرِّ السِلاحِ الأَدمُعُ
24. When you've gained tears instead of arms,
shame on your folly and misfortune that slapped you.
٢٤. وَإِذا حَصَلتَ مِنَ السِلاحِ عَلى البُكا
فَحَشاكَ رُعتَ بِهِ وَخَدَّكَ تَقرَعُ
25. A hand has reached you to which
the buzzard and raven are equal.
٢٥. وَصَلَت إِلَيكَ يَدٌ سَواءٌ عِندَها ال
بازي الأُشَيهِبُ وَالغُرابُ الأَبقَعُ
26. Without you, gatherings, crowds and nights
have lost a lamp that will not rise again.
٢٦. مَن لِلمَحافِلِ وَالجَحافِلِ وَالسُرى
فَقَدَت بِفَقدِكَ نَيِّراً لا يَطلَعُ
27. And whoever you made steward over hospitality,
they are lost, for one like you rarely loses.
٢٧. وَمَنِ اِتَّخَذتَ عَلى الضُيوفِ خَليفَةً
ضاعوا وَمِثلَكَ لا يَكادُ يُضَيِّعُ
28. How ugly is your face, O Time,
for it is a face marked with every ugliness.
٢٨. قُبحاً لِوَجهِكَ يا زَمانُ فَإِنَّهُ
وَجهٌ لَهُ مِن كُلِّ قُبحٍ بُرقُعُ
29. Does one like Abu Shuja die forgotten
while his envious castrated enemy lives?
٢٩. أَيَموتُ مِثلُ أَبي شُجاعٍ فاتِكٌ
وَيَعيشُ حاسِدُهُ الخَصِيُّ الأَوكَعُ
30. Severed hands surround his head
screaming, "Is there anyone who will slap?"
٣٠. أَيدٍ مُقَطَّعَةٌ حَوالي رَأسِهِ
وَقَفاً يَصيحُ بِها أَلا مَن يَصفَعُ
31. You left the greatest liar alive,
and took the most truthful speaker and hearer.
٣١. أَبقَيتَ أَكذَبَ كاذِبٍ أَبقَيتَهُ
وَأَخَذتَ أَصدَقَ مَن يَقولُ وَيَسمَعُ
32. You spared the stench of a foul odor,
and robbed the sweetest fragrance of its scent.
٣٢. وَتَرَكتَ أَنتَنَ ريحَةٍ مَذمومَةٍ
وَسَلَبتَ أَطيَبَ ريحَةٍ تَتَضَوَّعُ
33. So today, every snarling beast's blood
has become sacred, as if it hopes and waits.
٣٣. فَاليَومَ قَرَّ لِكُلِّ وَحشٍ نافِرٍ
دَمُهُ وَكانَ كَأَنَّهُ يَتَطَلَّعُ
34. The fruits of whips and their horses
have reconciled, and their marketplace and arms are one.
٣٤. وَتَصالَحَت ثَمَرُ السِياطِ وَخَيلُهُ
وَأَوَت إِلَيها سوقُها وَالأَذرُعُ
35. The aggressor has forgiven, so no piercing lance
looms over the canal, nor shining sword.
٣٥. وَعَفا الطِرادُ فَلا سِنانٌ راعِفٌ
فَوقَ القَناةِ وَلا حُسامٌ يَلمَعُ
36. They have turned away, intimate and close friend,
after loyalty, abandoning and bidding farewell.
٣٦. وَلّى وَكُلُّ مُخالِمٍ وَمُنادِمٍ
بَعدَ اللُزومِ مُشَيِّعٌ وَمُوَدِّعُ
37. The one in whom all peoples found refuge,
and for whose sword in every people there was pasture.
٣٧. مَن كانَ فيهِ لِكُلِّ قَومٍ مَلجَأً
وَلِسَيفِهِ في كُلِّ قَومٍ مَرتَعُ
38. If he stayed among Persians, their ruler
would kneel to him, humbled and bending.
٣٨. إِن حَلَّ في فُرسٍ فَفيها رَبُّها
كِسرى تَذِلُّ لَهُ الرِقابُ وَتَخضَعُ
39. Or if he stayed among Romans, their Caesar,
or if he stayed among Arabs, their Tubba.
٣٩. أَو حَلَّ في رومٍ فَفيها قَيصَرٌ
أَو حَلَّ في عُربٍ فَفيها تُبَّعُ
40. He was the swiftest horseman with a stab
but death is swifter.
٤٠. قَد كانَ أَسرَعَ فارِسٍ في طَعنَةٍ
فَرَساً وَلَكِنَّ المَنِيَّةَ أَسرَعُ
41. After him, the horsemen's hands did not
brandish a lance again, nor carry a steed.
٤١. لا قَلَّبَت أَيدي الفَوارِسِ بَعدَهُ
رُمحاً وَلا حَمَلَت جَواداً أَربَعُ