
I see robes, beautifully folded,

أرى حللا مطواة حسانا

1. I see robes, beautifully folded,
Calling me to see you wearing them in glory.

١. أَرى حُلَلاً مَطَوّاةً حِساناً
عَداني أَن أَراكَ بِها اِعتِلالي

2. You took them off and stepped out of them,
As if to fold up all the beauty you bear.

٢. وَهَبكَ طَوَيتَها وَخَرَجتَ عَنها
أَتَطوي ما عَلَيكَ مِنَ الجَمالِ

3. Their hems struggled at the top
With your body in combat.

٣. لَقَد ظَلَّت أَواخِرُها الأَعالي
مَعَ الأولى بِجِسمِكَ في قِتالِ

4. Eyes watch you in them
As if you wore the hearts of men.

٤. تُلاحِظُكَ العُيونُ وَأَنتَ فيها
كَأَنَّ عَلَيكَ أَفإِدَةَ الرِجالِ

5. When could I ever count your virtues in words?
I would sooner count the grains of sand.

٥. مَتى أَحصَيتُ فَضلَكَ في كَلامٍ
فَقَد أَحصَيتُ حَبّاتِ الرِمالِ

6. Yet in them, and in you, there is a lack:
You are their limit in perfection.

٦. وَإِنَّ بِها وَإِنَّ بِهِ لَنَقصاً
وَأَنتَ لَها النِهايَةُ في الكَمالِ