1. Do the lofty ones fear your disdain in the dark night
When you are a light amid the darkness?
١. أَمِنَ اِزدَيارَكِ في الدُجى الرُقَباءُ
إِذ حَيثُ أَنتِ مِنَ الظَلامِ ضِياءُ
2. The beauty is restless though she is musk whose wrapper is torn
And though she walks at night, she is brilliant
٢. قَلَقُ المَليحَةِ وَهيَ مِسكٌ هَتكُها
وَمَسيرُها في اللَيلِ وَهيَ ذُكاءُ
3. I grieve for my self-conceit which led me astray
From his knowledge, so it was hidden from me
٣. أَسَفي عَلى أَسَفي الَّذي دَلَّهتِني
عَن عِلمِهِ فَبِهِ عَلَيَّ خَفاءُ
4. And my complaint is the loss of well-being
For it was when my limbs were well
٤. وَشَكِيَّتي فَقدُ السَقامِ لِأَنَّهُ
قَد كانَ لَمّا كانَ لي أَعضاءُ
5. Your eyes resembled my wounded inner feelings
So both alike are tearful
٥. مَثَّلتِ عَينَكِ في حَشايَ جِراحَةً
فَتَشابَها كِلتاهُما نَجلاءُ
6. The snub-nosed sword went through me
And perhaps the brown spear will pierce it
٦. نَفَذَت عَلَيَّ السابِرِيَّ وَرُبَّما
تَندَقُّ فيهِ الصَعدَةُ السَمراءُ
7. I am a rock of the valley when it is struck
And when I speak, I am the nut tree
٧. أَنا صَخرَةُ الوادي إِذا ما زوحِمَت
وَإِذا نَطَقتُ فَإِنَّني الجَوزاءُ
8. And if I am obscure to the ignorant
It is no wonder a blind short-sighted one does not see me
٨. وَإِذا خَفيتُ عَلى الغَبِيِّ فَعاذِرٌ
أَن لا تَراني مُقلَةٌ عَمياءُ
9. It is the way of nights to cast doubt on my she-camel
And my breast opens to it or the open desert
٩. شِيَمُ اللَيالي أَن تُشَكِّكَ ناقَتي
صَدري بِها أَفضى أَمِ البَيداءُ
10. She passes the night smoothening a place to sleep
Cushioning it in the soft sand
١٠. فَتَبيتُ تُسئِدُ مُسئِداً في نَيِّها
إِسآدَها في المَهمَهِ الإِنضاءُ
11. Her saddle-bags are crumpled and her provisions-bag
Torn, and her route unspoiled
١١. أَنساعُها مَمغوطَةٌ وَخِفافُها
مَنكوحَةٌ وَطَريقُها عَذراءُ
12. Fear makes the waterskin change color
As the chameleon changes color
١٢. يَتَلَوَّنُ الخِرّيتُ مِن خَوفِ التَوى
فيها كَما يَتَلَوَّنُ الحِرباءُ
13. Between me and my father Ali is a distance
Like the smell of mountains and their hope
١٣. بَيني وَبَينَ أَبي عَلِيٍّ مِثلُهُ
شُمُّ الجِبالِ وَمِثلَهُنَّ رَجاءُ
14. And like the eagle of Lebanon; how can it be reached
When it is winter and its summer is winter?
١٤. وَعِقابُ لُبنانٍ وَكَيفَ بِقَطعِها
وَهُوَ الشِتاءُ وَصَيفُهُنَّ شِتاءُ
15. The snows clothed its passes against me
So that with their whiteness they seemed black
١٥. لَبَسَ الثُلوجُ بِها عَلَيَّ مَسالِكي
فَكَأَنَّها بِبَياضِها سَوداءُ
16. And so is the generous man when he stays in a country
Freshness flows in it and water rises
١٦. وَكَذا الكَريمُ إِذا أَقامَ بِبَلدَةٍ
سالَ النُضارُ بِها وَقامَ الماءُ
17. The train freezes and if it saw him as you see
It would be amazed and the streams would not flow
١٧. جَمَدَ القِطارُ وَلَو رَأَتهُ كَما تَرى
بُهِتَت فَلَم تَتَبَجَّسِ الأَنواءُ
18. In his line of poetry every heart has a desire
As if its ink were desires
١٨. في خَطِّهِ مِن كُلِّ قَلبٍ شَهوَةٌ
حَتّى كَأَنَّ مِدادَهُ الأَهواءُ
19. And for every eye a joy in his nearness
As if the far horizon were his disappearance
١٩. وَلِكُلِّ عَينٍ قُرَّةٌ في قُربِهِ
حَتّى كَأَنَّ مَغيبَهُ الأَقذاءُ
20. Who is guided to act though the poets do not guide
To speech until they act?
٢٠. مَن يَهتَدي في الفِعلِ ما لا تَهتَدي
في القَولِ حَتّى يَفعَلَ الشُعَراءُ
21. Every day the rhymes have a turn
In his heart and his ear listens
٢١. في كُلِّ يَومٍ لِلقَوافي جَولَةٌ
في قَلبِهِ وَلِأُذنِهِ إِصغاءُ
22. And a raid on what it contains, as if
In every line were a shooting star
٢٢. وَإِغارَةٌ فيما اِحتَواهُ كَأَنَّما
في كُلِّ بَيتٍ فَيلَقٌ شَهباءُ
23. Who wrongs the incompetent by testing them
Until they equal him in the morning?
٢٣. مَن يَظلِمُ اللُؤَماءَ في تَكليفِهِم
أَن يُصبِحوا وَهُمُ لَهُ أَكفاءُ
24. And their weakness shows his merit
And through its opposite things are made clear
٢٤. وَنَذيمُهُم وَبِهِم عَرَفنا فَضلَهُ
وَبِضِدِّها تَتَبَيَّنُ الأَشياءُ
25. Whose harm lies in attacking him and whose benefit
In leaving him, if only the enemies understood!
٢٥. مَن نَفعُهُ في أَن يُهاجَ وَضَرُّهُ
في تَركِهِ لَو تَفطَنُ الأَعداءُ
26. Peace breaks with its bucket the reservoirs of his money
What raging [floods] cannot mend
٢٦. فَالسَلمُ يَكسِرُ مِن جَناحَي مالِهِ
بِنَوالِهِ ما تَجبُرُ الهَيجاءُ
27. He gives and gifts are given from the pleasures of his hand
And views are seen through the view of his opinion
٢٧. يُعطي فَتُعطى مِن لُهى يَدِهِ اللُهى
وَتُرى بِرُؤيَةِ رَأيِهِ الآراءُ
28. He who unites different tastes and brings together forces
Is like good and bad fortune
٢٨. مُتَفَرِّقُ الطَعمَينِ مُجتَمِعُ القُوى
فَكَأَنَّهُ السَرّاءُ وَالضَرّاءُ
29. And as if his unfailing supplies
Put on a show for their delegates as they wish
٢٩. وَكَأَنَّهُ ما لا تَشاءُ عُداتُهُ
مُتَمَثِّلاً لِوُفودِهِ ما شاؤوا
30. O you upon whom his soul is shown favor
Since asking does not bring her appearance
٣٠. يا أَيُّها المُجدى عَلَيهِ روحُهُ
إِذ لَيسَ يَأتِيهِ لَها اِستِجداءُ
31. Praise his virtues and do not grieve for their loss
For the gifts of the departed do not [cease] giving
٣١. اِحمَد عُفاتَكَ لا فُجِعتَ بِفَقدِهِم
فَلَتَركُ ما لَم يَأخُذوا إِعطاءُ
32. The dead are not numerous for their number being few
Except when through you the living are damned
٣٢. لا تَكثُرُ الأَمواتُ كَثرَةُ قِلَّةٍ
إِلّا إِذا شَقِيَت بِكَ الأَحياءُ
33. And the heart does not split open for what is beneath it
Until partisanship comes over you
٣٣. وَالقَلبُ لا يَنشَقُّ عَمّا تَحتَهُ
حَتّى تَحُلَّ بِهِ لَكَ الشَحناءُ
34. You were not named O Harun until after
The names contended and snatched your name
٣٤. لَم تُسمَ يا هارونُ إِلّا بَعدَما اِق
تَرَعَت وَنازَعَتِ اِسمَكَ الأَسماءُ
35. So you went out and your name in you has no partner
And people in what is in your hand are equal
٣٥. فَغَدَوتَ وَاِسمُكَ فيكَ غَيرُ مُشارِكٍ
وَالناسُ فيما في يَدَيكَ سَواءُ
36. You have filled the cities with yourself
And you have folded praise until you became its fold
٣٦. لَعَمَمتَ حَتّى المُدنُ مِنكَ مِلاءُ
وَلَفُتَّ حَتّى ذا الثَناءُ لَفاءُ
37. And you were serious until you almost begrudged
An obstacle to the ultimate and tears of joy
٣٧. وَلَجُدتَ حَتّى كِدتَ تَبخَلُ حائِلاً
لِلمُنتَهى وَمِنَ السُرورِ بُكاءُ
38. You began something of yourself whose beginning is known
And you restored until creation was denied
٣٨. أَبَدَأتَ شَيءً مِنكَ يُعرَفُ بَدؤُهُ
وَأَعَدتَ حَتّى أُنكِرَ الإِبداءُ
39. So pride turns away from falling short of you
And glory from being asked to add purity
٣٩. فَالفَخرُ عَن تَقصيرِهِ بِكَ ناكِبٌ
وَالمَجدُ مِن أَن تُستَزادَ بَراءُ
40. So if you are asked it is not because you are needy
And if you are silent, gifts scream about you
٤٠. فَإِذا سُئِلتَ فَلا لِأَنَّكَ مُحوِجٌ
وَإِذا كُتِمتَ وَشَت بِكَ الآلاءُ
41. And if you are praised, it is not to gain high station
For those who thank God belongs praise
٤١. وَإِذا مُدِحتَ فَلا لِتَكسِبَ رَفعَةً
لِلشاكِرينَ عَلى الإِلَهِ ثَناءُ
42. And if you are watered, it is not because you are barren
The fertile are watered and the plateaus get rain
٤٢. وَإِذا مُطِرتَ فَلا لِأَنَّكَ مُجدِبٌ
يُسقى الخَصيبُ وَتُمطَرُ الدَأماءُ
43. The clouds did not meet your rain, but
Were driven to it and its flooding went wild
٤٣. لَم تَحكِ نائِلَكَ السَحابُ وَإِنَّما
حُمَّت بِهِ فَصَبيبُها الرُحَضاءُ
44. The sun of our day did not meet this face
Except by a face that has no shame
٤٤. لَم تَلقَ هَذا الوَجهَ شَمسُ نَهارِنا
إِلّا بِوَجهٍ لَيسَ فيهِ حَياءُ
45. With which foot did you stride to the heights?
The new moon is shoes on your feet
٤٥. فَبِأَيِّما قَدَمٍ سَعَيتَ إِلى العُلا
أُدُمُ الهِلالِ لِأَخمَصَيكَ حِذاءُ
46. And for you time protects from time
And for you the dove protects from the dove
٤٦. وَلَكَ الزَمانُ مِنَ الزَمانِ وِقايَةٌ
وَلَكَ الحِمامُ مِنَ الحِمامِ فِداءُ
47. If you were not in this world which is through you
Eve would be barren at the birth of its line
٤٧. لَو لَم تَكُن مِن ذا الوَرى الَّذي مِنكَ هو
عَقِمَت بِمَولِدِ نَسلِها حَوّاءُ