
The remnant of a people who announced ruin

بقية قوم آذنوا ببوار

1. The remnant of a people who announced ruin
And the brightness of journeys like the drinking of medicine

١. بَقِيَّةُ قَومٍ آذَنوا بِبَوارِ
وَأَنضاءُ أَسفارٍ كَشَربِ عُقارِ

2. We descended upon the rule of the winds in a mosque
Upon us it had a garment of pebbles and dust

٢. نَزَلنا عَلى حُكمِ الرِياحِ بِمَسجِدٍ
عَلَينا لَها ثَوباً حَصىً وَغُبارِ

3. My two friends this is not a dwelling for our likes
So pack up and depart by daylight

٣. خَليلَيَّ ما هَذا مُناخاً لِمِثلِنا
فَشُدّا عَلَيها وَاِرحَلا بِنَهارِ

4. And do not deny the blowing of the winds for it
Is the lodging of every guest who spent the night at encampments

٤. وَلا تُنكِرا عَصفَ الرِياحِ فَإِنَّها
قِرى كُلِّ ضَيفٍ باتَ عِندَ سِوارِ