
The two councils are unable to distinguish between them

المجلسان على التمييز بينهما

1. The two councils are unable to distinguish between them
Though opposites, both are well-mannered

١. المَجلِسانِ عَلى التَميِيزِ بَينَهُما
مُقابِلانِ وَلَكِن أَحسَنا الأَدَبا

2. If you ascend to one with wealth and awe
And if you ascend to one with wealth and awe

٢. إِذا صَعِدتَ إِلى ذا مالَ ذا رَهَباً
وَإِن صَعِدتَ إِلى ذا مالَ ذا رَهَبا

3. Why would wealth, whose owner it restrains, frighten you?
Truly, I am amazed by the state of them both

٣. فَلِم يَهابُكَ مالا حِسَّ يَردَعُهُ
إِنّي لَأُنصِرُ مِن شَأنَيهِما عَجَبا