
The earth becomes dry of this downpour

تجف الأرض من هذا الرباب

1. The earth becomes dry of this downpour
And He creates what He clothed it in of garb

١. تَجِفُّ الأَرضُ مِن هَذا الرَبابِ
وَيَخلُقُ ما كَساها مِن ثِيابِ

2. And the time does not stop being moist from you
And your rain does not stop in pouring down

٢. وَما يَنفَكُّ مِنكَ الدَهرُ رَطباً
وَلا يَنفَكُّ غَيثُكَ في اِنسِكابِ

3. The valleys and meadows accompany you
The accompaniment of lovers enraptured

٣. تُسايِرُكَ السَواري وَالغَوادي
مُسايَرَةَ الأَحِبّاءِ الطِرابِ

4. You grant generosity so it learns from you
And your perfect nature baffles tribulation

٤. تُفيدُ الجودَ مِنكَ فَتَحتَذيهِ
وَتَعجِزُ عَن خَلائِقِكَ العِذابِ