
People have been preoccupied by abundant hopes,

قد شغل الناس كثرة الأمل

1. People have been preoccupied by abundant hopes,
While you have been preoccupied with generosity.

١. قَد شَغَلَ الناسَ كَثرَةُ الأَمَلِ
وَأَنتَ بِالمَكرُماتِ في شُغُلِ

2. They impersonated Hatem, but had they been reasonable,
You would have been the epitome of generosity.

٢. تَمَثَّلوا حاتِماً وَلَو عَقَلوا
لَكُنتَ في الجودِ غايَةَ المَثَلِ

3. Welcome, welcome what you have sent,
O father of Qasim and the messengers.

٣. أَهلاً وَسَهلاً بِما بَعَثتَ بِهِ
إيهاً أَبا قاسِمٍ وَبِالرُسُلِ

4. A gift I have never seen the like of its giver
Except I saw the servants in the man.

٤. هَدِيَّةٌ ما رَأَيتُ مُهديها
إِلّا رَأَيتُ العِبادَ في رَجُلِ

5. The least of its least is a fish
That plays in a pool of honey.

٥. أَقَلُّ ما في أَقَلِّها سَمَكٌ
يَلعَبُ في بِركَةٍ مِنَ العَسَلِ

6. How can I repay the most generous hand
That sees not that it has given to me?

٦. كَيفَ أُكافي عَلى أَجَلِّ يَدٍ
مَن لا يَرى أَنَّها يَدٌ قِبَلي