1. Go gently, O noble king
Delay your promise from what you obtain
١. رُوَيدَكَ أَيُّها المَلِكُ الجَليلُ
تَأَنَّ وَعُدَّهُ مِمّا تُنيلُ
2. Your generosity, even if little, in this abode
For in what you give generously, nothing is little
٢. وَجودَكَ بِالمُقامِ وَلَو قَليلاً
فَما فيما تَجودُ بِهِ قَليلُ
3. So you frustrate the envious and see an enemy
As if they are bidding you farewell and departing
٣. لِأَكبِتَ حاسِداً وَأَرى عَدُوّاً
كَأَنَّهُما وَداعُكَ وَالرَحيلُ
4. And this cloud calms down for we doubted
Will it overcome or is its life for you a tribe
٤. وَيَهدَأَ ذا السَحابُ فَقَد شَكَكنا
أَتَغلِبُ أَم حَياهُ لَكُم قَبيلُ
5. And I used to blame ardour in forgiving
Yet here I am in forgiving him, blamer
٥. وَكُنتُ أَعيبُ عَذلاً في سَماحٍ
فَها أَنا في السَماحِ لَهُ عَذولُ
6. And I do not fear your deviating from a path
And the polished sword of the state of the past
٦. وَما أَخشى نُبوَّكَ عَن طَريقٍ
وَسَيفُ الدَولَةِ الماضي الصَقيلُ
7. And every twig of Ghutrif wished
That for your travel their separation is the way
٧. وَكُلُّ شَواةِ غِطريفٍ تَمَنّى
لِسَيرِكَ أَنَّ مَفرِقَها السَبيلُ
8. And like a deep filled with blood
It flowed through it with you, the horses
٨. وَمِثلِ العَمقِ مَملوءٍ دِماءً
جَرَت بِكَ في مَجاريهِ الخُيولُ
9. When the young man gets used to plunging into calamities
Then the circling vicissitudes are easiest for him
٩. إِذا اِعتادَ الفَتى خَوضَ المَنايا
فَأَهوَنُ ما يَمُرُّ بِهِ الوُحولُ
10. And whoever commanded the fortresses, they did not disobey him
The rugged and the plains obeyed him
١٠. وَمَن أَمَرَ الحُصونَ فَما عَصَتهُ
أَطاعَتهُ الحُزونَةُ وَالسُهولُ
11. You humiliate everyone whom the nights threw
And uncover everyone whom laziness buried
١١. أَتَخفِرُ كُلَّ مَن رَمَتِ اللَيالي
وَتُنشِرُ كُلَّ مَن دَفَنَ الخُمولُ
12. And we call you the sword, and is there a sword
With which the slain can escape death?
١٢. وَنَدعوكَ الحُسامَ وَهَل حُسامٌ
يَعيشُ بِهِ مِنَ المَوتِ القَتيلُ
13. The sword has no deed but cutting
And you are the cutter, the righteous, the reacher
١٣. وَما لِلسَيفِ إِلّا القَطعَ فِعلٌ
وَأَنتَ القاطِعُ البَرُّ الوَصولُ
14. And you are the eloquent knight, patient
Speaking and neighing are over
١٤. وَأَنتَ الفارِسُ القَوّالُ صَبراً
وَقَد فَنِيَ التَكَلُّمُ وَالصَهيلُ
15. The spear deviates from you while it aims
And falls short that it reaches you despite its length
١٥. يَحيدُ الرُمحُ عَنكَ وَفيهِ قَصدٌ
وَيَقصُرُ أَن يَنالَ وَفيهِ طولُ
16. If the spearheads were able to speak
The spearheads would say to you what I say
١٦. فَلَو قَدَرَ السِنانُ عَلى لِسانٍ
لَقالَ لَكَ السِنانُ كَما أَقولُ
17. And if immortality was possible, you would be immortal alone
But the world has no intimate friend
١٧. وَلَو جازَ الخُلودُ خَلَدتَ فَرداً
وَلَكِن لَيسَ لِلدُنيا خَليلُ