1. For a flirtatious girl or a singing gazelle was the curtain raised
For a wild one, not for a wild one, is there shyness
١. لِجِنِّيَّةٍ أَم غادَةٍ رُفِعَ السَجفُ
لِوَحشِيَّةٍ لا ما لِوَحشِيَّةٍ شَنفُ
2. Her aversion startled, startling, they pulled
At her gowns and necklaces and waist and hips
٢. نَفورٌ عَرَتها نَفرَةٌ فَتَجاذَبَت
سَوالِفُها وَالحَليُ وَالخَصرُ وَالرِدفُ
3. And it seemed from her waving veil that
A line swayed for us, though we had no luck
٣. وَخُيِّلَ مِنها مِرطُها فَكَأَنَّما
تَثَنّى لَنا خوطٌ وَلا حَظَنا خِشفُ
4. The increase of white hair yet decrease of my increase
And the power of passion, yet from my power it's weakness
٤. زِيادَةُ شَيبٍ وَهيَ نَقصُ زِيادَتي
وَقُوَّةُ عِشقٍ وَهيَ مِن قُوَّتي ضَعفُ
5. My blood evaporated, from me from ardour what's in her
From ardour in me and the longing to me and to her allies
٥. هَراقَت دَمي مَن بي مِنَ الوَجدِ ما بِها
مِنَ الوَجدِ بي وَالشَوقُ لي وَلَها حِلفُ
6. And whoever stripped her of her clothes
The poetry dressed her in clothes other than hers
٦. وَمَن كُلَّما جَرَّدتَها مِن ثِيابِها
كَساها ثِياباً غَيرَها الشَعَرُ الوَحفُ
7. And she met me, two pomegranate branches of a bending bough
Sway with a full moon, held by its crescent
٧. وَقابَلَني رُمّانَتا غُصنِ بانَةٍ
يَميلُ بِهِ بَدرٌ وَيُمسِكُهُ حِقفُ
8. Certainly, O loved one, you have connected and joined us
So neither does our home come near, nor does our life clear up
٨. أَكيداً لَنا يا بَينُ واصَلتَ وَصلَنا
فَلا دارُنا تَدنو وَلا عَيشُنا يَصفو
9. I repeat my woe, if only woe could fulfill a need
And I increase my fervor, if only it could cure anguish, ardor
٩. أُرَدِّدُ وَيلي لَو قَضى الوَيلُ حاجَةً
وَأُكثِرُ لَهفي لَو شَفى غُلَّةً لَهفُ
10. Bitterness in passion hidden like poison in honey
I ignorantly delighted in it, and in delight lies ruin
١٠. ضَنىً في الهَوى كَالسُمِّ في الشَهدِ كامِناً
لَذِذتُ بِهِ جَهلاً وَفي اللَذَّةِ الحَتفُ
11. So it destroyed me, and what my soul did not destroy
Is as if for Abu-l-Faraj the judge, besides her, a cave
١١. فَأَفنى وَما أَفنَتهُ نَفسي كَأَنَّما
أَبو الفَرَجِ القاضي لَهُ دونَها كَهفُ
12. Of little provisions, if eggs and chickens
Were like his views, eggs and feathers wouldn't enrich
١٢. قَليلُ الكَرى لَو كانَتِ البيضُ وَالقَنا
كَآرائِهِ ما أَغنَتِ البيضُ وَالزَعفُ
13. He takes the army's place with his frown
And his words overpower speech with merely a letter
١٣. يَقومُ مَقامَ الجَيشِ تَقطيبُ وَجهِهِ
وَيَستَغرِقُ الأَلفاظَ مِن لَفظِهِ حَرفُ
14. And if he missed generosity, his hand would yearn
For it, the yearning of a friend who left his friend
١٤. وَإِن فَقَدَ الإِعطاءَ حَنَّت يَمينُهُ
إِلَيهِ حَنينَ الإِلفِ فارَقَهُ الإِلفُ
15. A scholar whom knowledge took root in his heart
Mountains, mountains of earth, next to them a mere hill
١٥. أَديبٌ رَسَت لِلعِلمِ في أَرضِ صَدرِهِ
جِبالٌ جِبالُ الأَرضِ في جَنبِها قُفُّ
16. A generous one whose palm in good and evil leapt up
Lofty, time wished that his name were palm
١٦. جَوادٌ سَمَت في الخَيرِ وَالشَرِّ كَفُّهُ
سُمُوّاً أَوَدَّ الدَهرَ أَنَّ اِسمَهُ كَفُّ
17. And he came between people in every master
Among people, except in his mastership, dissident
١٧. وَأَضحى وَبَينَ الناسِ في كُلِّ سَيِّدٍ
مِنَ الناسِ إِلّا في سِيادَتِهِ خَلفُ
18. They ransom him, as if their blood
For the sake of his passion in their veins keeps pace
١٨. يُفَدّونَهُ حَتّى كَأَنَّ دِماءَهُم
لِجاري هَواهُ في عُروقِهِمِ تَقفو
19. Standing in two pauses of thanks and attainer
So his attainer is a stop, and their thanks is a stop
١٩. وُقوفَينَ في وَقفَينِ شُكرٍ وَنائِلٍ
فَنائِلُهُ وَقفٌ وَشُكرُهُمُ وَقفُ
20. And when we lost his like, our disclosure remained
Upon him, so the loss remained and the disclosure was stripped
٢٠. وَلَمّا فَقَدنا مِثلَهُ دامَ كَشفُنا
عَلَيهِ فَدامَ الفَقدُ وَاِنكَشَفَ الكَشفُ
21. And imaginations did not wander in the greatness of his status
More than the gaze wandered in his beauty
٢١. وَما حارَتِ الأَوهامُ في عُظمِ شَأنِهِ
بِأَكثَرَ مِمّا حارَ في حُسنِهِ الطَرفُ
22. Nor did the malice and harm of his enviers attain
Greater than what his outstanding merit attained
٢٢. وَلا نالَ مِن حُسّادِهِ الغَيظُ وَالأَذى
بِأَعظَمَ مِمّا نالَ مِن وَفرِهِ العُرفُ
23. His contemplation is knowledge and his speech is wisdom
And his essence religion and his appearance composure
٢٣. تَفَكُّرُهُ عِلمٌ وَمَنطِقُهُ حُكمٌ
وَباطِنُهُ دينٌ وَظاهِرُهُ ظَرفُ
24. He killed the winds of vileness, though they were tempests
And the refuge of nobility destroys while the path of dew pardons
٢٤. أَماتَ رِياحَ اللُؤمِ وَهيَ عَواصِفٌ
وَمَغنى العُلى يودي وَرَسمُ النَدى يَعفو
25. So we have not before Ibn Al-Husayn seen fingers
When they pour down, the blood of injustice is shy
٢٥. فَلَم نَرَ قَبلَ اِبنِ الحُسَينِ أَصابِعاً
إِذا ما هَطَلنَ اِستَحيَتِ الدِيَمُ الوُطفُ
26. Nor a striver in scarcity of glory attaining
Through his deeds what description does not reach
٢٦. وَلا ساعِياً في قُلَّةِ المَجدِ مُدرِكاً
بِأَفعالِهِ ما لَيسَ يُدرِكُهُ الوَصفُ
27. And we have not seen a thing that bears burdens like he bore
And regards the world as slight and bears with composure
٢٧. وَلَم نَرَ شَيئاً يَحمِلُ العِبءَ حَملَهُ
وَيَستَصغِرُ الدُنيا وَيَحمِلُهُ طِرفُ
28. Nor has the vast sea sat for a purpose
With furnishings beneath it and ceiling above
٢٨. وَلا جَلَسَ البَحرُ المُحيطُ لِقاصِدٍ
وَمِن تَحتِهِ فَرشٌ وَمِن فَوقِهِ سَقفُ
29. So how strange of me to attempt describing him!
Papers and books regarding him are exhausted
٢٩. فَواعَجَباً مِنّي أُحاوِلُ نَعتَهُ
وَقَد فَنِيَت فيهِ القَراطيسُ وَالصُحفُ
30. And from the abundance of accounts of his virtues
A class passes by him, and another class comes
٣٠. وَمِن كَثرَةِ الأَخبارِ عَن مَكرُماتِهِ
يَمُرُّ لَهُ صِنفٌ وَيَأتي لَهُ صِنفُ
31. And virtues emerge from him as if they are
The folds of a beloved which a watcher never tires of
٣١. وَتَفتَرُّ مِنهُ عَن خِصالٍ كَأَنَّها
ثَنايا حَبيبٍ لا يُمَلُّ لَها رَشفُ
32. I headed to you while the hopeful headed to him
Many, but not like the bent tail
٣٢. قَصَدتُكَ وَالراجونَ قَصدي إِلَيهِمِ
كَثيرٌ وَلَكِن لَيسَ كَالذَنَبِ الأَنفُ
33. Nor white silver and flakes the same
Benefits for the toiler, and between them exchange
٣٣. وَلا الفِضَّةُ البَيضاءُ وَالتِبرُ واحِدٌ
نَفوعانِ لِلمُكدي وَبَينَهُما صَرفُ
34. You are not without rain hoped for besides you
Nor the utmost of generosity which successors succeeded
٣٤. وَلَستَ بِدونٍ يُرتَجى الغَيثُ دونَهُ
وَلا مُنتَهى الجودِ الَّذي خَلفَهُ خَلفُ
35. Nor one in the mortal world among a group
Nor part of a whole, but you are the feeble one
٣٥. وَلا واحِداً في ذا الوَرى مِن جَماعَةٍ
وَلا البَعضُ مِن كُلٍّ وَلَكِنَّكَ الضِعفُ
36. Nor feeble so that feebleness follows his feebleness
Nor the feebleness of feebleness, but like it a thousand
٣٦. وَلا الضِعفَ حَتّى يَتبَعَ الضِعفَ ضِعفُهُ
وَلا ضِعفَ ضِعفِ الضِعفِ بَل مِثلَهُ أَلفُ
37. My judge, this right which you deserve
I erred, not two-thirds this, nor half
٣٧. أَقاضِيَنا هَذا الَّذي أَنتَ أَهلُهُ
غَلِطتُ وَلا الثُلثانِ هَذا وَلا النِصفُ
38. My sin is my falling short, and I have not come praising
With my sin, but rather I came to ask you pardon
٣٨. وَذَنبِيَ تَقصيري وَما جِئتُ مادِحاً
بِذَنبي وَلَكِن جِئتُ أَسأَلُ أَن تَعفو