
O Abdu Al-Ilah Mu'adh, I am

أبا عبد الإله معاذ إني

1. O Abdu Al-Ilah Mu'adh, I am
Concealed from you in passionate turmoil

١. أَبا عَبدِ الإِلَهِ مُعاذُ إِنّي
خَفِيٌّ عَنكَ في الهَيجا مَقامي

2. I recalled the immensity of my quest, that
We risk with resolute souls

٢. ذَكَرتُ جَسيمَ ما طَلَبي وَأَنّا
نُخاطِرُ فيهِ بِالمُهَجِ الجِسامِ

3. Does one like me get shaken by misfortunes
And panic at meeting with doves?

٣. أَمِثلي تَأخُذُ النَكَباتُ مِنهُ
وَيَجزَعُ مِن مُلاقاةِ الحِمامِ

4. Had time confronted me as an entity
My sword would have bloodied its hair's parting

٤. وَلَو بَرَزَ الزَمانُ إِلَيَّ شَخصاً
لَخَضَّبَ شَعرَ مَفرِقِهِ حُسامي

5. My will has not been achieved by the nights
Nor has it marched with my reins in its hands

٥. وَما بَلَغَت مَشيئتَها اللَيالي
وَلا سارَت وَفي يَدِها زِمامي

6. When horses' eyes fill with me
Woe to awakening and to sleep!

٦. إِذا اِمتَللأََت عُيونُ الخَيلُ مِنّي
فَوَيلٌ في التَيَقُّظِ وَالمَنامِ