
Does the desert know whose blood it shed

أيدري الربع أي دم أراقا

1. Does the desert know whose blood it shed
And whose hearts this caravan has wearied

١. أَيَدري الرَبعُ أَيَّ دَمٍ أَراقا
وَأَيَّ قُلوبِ هَذا الرَكبِ شاقا

2. For us and their kin, hearts shall never
Meet in bodies that shall never unite

٢. لَنا وَلِأَهلِهِ أَبَداً قُلوبٌ
تَلاقى في جُسومٍ ما تَلاقى

3. The winds could not erase their abode
He who guided them and led them erased it

٣. وَما عَفَتِ الرِياحُ لَهُ مَحَلّاً
عَفاهُ مَن حَدا بِهِمِ وَساقا

4. If only the love of loved ones were just
Each heart would carry what it can endure

٤. فَلَيتَ هَوى الأَحِبَّةِ كانَ عَدلاً
فَحَمَّلَ كُلَّ قَلبٍ ما أَطاقا

5. I looked at them, with grateful eyes
That have now, for tears, become hollows

٥. نَظَرتُ إِلَيهِمُ وَالعَينُ شَكرى
فَصارَت كُلُّها لِلدَمعِ ماقا

6. The full moon's perfection was in them
And gave me a fatal, incurable disease

٦. وَقَد أَخَذَ التَمامُ البَدرُ فيهِم
وَأَعطاني مِنَ السَقَمِ المُحاقا

7. A light between branch and feet
Guiding without bridle the she-camels

٧. وَبَينَ الفَرعِ وَالقَدَمَينِ نورٌ
يَقودُ بِلا أَزِمَّتِها النِياقا

8. An eye that offered lovers a cup
Whose pouring diminished those who pour

٨. وَطَرفٌ إِن سَقى العُشّاقَ كَأساً
بِها نَقصٌ سَقانيها دِهاقا

9. A waist on which sights are fixed
As if it is girded with belt of pearls

٩. وَخَصرٌ تَثبُتُ الأَبصارُ فيهِ
كَأَنَّ عَلَيهِ مِن حَدَقِ نِطاقا

10. Ask about my character and my horse, sword,
Spear and the polished well-aimed arrows

١٠. سَلي عَن سيرَتي فَرَسي وَسَيفي
وَرُمحي وَالهَمَلَّعَةِ الدِفاقا

11. We left behind us the Najd deserts
And avoided the Samawah and Iraq

١١. تَرَكنا مِن وَراءِ العيسِ نَجداً
وَنَكَّبنا السَماوَةَ وَالعِراقا

12. Still the night, as it darkens, sees
The sword of the dawlah, the king, unsheathed

١٢. فَما زالَت تَرى وَاللَيلُ داجٍ
لِسَيفِ الدَولَةِ المَلِكِ ائتِلاقا

13. The musk-scented winds made it fragrant
When it opened its nostrils deeply inhaling

١٣. أَدِلَّتُها رِياحُ المِسكِ مِنهُ
إِذا فَتَحَت مَناخِرَها اِنتِشاقا

14. Which of you wild beasts of enemies
Dared to face his friendly caravan

١٤. أَباحَكِ أَيُّها الوَحشُ الأَعادي
فَلِم تَتَعَرَّضينَ لَهُ الرِفاقا

15. If you but followed what his bow dispensed
It would suffice you and protect you

١٥. وَلَو تَبَّعتِ ما طَرَحَت قَناهُ
لَكَفَّكِ عَن رَذايانا وَعاقا

16. Had we travelled towards him on a path
Of fire, we would have feared no burning

١٦. وَلَو سِرنا إِلَيهِ في طَريقٍ
مِنَ النيرانِ لَم نَخَفِ اِحتِراقا

17. An imam leading the leaders of Quraysh
For those who dread his displeasure or schism

١٧. إِمامٌ للِائمَّةِ مِن قُرَيشٍ
إِلى مَن يَتَّقونَ لَهُ شِقاقا

18. When angry, their sword, but when calm
Their mercy even on the tumultuous mob

١٨. يَكونُ لَهُم إِذا غَضِبوا حُساماً
وَلِلهَيجاءِ حينَ تَقومُ ساقا

19. So do not blame him for grinning
When deceit bleeds and is straitened

١٩. فَلا تَستَنكِرَنَّ لَهُ اِبتِساماً
إِذا فَهِقَ المَكَرُّ دَماً وَضاقا

20. The sublime ambitions guaranteed him
And his free-spirited horses bore his worries

٢٠. فَقَد ضَمِنَت لَهُ المُهَجَ العَوالي
وَحَمَّلَ هَمَّهُ الخَيلَ العِتاقا

21. When he alights at a people's ruins
Though far, he makes them neighbourly

٢١. إِذا أُنعِلنَ في آثارِ قَومٍ
وَإِن بَعُدوا جَعَلنَهُمُ طِراقا

22. If a scream reaches a place
He erects at it many speared standards

٢٢. وَإِن نَقَعَ الصَريخُ إِلى مَكانٍ
نَصَبنَ لَهُ مُؤَلَّلَةً دِقاقا

23. So between them the answer was a stab
And between them the delay was strangling

٢٣. فَكانَ الطَعنُ بَينَهُما جَواباً
وَكانَ اللَبثُ بَينَهُما فُواقا

24. Encountering their death blow
Embracing their final resting place

٢٤. مُلاقِيَةً نَواصيها المَنايا
مُعَوَّدَةً فَوارِسُها العِناقا

25. His spears spend the night atop the valleys
And the tent-pegs have erected his pavilions

٢٥. تَبيتُ رِماحُهُ فَوقَ الهَوادي
وَقَد ضَرَبَ العَجاجُ لَها رِواقا

26. They sway as if the heroes are drunk
Debilitated at dawn yet intertwined at dusk

٢٦. تَميلُ كَأَنَّ في الأَبطالِ خَمراً
عُلِلنَ بِها اِصطِباحاً وَاِغتِباقا

27. The wine was amazed that it did not intoxicate him
And he was generous without being drunk

٢٧. تَعَجَّبَتِ المُدامُ وَقَد حَساها
فَلَم يَسكَر وَجادَ فَما أَفاقا

28. Poetry waited expecting gifts
But when his rains exceeded all rains

٢٨. أَقامَ الشِعرُ يَنتَظِرُ العَطايا
فَلَمّا فاقَتِ الأَمطارَ فاقا

29. We valued the price of his bounty
And fulfilled the measures due to him

٢٩. وَزَنّا قيمَةَ الدَهماءِ مِنهُ
وَوَفَّينا القِيانَ بِهِ الصَداقا

30. Never could your joy be matched
Nor your generosity that remains

٣٠. وَحاشا لِاِرتِياحِكَ أَن يُبارى
وَلِلكَرَمِ الَّذي لَكَ أَن يُباقى

31. Rather we flirt with some of your bounty
The necks recoiled from it in obligation

٣١. وَلَكِنّا نُداعِبُ مِنكَ قَرماً
تَراجَعَتِ القُرومُ لَهُ حِقاقا

32. A man who does not rob the dead of their hands
And whose pardon robs the captives of their shackles

٣٢. فَتىً لا تَسلُبُ القَتلى يَداهُ
وَيَسلُبُ عَفوُهُ الأَسرى الوَثاقا

33. You never intentionally declined goodness to me
Nor did I gain it from you by stealing

٣٣. وَلَم تَأتِ الجَميلَ إِلَيَّ سَهواً
وَلَم أَظفَر بِهِ مِنكَ اِستِراقا

34. So inform those who envy me your patronage
That I am a striking lightning pursuing them

٣٤. فَأَبلِغ حاسِدِيَّ عَلَيكَ أَنّي
كَبا بَرقٌ يُحاوِلُ بي لَحاقا

35. Can messages avail with an enemy
If they are not sharp piercing arrows?

٣٥. وَهَل تُغني الرَسائِلُ في عَدوٍّ
إِذا ما لَم يَكُنَّ ظُبىً رِقاقا

36. When the people test a wise one
I have tasted and experienced them

٣٦. إِذا ما الناسُ جَرَّبَهُم لَبيبٌ
فَإِنّي قَد أَكَلتُهُمُ وَذاقا

37. I saw nothing in them but deceit
And nothing in their religion but hypocrisy

٣٧. فَلَم أَرَ وُدَّهُم إِلّا خِداعاً
وَلَم أَرَ دينَهُم إِلّا نِفاقا

38. Every sea falls short of your right hand's reach
And of what you have not attained, they fall short

٣٨. يُقَصِّرُ عَن يَمينِكَ كُلُّ بَحرٍ
وَعَمّا لَم تُلِقهُ ما أَلاقا

39. Had it not been for the Creator's power we would say
Was your creation by design or concord?

٣٩. وَلَولا قُدرَةُ الخَلّاقِ قُلنا
أَعَمداً كانَ خَلقُكَ أَم وِفاقا

40. So neither did lunacy saddle your horse
Nor did the world taste separation from you

٤٠. فَلا حَطَّت لَكَ الهَيجاءُ سَرجاً
وَلا ذاقَت لَكَ الدُنيا فِراقا