
Alas! Why does the sword of the state reproach me today?

ألا ما لسيف الدولة اليوم عاتبا

1. Alas! Why does the sword of the state reproach me today?
May he ransom the world, the most decisive of swords in striking

١. أَلا ما لِسَيفِ الدَولَةِ اليَومَ عاتِبا
فَداهُ الوَرى أَمضى السُيوفِ مَضارِبا

2. And why, whenever I yearn and look below it,
Do I see blades that I do not yearn for and stars?

٢. وَمالي إِذا ما اِشتَقتُ أَبصَرتُ دونَهُ
تَنائِفَ لا أَشتاقُها وَسَباسِبا

3. And he used to bring his assembly near to me from his heights,
In which I converse with its full moon and planets,

٣. وَقَد كانَ يُدني مَجلِسي مِن سَمائِهِ
أُحادِثُ فيها بَدرَها وَالكَواكِبا

4. Seeking your affection, calling for your response,
Content with what is bestowed, content with your giving,

٤. حَنانَيكَ مَسؤولاً وَلَبَّيكَ داعِياً
وَحَسبِيَ مَوهوباً وَحَسبُكَ واهِبا

5. Is this the reward of truthfulness, if I am truthful?
Is this the reward of lying, if I have lied?

٥. أَهَذا جَزاءُ الصِدقِ إِن كُنتُ صادِقاً
أَهَذا جَزاءُ الكِذبِ إِن كُنتُ كاذِبا

6. And if my sin is every sin, then it
Obliterates all sin, whoever comes repentant.

٦. وَإِن كانَ ذَنبي كُلَّ ذَنبٍ فَإِنَّهُ
مَحا الذَنبَ كُلَّ المَحوِ مَن جاءَ تائِبا