
The wine of your words intoxicated me, though their taste

سقاني الخمر قولك لي بحقي

1. The wine of your words intoxicated me, though their taste
Was unique, unlike any love I've known.

١. سَقاني الخَمرَ قَولُكَ لي بِحَقّي
وَوُدٌّ لَم تَشُبهُ لي بِمَذقِ

2. Had you but sworn a false oath to take my life,
I'd have offered up my neck beneath your blade.

٢. يَميناً لَو حَلَفتَ وَأَنتَ ناءٍ
عَلى قَتلي بِها لَضَرَبتُ عُنقي