
The beloved's sorrow is dear, whose malady is longing eyes,

عزيز أسى من داؤه الحدق النجل

1. The beloved's sorrow is dear, whose malady is longing eyes,
Shy with it, past lovers died before,

١. عَزيزُ أَسىً مَن داؤُهُ الحَدَقُ النُجلُ
عَياءٌ بِهِ ماتَ المُحِبّونَ مِن قَبلُ

2. So whoever wants, let him look at me, for my sight,
Is a warner to him who thought love is easy,

٢. فَمَن شاءَ فَليَنظُر إِلَيَّ فَمَنظَري
نَذيرٌ إِلى مَن ظَنَّ أَنَّ الهَوى سَهلُ

3. It is but a moment after a moment,
When it settles in his heart, reason departs,

٣. وَما هِيَ إِلّا لَحظَةٌ بَعدَ لَحظَةٍ
إِذا نَزَلَت في قَلبِهِ رَحَلَ العَقلُ

4. Her love flowed in my veins and joints,
So I became, busy with her from all busyness,

٤. جَرى حُبُّها مَجرى دَمي في مَفاصِلي
فَأَصبَحَ لي عَن كُلِّ شُغلٍ بِها شُغلُ

5. And sickness left no hair in my body,
Except it had an effect above it,

٥. وَمِن جَسَدي لَم يَترُكِ السُقمُ شَعرَةً
فَما فَوقَها إِلّا وَفيها لَهُ فِعلُ

6. When they blamed her, I replied gently,
My love, my heart and my beauty, my perfection,

٦. إِذا عَذَلوا فيها أَجَبتُ بِأَنَّةٍ
حُبَيِّبَتا قَلباً فُؤادا هَيا جُملُ

7. As if a guardian from you blocked my hearing,
From blame, so that no blame enters it,

٧. كَأَنَّ رَقيباً مِنكِ سَدَّ مَسامِعي
عَنِ العَذلِ حَتّى لَيسَ يَدخُلُها العَذلُ

8. As if the pillows of night were in love with my eyelids,
So between them in every estrangement, there is a union for us,

٨. كَأَنَّ سُهادَ اللَيلِ يَعشَقُ مُقلَتي
فَبَينَهُما في كُلِّ هَجرٍ لَنا وَصلُ

9. I love her whom the full moon resembles,
And complain to Him Whom no likeness can depict,

٩. أُحِبُّ الَّتي في البَدرِ مِنها مَشابِهٌ
وَأَشكو إِلى مَن لا يُصابُ لَهُ شَكلُ

10. To the One of the world, the son of Mohammed,
The brave whose merit after God is the greatest,

١٠. إِلى واحِدِ الدُنيا إِلى اِبنِ مُحَمَّدٍ
شُجاعِ الَّذي لِلَّهِ ثُمَّ لَهُ الفَضلُ

11. To the sweet fruit, to whom Qahtan,
Had branches and Hood had origin,

١١. إِلى الثَمَرِ الحُلوِ الَّذي طَيِّئٌ لَهُ
فُروعٌ وَقَحطانُ بنُ هودٍ لَهُ أَصلُ

12. To a master, if Allah gave glad tidings to a nation,
With other than a prophet, the messengers would have given us glad tidings of him,

١٢. إِلى سَيِّدٍ لَو بَشَّرَ اللَهُ أُمَّةً
بِغَيرِ نَبِيٍّ بَشَّرَتنا بِهِ الرُسلُ

13. To the catcher of souls and the fierce warrior whom,
Horses and men tell of his firm standing,

١٣. إِلى القابِضِ الأَرواحِ وَالضَيغَمِ الَّذي
تُحَدِّثُ عَن وَقفاتِهِ الخَيلُ وَالرَجلُ

14. To the Lord of assets, whenever He willed,
His unity gathered in His dispersion for highness,

١٤. إِلى رَبِّ مالٍ كُلَّما شَتَّ شَملُهُ
تَجَمَّعَ في تَشتيتِهِ لِلعُلا شَملُ

15. A protector, when his sword left its sheath,
And you saw it, you wouldn't know which of them is the blade,

١٥. هُمامٌ إِذا ما فارَقَ الغِمدَ سَيفُهُ
وَعايَنتَهُ لَم تَدرِ أَيُّهُما النَصلُ

16. I saw the son of mother of death, if his might,
Prevailed among the people of earth, lineage would be severed,

١٦. رَأَيتُ اِبنَ أُمِّ المَوتِ لَو أَنَّ بَأسَهُ
فَشا بَينَ أَهلِ الأَرضِ لَاِنقَطَعَ النَسلُ

17. Upon a swimmer, the waves of death lashed his chest,
As if the arrows in his chest were just a test,

١٧. عَلى سابِحٍ مَوجَ المَنايا بِنَحرِهِ
غَداةَ كَأَنَّ النَبلَ في صَدرِهِ وَبلُ

18. And how many eyes of warriors stared at his fight,
They did not refrain except while the eyeliner was their kohl,

١٨. وَكَم عَينِ قِرنٍ حَدَّقَت لِنِزالِهِ
فَلَم تُغضِ إِلّا وَالسِنانُ لَها كُحلُ

19. When told to be gentle, he said there is room for forbearance,
And the youth's forbearance in improper place is ignorance,

١٩. إِذا قيلَ رِفقاً قالَ لِلحِلمِ مَوضِعٌ
وَحِلمُ الفَتى في غَيرِ مَوضِعِهِ جَهلُ

20. If he did not restrain himself, he would carry his forbearance,
From earth, so it would collapse, and the load would bring it down,

٢٠. وَلَولا تَوَلّي نَفسِهِ حَملَ حِلمِهِ
عَنِ الأَرضِ لَاِنهَدَّت وَناءَ بِها الحِملُ

21. Hopes went far from every purpose,
And the paths narrowed except to your door,

٢١. تَباعَدَتِ الآمالُ عَن كُلِّ مَقصَدٍ
وَضاقَ بِها إِلّا إِلى بابِكَ السُبلُ

22. And the caller called upon those sleeping away from journeying,
So he made them rise, for stinginess had perished,

٢٢. وَنادى النَدى بِالنائِمينَ عَنِ السُرى
فَأَسمَعَهُم هُبّوا فَقَد هَلَكَ البُخلُ

23. And the gifts of his palm precluded his promise,
So he has no fulfilling a promise or procrastination,

٢٣. وَحالَت عَطايا كَفِّهِ دونَ وَعدِهِ
فَلَيسَ لَهُ إِنجازُ وَعدٍ وَلا مَطلُ

24. Enumerating them is harder than returning the absent,
And counting them easier than drops and sand,

٢٤. فَأَقرَبُ مِن تَحديدِها رَدُّ فائِتٍ
وَأَيسَرُ مِن إِحصائِها القَطرُ وَالرَملُ

25. Days do not blame those whose feet in every calamity,
Are their crown during adversities,

٢٥. وَما تَنقِمُ الأَيّامُ مِمَّن وُجوهُها
لِأَخمَصِهِ في كُلِّ نائِبَةٍ نَعلُ

26. No purpose prevailed which he wanted,
Unless it was like him in it,

٢٦. وَما عَزَّهُ فيها مُرادٌ أَرادَهُ
وَإِن عَزَّ إِلّا أَن يَكونَ لَهُ مِثلُ

27. It sufficed you pride and glory that you are one of them,
And an era that you became one of its people,

٢٧. كَفى ثُعَلاً فَخراً بِأَنَّكَ مِنهُمُ
وَدَهرٌ لِأَن أَمسَيتَ مِن أَهلِهِ أَهلُ

28. Woe to a soul who plotted any deceit against you,
And good tidings to an eye that does not lack an hour with you,

٢٨. وَوَيلٌ لِنَفسٍ حاوَلَت مِنكَ غِرَّةً
وَطوبى لِعَينٍ ساعَةً مِنكَ لا تَخلو

29. No poor man brightened by your lightning remained in need,
And no countries for which you are the torrential rain are without,

٢٩. فَما بِفَقيرٍ شامَ بَرقَكَ فاقَةٌ
وَلا في بِلادٍ أَنتَ صَيِّبُها مَحلُ