1. The stinginess of the fair one is distant from me
In distance, where the camels do not get tired
١. أَبعَدُ نَأيِ المَليحَةِ البَخَلُ
في البُعدِ ما لا تُكَلَّفُ الإِبلُ
2. She sways as if she is long-lasting
She has no permanent boredom to bore her
٢. مَلولَةٌ ما يَدومُ لَيسَ لَها
مِن مَلَلٍ دائِمٍ بِها مَلَلُ
3. As if when her neck moves
A drunk with the wine of her glance is full
٣. كَأَنَّما قَدُّها إِذا اِنفَتَلَت
سَكرانُ مِن خَمرِ طَرفِها ثَمِلُ
4. Feebleness pulls her under her waist
As if out of separation from her, anxious
٤. يَجذِبُها تَحتَ خَصرِها عَجُزٌ
كَأَنَّهُ مِن فِراقِها وَجِلُ
5. In me is the heat of yearning for her draft
Patience breaks when it connects
٥. بي حَرُّ شَوقٍ إِلى تَرَشُّفِها
يَنفَصِلُ الصَبرُ حينَ يَتَّصِلُ
6. The lips, the throat, the supple, and the
Wrists are my torment, and the strong leg
٦. الثَغرُ وَالنَحرُ وَالمُخَلخَلُ وَالـ
ـمِعصَمُ دائي وَالفاحِمُ الرَجِلُ
7. And swaying, her dress on my feet
The gentle slaves are helpless for it
٧. وَمَهمَهٍ جُبتُهُ عَلى قَدَمي
تَعجِزُ عَنهُ العَرامِسُ الذُلُلُ
8. With my sharp sword, content with the darkness, covered
When a friend becomes hostile to me
٨. بِصارِمي مُرتَدٍ بِمَخبُرَتي
مُجتَزِئٌ بِالظَلامِ مُشتَمِلُ
9. Tricks do not help me when we part
In the expanse of my nostalgia disturbed
٩. إِذا صَديقٌ نَكِرتُ جانِبَهُ
لَم تُعيِني في فِراقِهِ الحِيَلُ
10. And in a land substituted for her sister
In visiting the prince Badr bin Ammar
١٠. في سَعَةِ الخافِقَينِ مُضطَرَبٌ
وَفي بِلادٍ مِن أُختِها بَدَلُ
11. Busy from people with things, busy
In the morning, his wealth, its perfection for the needy
١١. وَفي اِعتِمارِ الأَميرِ بَدرِ بنِ عَم
مارٍ عَنِ الشُغلِ بِالوَرى شُغُلُ
12. Is not initiated or asked
Time seems easy to him, no worry or hardship shows
١٢. أَصبَحَ مالٌ كَمالُهُ لِذَوي الـ
ـحاجَةِ لا يُبتَدى وَلا يُسَلُ
13. He almost kills one who praises him for his obedience to the dove
He almost with his determination does
١٣. هانَ عَلى قَلبِهِ الزَمانُ فَما
يَبينُ فيهِ غَمٌّ وَلا جَذَلُ
14. What happens before the doer reacts
In his eye, his realities are known
١٤. يَكادُ مِن طاعَةِ الحِمامِ لَهُ
يَقتُلُ مَن مادَنا لَهُ أَجَلُ
15. As if he outlines them with kohl
I fear when his thoughts kindle
١٥. يَكادُ مِن صِحَّةِ العَزيمَةِ ما
يَفعَلُ قَبلُ الفِعالِ يَنفَعِلُ
16. For him from it, I fear it will ignite
His enemies are most deceived if they make peace
١٦. تُعرَفُ في عَينِهِ حَقائِقُهُ
كَأَنَّهُ بِالذَكاءِ مُكتَحِلُ
17. With fleeing they became arrogant for what they did
The cheeks of every swimmer turn to him
١٧. أُشفِقُ عِندَ اِتِّقادِ فِكرَتِهِ
عَلَيهِ مِنها أَخافُ يَشتَعِلُ
18. Four turns before one of its eyelids connect
Bare, full of belt, plaited
١٨. أَغَرُّ أَعداؤُهُ إِذا سَلِموا
بِالهَرَبِ اِستَكبَروا الَّذي فَعَلوا
19. Will be like the two side locks of its forelock
If she turns away I say she has no night
١٩. يُقبِلُهُم وَجهَ كُلِّ سابِحَةٍ
أَربَعُها قَبلَ طَرفِها تَصِلُ
20. Or if she comes I say she has no day
And the blaming is sparks and the ground shaking
٢٠. جَرداءَ مِلءِ الحِزامِ مُجفَرَةٍ
تَكونُ مِثلَي عَسيبِها الخُصَلُ
21. As if in its heart there was fear
It painted its cheek with blood as
٢١. إِن أَدبَرَت قُلتَ لا تَليلَ لَها
أَو أَقبَلَت قُلتَ ما لَها كَفَلُ
22. Shyness paints the cheek of the young gazelle
And the horses cry, their skins sweat
٢٢. وَالطَعنُ شَزرٌ وَالأَرضُ واجِفَةٌ
كَأَنَّما في فُؤادِها وَهَلُ
23. With tears that no wiper wipes off
He marched and did not cross the desert from his processions
٢٣. قَد صَبَغَت خَدَّها الدِماءُ كَما
يَصبُغُ خَدَّ الخَريدَةِ الخَجَلُ
24. As if each litter was a mountain
Its tightness prevents the rain from hitting them
٢٤. وَالخَيلُ تَبكي جُلودُها عَرَقاً
بِأَدمُعٍ ما تَسُحُّها مُقَلُ
25. From what the lineages have constricted
Oh Badr, oh sea, oh turban, oh
٢٥. سارَ وَلا قَفرَ مِن مَواكِبِهِ
كَأَنَّما كُلُّ سَبسَبٍ جَبَلُ
26. Lion of evil, oh dove, oh man
The cups that you turn
٢٦. يَمنَعُها أَن يُصيبُها مَطَرٌ
شِدَّةُ ما قَد تَضايَقَ الأَسَلُ
27. In your hands everywhere have examples
You are from a people, if they gave
٢٧. يا بَدرُ يا بَحرُ يا عَمامَةُ يا
لَيثَ الشَرى يا حَمامُ يا رَجُلُ
28. Less than their lifetimes, they would be stingy
Their hearts in the light of what they drew swords for
٢٨. إِنَّ البَنانَ الَّذي تُقَلِّبُهُ
عِندَكَ في كُلِّ مَوضِعٍ مَثَلُ
29. Their bodies in the perfection of what they grasped
You are the opposite of his name, if
٢٩. إِنَّكَ مِن مَعشَرٍ إِذا وَهَبوا
ما دونَ أَعمارِهِم فَقَد بَخَلوا
30. Indian bracelets and dried reed differed
You are, by my life, the shining full moon, but
٣٠. قُلوبُهُم في مَضاءِ ما اِمتَشَقوا
قاماتُهُم في تَمامِ ما اِعتَقَلوا
31. You are in the ferocity of war Saturn
A battalion you are not its surplus
٣١. أَنتَ نَقيضُ اِسمِهِ إِذا اِختَلَفَت
قَواضِبُ الهِندِ وَالقَنا الذُبُلُ
32. And a town whose vacation is not leisure
You are frequented from its east and west
٣٢. أَنتَ لِعَمري البَدرُ المُنيرُ وَلَ
كِنَّكَ في حَومَةِ الوَغى زُحَلُ
33. Until mounts and roads complained of you
You left only a little wellness
٣٣. كَتيبَةٌ لَستَ رَبَّها نَفَلٌ
وَبَلدَةٌ لَستَ حَليَها عُطُلُ
34. Illnesses have come frequenting you
The excuse of the blamers is in you that they are
٣٤. قُصِدتَ مِن شَرقِها وَمَغرِبِها
حَتّى اِشتَكَتكَ الرِكابُ وَالسُبُلِ
35. Uways the coward and Maydha the hero
You have extended a hand in the rest of the doctor
٣٥. لَم تُبقِ إِلّا قَليلَ عافِيَةٍ
قَد وَفَدَت تَجتَدِيكَها العِلَلُ
36. And he does not know how to cut off hope
If the dissection harmed its interior
٣٦. عُذرُ المَلومَينِ فيكَ أَنَّهُما
آسٍ جَبانٌ وَمِبضَعٌ بَطَلُ
37. Then perhaps its exterior was harmed by kisses
In her vein, the lancet splits and not
٣٧. مَدَدتَ في راحَةِ الطَبيبِ يَداً
وَما دَرى كَيفَ يُقطَعُ الأَمَلُ
38. The bond of her generosity splits the joints
When you extended it, anxiety mixed with him
٣٨. إِن يَكُنِ البَضعُ ضَرَّ باطِنِها
فَرُبَّما ضَرَّ ظَهرَها القُبَلُ
39. As if he was hasty due to shyness
He exceeded the limits of his exertion, so he came
٣٩. يَشُقُّ في عِرقِها الفِصادُ وَلا
يَشُقُّ في عِرقِ جودِها العَذَلُ
40. With exertion not befitting for his inept mother
The most one seeks success with is proper
٤٠. خامَرَهُ إِذ مَدَدتَها جَزَعٌ
كَأَنَّهُ مِن حَذافَةٍ عَجِلُ
41. Nature and with delving, stumbling
Inherit it as it possessed with what
٤١. جازَ حُدودَ اِجتِهادِهِ فَأَتى
غَيرَ اجتِهادٍ لِأُمِّهِ الهَبَلُ
42. You poured into it, it mixes
The likes of you, oh Badr, do not become nor
٤٢. أَبلَغُ ما يُطلَبُ النَجاحُ بِهِ ال
طَبعُ وَعِندَ التَعَمُّقِ الزَلَلُ
43. Do positions befit except the likes of you
٤٣. اِرثِ لَها إِنَّها بِما مَلَكَت
وَبِالَّذي قَد أَسَلتَ تَنهَمِلُ
٤٤. مِثلُكَ يا بَدرُ لا يَكونُ وَلا
تَصلُحُ إِلّا لِمِثلِكَ الدُوَلُ