1. O people of Haydara, their cheeks smeared with dust
Abdul-Masih is named after Abd Manaf
١. يا آل حيدَرَةَ المعفّر خدُّهم
عبد المسيح على اسمِ عبد منافِ
2. Would that dogs might choose him as a father
And think it shameful, his great sin
٢. تَرْبا الكلاب بأن يكونَ أباً لهم
ويَرينَ عاراً شدَّةَ الإقراف
3. Do not combine the language of Nabit with your wandering
And your origins and the names of nobles
٣. لا تجمعوا لغةَ النبيطِ وتيهَكُم
وأُصولَكُم وأسامِيَ الأشرافِ