
My eyes have their share of you every day

لعيني كل يوم منك حظ

1. My eyes have their share of you every day
They are perplexed by strange, wondrous ways

١. لِعَيني كُلَّ يَومٍ مِنكَ حَظٌّ
تَحَيَّرُ مِنهُ في أَمرٍ عُجابِ

2. Bearer of swords against swords, like clouds
your blows land on blows, in shrouds

٢. حِمالَةُ ذا الحُسامِ عَلى حُسامٍ
وَمَوقِعُ ذا السَحابِ عَلى سَحابِ