
The passions of souls hold a secret that's not known

لهوى النفوس سريرة لا تعلم

1. The passions of souls hold a secret that's not known
I looked and found I must submit

١. لِهَوى النُفوسِ سَريرَةٌ لا تُعلَمُ
عَرَضاً نَظَرتُ وَخِلتُ أَنّي أَسلَمُ

2. O sister embracing knights in the fray
Your brother is softer and kinder than you

٢. يا أُختَ مُعتَنِقِ الفَوارِسِ في الوَغى
لَأَخوكِ ثَمَّ أَرَقُّ مِنكِ وَأَرحَمُ

3. He longs for you with chastity, believing
The Magi hit what they determine

٣. يَرنو إِلَيكِ مَعَ العَفافِ وَعِندَهُ
أَنَّ المَجوسَ تُصيبُ فيما تَحكُمُ

4. Your glance is dazzling with its whiteness
Even if it were first, it would captivate the dark-eyed

٤. راعَتكِ رائِعَةُ البَياضِ بِعارِضي
وَلَوَ أَنَّها الأولى لَراعَ الأَسحَمُ

5. If only youth could be rid of me
For grey hair comes before its time and wraps me

٥. لَو كانَ يُمكِنُني سَفَرتُ عَنِ الصِبا
فَالشَيبُ مِن قَبلِ الأَوانِ تَلَثُّمُ

6. And I have seen events, but I see
No armor that gives life nor blackness that protects

٦. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ الحادِثاتِ فَلا أَرى
يَقَقاً يُميتُ وَلا سَواداً يَعصِمُ

7. And worries wear down the stout until lean
And whiten the locks of a boy and make him stooped

٧. وَالهَمُّ يَختَرِمُ الجَسيمَ نَحافَةً
وَيُشيبُ ناصِيَةَ الصَبِيِّ وَيُهرِمُ

8. The wise suffers in bliss with his wisdom
While the ignorant revels in misery

٨. ذو العَقلِ يَشقى في النَعيمِ بِعَقلِهِ
وَأَخو الجَهالَةِ في الشَقاوَةِ يَنعَمُ

9. People have cast off those who admonish
So the forgetful is unrestrained and the mindful regrets

٩. وَالناسُ قَد نَبَذوا الحِفاظَ فَمُطلَقٌ
يَنسى الَّذي يولى وَعافٍ يَندَمُ

10. Let not a foe's tears deceive you
And take pity on your youth from a pitiable foe

١٠. لا يَخدَعَنَّكَ مِن عَدُوٍّ دَمعُهُ
وَاِرحَم شَبابَكَ مِن عَدُوٍّ تَرحَمُ

11. Noble honor is not safe from harm
Until its flanks are stained with blood

١١. لا يَسلَمُ الشَرَفُ الرَفيعُ مِنَ الأَذى
حَتّى يُراقَ عَلى جَوانِبِهِ الدَمُ

12. The vile hurts with his nature
One whose faults are few as he finds fault aplenty

١٢. يُؤذي القَليلُ مِنَ اللِئامِ بِطَبعِهِ
مَن لا يَقِلُّ كَما يَقِلُّ وَيَلؤُمُ

13. Oppression is the way of souls so if you find
One of purity, it's due to some flaw that he's not unjust

١٣. الظُلمُ مِن شِيَمِ النُفوسِ فَإِن تَجِد
ذا عِفَّةٍ فَلِعِلَّةٍ لا يَظلِمُ

14. The son of Keighalagh guards the road, his burden
Between her legs, the greatest road

١٤. يَحمي اِبنَ كَيغَلَغَ الطَريقَ وَعِرسُهُ
ما بَينَ رِجلَيها الطَريقُ الأَعظَمُ

15. Ready your swords over the blade of tranquility
The flexible with its rings is verdant

١٥. أَقِمِ المَسالِحَ فَوقَ شُفرِ سُكَينَةٍ
إِنَّ المَنِيَّ بِحَلقَتَيها خِضرِمُ

16. Be gentle with yourself, your nature is flawed
And veil your father, for your origin is darkened

١٦. وَاِرفُق بِنَفسِكَ إِنَّ خَلقَكَ ناقِصٌ
وَاِستُر أَباكَ فَإِنَّ أَصلَكَ مُظلِمُ

17. Your singing is begging, your raving madness
Your pleasure paralysis, your Lord a mere coin

١٧. وَغِناكَ مَسأَلَةٌ وَطَيشُكَ نَفخَةٌ
وَرِضاكَ فَيشَلَةٌ وَرَبُّكَ دِرهَمُ

18. Beware the fellowship of men, for it
Strengthens only on the necks of slaves and ruins them

١٨. وَاِحذَر مُناواةَ الرِجالِ فَإِنَّما
تَقوى عَلى كَمَرِ العَبيدِ وَتُقدِمُ

19. Among calamities are the censure of one who lacks caution
And the talk of one who lacks understanding

١٩. وَمِنَ البَليَّةِ عَذلُ مَن لا يَرعَوي
عَن غَيِّهِ وَخِطابُ مَن لا يَفهَمُ

20. He walks on all fours hunched
With his reins behind him pulled tight

٢٠. يَمشي بِأَربَعَةٍ عَلى أَعقابِهِ
تَحتَ العُلوجِ وَمِن وَراءٍ يُلجَمُ

21. His eyelids never settle as if
They were punched or stitched with coarse thread

٢١. وَجُفونُهُ ما تَستَقِرُّ كَأَنَّها
مَطروفَةٌ أَو فُتَّ فيها حِصرِمُ

22. And when he gestures speaking, he is like
An ape giggling or an old woman babbling

٢٢. وَإِذا أَشارَ مُحَدِّثاً فَكَأَنَّهُ
قِردٌ يُقَهقِهُ أَو عَجوزٌ تَلطِمُ

23. The lack of palms burns his palms
Until he nearly wraps one hand

٢٣. يَقلي مُفارَقَةَ الأَكُفِّ قَذالُهُ
حَتّى يَكادَ عَلى يَدٍ يَتَعَمَّمُ

24. You see him smallest when he speaks
And he is most untruthful when he swears

٢٤. وَتَراهُ أَصغَرَ ما تَراهُ ناطِقاً
وَيَكونُ أَكذَبَ ما يَكونُ وَيُقسِمُ

25. Lowliness shows friendliness in the lowly
And more loving than him to the gentle one

٢٥. وَالذُلُّ يُظهِرُ في الذَليلِ مَوَدَّةً
وَأَوَدُّ مِنهُ لِمَن يَوَدُّ الأَرقَمُ

26. Some enmity benefits you
While some friendship hurts and pains

٢٦. وَمِنَ العَداوَةِ ما يَنالُكَ نَفعُهُ
وَمِنَ الصَداقَةِ ما يَضُرُّ وَيُؤلِمُ

27. You asked me for praise foolishly
Paler, narrower than you, what can I pretend?

٢٧. أَرسَلتَ تَسأَلُني المَديحَ سَفاهَةً
صَفراءُ أَضيَقُ مِنكَ ماذا أَزعُمُ

28. Do you see leadership in anyone but you as gain?
Oh son of the insulted one, while in you it is nobility

٢٨. أَتُرى القِيادَةَ في سِواكَ تَكَسُّباً
يا اِبنَ الأُعَيِّرِ وَهيَ فيكَ تَكَرُّمُ

29. For you have exceeded your worth in ascent
And the stars have come closest upon you

٢٩. فَلَشَدَّ ما جاوَزتَ قَدرَكَ صاعِداً
وَلَشَدَّ ما قَرُبَت عَلَيكَ الأَنجُمُ

30. You have bragged of what belongs purely
To the father of nobles, for praise is for one who is generous

٣٠. وَأَرَغتَ ما لِأَبي العَشائِرِ خالِصاً
إِنَّ الثَناءَ لِمَن يُزارَ فَيُنعِمُ

31. And for one at whose door of disgrace you stood
You come near, so he frowns and you become uneasy

٣١. وَلِمَن أَقَمتَ عَلى الهَوانِ بِبابِهِ
تَدنو فَيُوجأُ أَخدَعاكَ وَتُنهَمُ

32. And for one who disdains wealth yet is honored
And who drags the army while covered in dust

٣٢. وَلِمَن يُهينُ المالَ وَهوَ مُكَرَّمٌ
وَلِمَن يَجُرُّ الجَيشَ وَهوَ عَرَمرَمُ

33. And whose share of the water-skins when the warriors meet
Is the vessel that is marked and known

٣٣. وَلِمَن إِذا اِلتَقَتِ الكُماةُ بِمازِقٍ
فَنَصيبُهُ مِنها الكَمِيُّ المُعلَمُ

34. And who sometimes holds back a horseman in the canal
Then straightens it by replacing him with another

٣٤. وَلَرُبَّما أَطَرَ القَناةَ بِفارِسٍ
وَثَنى فَقَوَّمَها بِآخَرَ مِنهُمُ

35. The face is brightest, the heart most reachable
The spear most swarthy, the sword most resolved

٣٥. وَالوَجهُ أَزهَرُ وَالفُؤادُ مُشَيَّعٌ
وَالرُمحُ أَسمَرُ وَالحُسامُ مَصَمِّمُ

36. The deeds of those who beget nobles are noble
While the deeds of those who beget foreigners are foreign

٣٦. أَفعالُ مَن تَلِدُ الكِرامُ كَريمَةٌ
وَفَعالُ مَن تَلِدُ الأَعاجِمُ أَعجَمُ