1. If the patience of the resolute is excellence
You are the most excellent, the most noble, the most sublime
١. إِن يَكُن صَبرُ ذي الرَزِيَّةِ فَضلاً
تَكُنِ الأَفضَلَ الأَعَزَّ الأَجَلّا
2. You, above being consoled for the sorrows
Above the one who consoles you with reason
٢. أَنتَ يا فَوقَ أَن تُعَزّى عَنِ الأَحـ
ـبابِ فَوقَ الَّذي يُعَزّيكَ عَقلا
3. With your words one finds guidance, so when
You are honored, he who I spoke to before says
٣. وَبِأَلفاظِكَ اِهتَدى فَإِذا عَز
زاكَ قالَ الَّذي لَهُ قُلتُ قَبلا
4. You have tasted bitter and sweet tribulations
And tread days of sorrow and ease
٤. قَد بَلَوتَ الخُطوبَ مُرّاً وَحُلواً
وَسَلَكتَ الأَيّامَ حَزناً وَسَهلا
5. And killed time with knowledge, so no saying grows old
Nor any deed made new again
٥. وَقَتَلتَ الزَمانَ عِلماً فَما يُغـ
ـرِبُ قَولاً وَلا يُجَدِّدُ فِعلا
6. I find sorrow in you is protection and reason
And I see it in people as panic and ignorance
٦. أَجِدُ الحُزنَ فيكَ حِفظاً وَعَقلاً
وَأَراهُ في الخَلقِ ذُعراً وَجَهلا
7. You have a kinship drawn to you and when
Noble origin existed, kinship had origin
٧. لَكَ إِلفٌ يَجُرُّهُ وَإِذا ما
كَرُمَ الأَصلُ كانَ لِلإِلفِ أَصلا
8. And loyalty grew in it but
Your people have always been the people of loyalty
٨. وَوَفاءٌ نَبَتَّ فيهِ وَلَكِن
لَم يَزَل لِلوَفاءِ أَهلُكَ أَهلا
9. Indeed the best of tears as an aid are tears
Roused by compassion, so begin
٩. إِنَّ خَيرَ الدُموعِ عَوناً لَدَمعٌ
بَعَثَتهُ رِعايَةٌ فَاِستَهَلّا
10. Where is your gentleness, which you have in war, when
Iron is deemed vile and blades are bared
١٠. أَينَ ذي الرِقَّةُ الَّتي لَكَ في الحَر
بِ إِذا اِستُكرِهَ الحَديدُ وَصَلّا
11. Where did you leave it the morning you met
The Romans while destinies by swords are decided
١١. أَينَ خَلَّفتَها غَداةَ لَقيتَ الـ
ـرومَ وَالهامُ بِالصَوارِمِ تُفلى
12. Fate divided you into two persons unjustly
The division made itself in you justice
١٢. قاسَمَتكَ المَنونُ شَخصَينِ جَوراً
جَعَلَ القِسمُ نَفسَهُ فيكَ عَدلا
13. So when you are allotted what they seized with what they
Wronged, it distracts the heart and comforts
١٣. فَإِذا قِستَ ما أَخَذنَ بِما أَغـ
ـدَرنَ سَرّى عَنِ الفُؤادِ وَسَلّى
14. And you become certain your share is more faithful
And you realize your endeavor is higher
١٤. وَتَيَقَّنتَ أَنَّ حَظَّكَ أَوفى
وَتَبَيَّنتَ أَنَّ جَدَّكَ أَعلى
15. By my life, you have occupied the fates
With the enemies, so how can they seek another occupation
١٥. وَلَعَمري لَقَد شَغَلتَ المَنايا
بِالأَعادي فَكَيفَ يَطلَبنَ شُغلا
16. And how you have risen against the darkness with swords
A captive, and with attainment, aspiring
١٦. وَكَمِ اِنتَشتَ بِالسُيوفِ مِنَ الدَهـ
ـرِ أَسيراً وَبِالنَوالِ مُقِلّا
17. They counted it as aid against it, but when
The conflict receded, he saw it culminate in ruin
١٧. عَدَّها نُصرَةً عَلَيهِ فَلَمّا
صالَ خَتلاً رَآهُ أَدرَكَ تَبلا
18. Its suspicions lied to it while you test
It and remain in blessing that knows no decline
١٨. كَذَبَتهُ ظُنونُهُ أَنتَ تُبلي
هِ وَتَبقى في نِعمَةٍ لَيسَ تَبلى
19. The enemies wanted you just as they wanted
But they did not wound a shadow of your being
١٩. وَلَقَد رامَكَ العُداةُ كَما را
مَ فَلَم يَجرَحوا لِشَخصِكَ ظِلّا
20. And you have thrown the happiness against some
Of the enemies' selves, and you hit the mark fully
٢٠. وَلَقَد رُمتَ بِالسَعادَةِ بَعضاً
مِن نُفوسِ العِدا فَأَدرَكتَ كُلّا
21. Their spears collided with your spear but
Left the spearmen while your spear remained towering
٢١. قارَعَت رُمحَكَ الرِماحُ وَلَكِن
تَرَكَ الرامِحينَ رُمحَكَ عُزلا
22. If what you have received from the unrest were
A stab, you would have directed the horses to it early
٢٢. لَو يَكونُ الَّذي وَرَدتَ مِنَ الفَجـ
ـعَةِ طَعناً أَورَدتَهُ الخَيلَ قُبلا
23. And you would have dispelled this yearning with a blow
That has often dispelled distress and separated
٢٣. وَلَكَشَفتَ ذا الحَنينِ بِضَربٍ
طالَما كَشَّفَ الكُروبَ وَجَلّى
24. A speech for the doves that has no reply
Even if she who is named is bereaved
٢٤. خِطبَةٌ لِلحِمامِ لَيسَ لَها رَد
دٌ وَإِن كانَتِ المُسَمّاةَ ثُكلا
25. And if you do not find peers among the people
A being of decay wanted death as a husband
٢٥. وَإِذا لَم تَجِد مِنَ الناسِ كُفواً
ذاتُ خِدرٍ أَرادَتِ المَوتَ بَعلا
26. The sweetness of life is the breath in the soul
And more desirable than being bored and more sweet
٢٦. وَلَذيذُ الحَياةِ أَنفَسُ في النَفـ
ـسِ وَأَشهى مِن أَن يُمَلَّ وَأَحلى
27. And if an old man says "enough", he hasn't
Grown bored of life, but weakness has tired him
٢٧. وَإِذا الشَيخُ قالَ أُفٍّ فَما مَل
لَ حَياةً وَإِنَّما الضَعفَ مَلّا
28. The instrument of life is health and youth
So when they turn away from a person, he turns away
٢٨. آلَةُ العَيشِ صِحَّةٌ وَشَبابٌ
فَإِذا وَلَّيا عَنِ المَرءِ وَلّى
29. You never regain what life grants
Oh, would that its bestowal were stingy
٢٩. أَبَداً تَستَرِدُّ ما تَهَبُ الدُن
يا فَيا لَيتَ جودَها كانَ بُخلا
30. It would suffice to be a joy that begets sorrow
And an intimacy that leaves ardor arid
٣٠. فَكَفَت كَونَ فَرحَةٍ تورِثُ الغَمـ
ـمَ وَخِلٍّ يُغادِرُ الوَجدَ خِلّا
31. It is a beloved who does not keep a vow to betray
Nor complete a bond
٣١. وَهيَ مَعشوقَةٌ عَلى الغَدرِ لا تَحـ
ـفَظُ عَهداً وَلا تُتَمِّمُ وَصلا
32. Let every teardrop that flows from it flow away
And by freeing both hands from it, release
٣٢. كُلِّ دَمعٍ يَسيلُ مِنها عَلَيها
وَبِفَكِّ اليَدَينِ عَنها تُخَلّى
33. The trait of the singing girls is in it, so I do not
Know whether the people gave it the feminine name or not
٣٣. شِيَمُ الغانِياتِ فيها فَلا أَد
ري لِذا أَنَّثَ اِسمَها الناسُ أَم لا
34. O king of the land who distinguishes between lives
And deaths among them, and honor and disgrace
٣٤. يا مَليكَ الوَرى المُفَرِّقَ مَحياً
وَمَماتاً فيهِم وَعِزّاً وَذُلّا
35. God gave governance whose sword
You are, a sword adorned with acts of grace
٣٥. قَلَّدَ اللَهُ دَولَةً سَيفُها أَنـ
ـتَ حُساماً بِالمَكرُماتِ مُحَلّى
36. With it the loyal were enriched with generosity
And with it the enemies were destroyed with killing
٣٦. فَبِهِ أَغنَتِ المَوالِيَ بَذلاً
وَبِهِ أَفنَتِ الأَعادِيَ قَتلا
37. When roused for calling it was an ocean
And when roused for battle it was a sharpened blade
٣٧. وَإِذا اِهتَزَّ لِلنَدى كانَ بَحراً
وَإِذا اِهتَزَّ لِلوَغى كانَ نَصلا
38. When the earth darkened it was a sun
And when the earth became barren it was a cloudburst
٣٨. وَإِذَ الأَرضُ أَظلَمَت كانَ شَمساً
وَإِذا الأَرضُ أَمحَلَت كانَ وَبلا
39. It is the one who strikes the battalion while
Raiding grows severe and the blow most severe
٣٩. وَهُوَ الضارِبُ الكَتيبَةِ وَالطَع
نَةُ تَغلو وَالضَربُ أَغلى وَأَغلى
40. O dazzler of minds, what can grasp
Your description? You have wearied my mind, so wait
٤٠. أَيُّها الباهِرُ العُقولَ فَما تُد
رَكُ وَصفاً أَتعَبتَ فِكري فَمَهلا
41. Whoever emulates you tires himself out
And whoever follows your path goes astray
٤١. مَن تَعاطى تَشَبُّهاً بِكَ أَعيا
هُ وَمَن دَلَّ في طَريقِكَ ضَلّا
42. So if one desires your eternity, a supplicant,
He says you will not decline or see one like you
٤٢. فَإِذا ما اِشتَهى خُلودَكَ داعٍ
قالَ لا زُلتَ أَو تَرى لَكَ مِثلا