1. Each person is accustomed to his own time,
And the habit of Saif Al-Dawla is to thrust with spears at the enemy,
١. لِكُلِّ اِمرِئٍ مِن دَهرِهِ ما تَعَوَّدا
وَعادَةُ سَيفِ الدَولَةِ الطَعنُ في العِدا
2. And to belie the rumors about him with their opposite,
And he ends the day happily with what his enemies intended.
٢. وَأَن يُكذِبَ الإِرجافَ عَنهُ بِضِدِّهِ
وَيُمسي بِما تَنوي أَعاديهِ أَسعَدا
3. And many a loyalist he harmed, harming himself,
And many a defector he guided, but did not himself find guidance.
٣. وَرُبَّ مُريدٍ ضَرَّهُ ضَرَّ نَفسَهُ
وَهادٍ إِلَيهِ الجَيشَ أَهدى وَما هَدى
4. And many an arrogant person who did not know God for an hour,
When he saw his sword in his hand, started making the testimony of faith.
٤. وَمُستَكبِرٍ لَم يَعرِفِ اللَهَ ساعَةً
رَأى سَيفَهُ في كَفِّهِ فَتَشَهَّدا
5. He is the sea, plunge into it when calm,
Pearls can be grasped, but beware of it when turbulent.
٥. هُوَ البَحرُ غُص فيهِ إِذا كانَ ساكِناً
عَلى الدُرِّ وَاِحذَرهُ إِذا كانَ مُزبِدا
6. For I have seen the sea make the young man stumble,
Yet he is the one who willfully comes to the sea.
٦. فَإِنّي رَأَيتُ البَحرَ يَعثُرُ بِالفَتى
وَهَذا الَّذي يَأتي الفَتى مُتَعَمِّدا
7. The kings of earth bow down to him submissively,
They leave him destroyed and meet him prostrating.
٧. تَظَلُّ مُلوكُ الأَرضِ خاشِعَةً لَهُ
تُفارِقُهُ هَلكى وَتَلقاهُ سُجَّدا
8. Swords and spears greet him,
And he kills with a smile and seriousness.
٨. وَتُحيِي لَهُ المالَ الصَوارِمُ وَالقَنا
وَيَقتُلُ ما يُحيِي التَبَسُّمُ وَالجَدا
9. Quick-witted, you would think his eye is ahead of him,
His heart sees during his day what eyes will see tomorrow.
٩. ذَكيٌّ تَظَنّيهِ طَليعَةُ عَينِهِ
يَرى قَلبُهُ في يَومِهِ ما تَرى غَدا
10. With his horses he reaches the most rugged terrain,
If the ray of the sun were water he would lead it to drink.
١٠. وَصولٌ إِلى المُستَصعَباتِ بِخَيلِهِ
فَلَو كانَ قَرنُ الشَمسِ ماءً لَأَورَدا
11. That is why the son of Al-Dumustaq called his day
Mammat; and Al-Dumustaq called it a birthday,
١١. لِذَلِكَ سَمّى اِبنُ الدُمُستُقِ يَومَهُ
مَماتاً وَسَمّاهُ الدُمُستُقُ مَولِدا
12. You rode to Al-Jaihan from the land of Amud
In three days - quick pace took you close and returned you far.
١٢. سَرَيتَ إِلى جَيحانَ مِن أَرضِ آمِدٍ
ثَلاثاً لَقَد أَدناكَ رَكضٌ وَأَبعَدا
13. So he fled, and gave you his son and his armies together,
And did not give all to be praised.
١٣. فَوَلّى وَأَعطاكَ اِبنَهُ وَجُيوشَهُ
جَميعاً وَلَم يُعطِ الجَميعَ لِيُحمَدا
14. You offered him life and his neck,
And he saw the bare sword of God from you.
١٤. عَرَضتَ لَهُ دونَ الحَياةِ وَطَرفِهِ
وَأَبصَرَ سَيفَ اللَهِ مِنكَ مُجَرَّدا
15. And the blue spears wanted none but him,
But Constantine was for him a ransom.
١٥. وَما طَلَبَت زُرقُ الأَسِنَّةِ غَيرَهُ
وَلَكِنَّ قُسطَنطينَ كانَ لَهُ الفِدا
16. So he woke up wearing the religious gown in fear,
Once he wore brocade robes.
١٦. فَأَصبَحَ يَجتابُ المُسوحَ مَخافَةً
وَقَد كانَ يَجتابُ الدِلاصَ المُسَرَّدا
17. And the cripple walked him in the monastery repentant,
He would not accept walking after the reddish-black horse.
١٧. وَيَمشي بِهِ العُكّازُ في الدَيرِ تائِباً
وَما كانَ يَرضى مَشيَ أَشقَرَ أَجرَدا
18. He did not repent until paralysis distorted his face,
Wounded, and his eyelids were afflicted with cataract.
١٨. وَما تابَ حَتّى غادَرَ الكَرُّ وَجهَهُ
جَريحاً وَخَلّى جَفنَهُ النَقعُ أَرمَدا
19. If piety could save someone from Ali,
The angels would pray two-by-two and alone.
١٩. فَلَو كانَ يُنجي مِن عَليٍّ تَرَهُّبٌ
تَرَهَّبَتِ الأَملاكُ مَثنى وَمَوحِدا
20. And everyone in East and West henceforth
Prepared for him a black woolen robe.
٢٠. وَكُلُّ اِمرِئٍ في الشَرقِ وَالغَربِ بَعدَها
يُعِدُّ لَهُ ثَوباً مِنَ الشَعرِ أَسوَدا
21. Congratulations on the feast which you are its feast,
And a feast for whoever prayed, sacrificed, and renewed.
٢١. هَنيئاً لَكَ العيدُ الَّذي أَنتَ عيدُهُ
وَعيدٌ لِمَن سَمّى وَضَحّى وَعَيَّدا
22. And the feasts continued to be your garb after him,
Handing over worn-out clothes and being given new ones.
٢٢. وَلا زالَتِ الأَعيادُ لُبسَكَ بَعدَهُ
تُسَلِّمُ مَخروقاً وَتُعطى مُجَدَّدا
23. So this day among days is like you among people,
As you were unique among them, it became unique.
٢٣. فَذا اليَومُ في الأَيّامِ مِثلُكَ في الوَرى
كَما كُنتَ فيهِم أَوحَداً كانَ أَوحَدَ
24. It is superior until the eye exceeds its sister,
And until the day becomes master to the day.
٢٤. هُوَ الجَدُّ حَتّى تَفضُلَ العَينُ أُختَها
وَحَتّى يَصيرَ اليَومُ لِليَومِ سَيِّدا
25. So what a wonder from one whose sword you are,
Does he not fear the two edges of what you carry?
٢٥. فَيا عَجَباً مِن دائِلٍ أَنتَ سَيفُهُ
أَما يَتَوَقّى شَفرَتَي ما تَقَلَّدا
26. And who makes the vulture his hunting bird,
The vulture will hunt him while he hunts.
٢٦. وَمَن يَجعَلِ الضِرغامَ بازاً لِصَيدِهِ
تَصَيَّدَهُ الضِرغامُ فيما تَصَيَّدا
27. I saw you as pure clemency with full ability,
Had you wished, clemency from you would be deterred.
٢٧. رَأَيتُكَ مَحضَ الحِلمِ في مَحضِ قُدرَةٍ
وَلَو شِئتَ كانَ الحِلمُ مِنكَ المُهَنَّدا
28. And nothing kills the noble like pardoning them,
And who can protect the free man but his hand?
٢٨. وَما قَتَلَ الأَحرارَ كَالعَفوِ عَنهُمُ
وَمَن لَكَ بِالحُرِّ الَّذي يَحفَظُ اليَدا
29. If you honor the honorable you gain him,
But if you honor the despicable he rebels.
٢٩. إِذا أَنتَ أَكرَمتَ الكَريمَ مَلَكتَهُ
وَإِن أَنتَ أَكرَمتَ اللَئيمَ تَمَرَّدا
30. Replacing the sword with leniency through power
Is harmful, like replacing leniency with the sword.
٣٠. وَوَضعُ النَدى في مَوضِعِ السَيفِ بِالعُلا
مُضِرٌّ كَوَضعِ السَيفِ في مَوضِعِ النَدى
31. But excel people in opinion and wisdom,
As you surpassed them in state, self, and possessions.
٣١. وَلَكِن تَفوقُ الناسَ رَأياً وَحِكمَةً
كَما فُقتَهُم حالاً وَنَفساً وَمَحتِدا
32. Your actions filter thoughts,
The hidden is ignored and the obvious is taken.
٣٢. يَدِقُّ عَلى الأَفكارِ ما أَنتَ فاعِلٌ
فَيُترَكُ ما يَخفى وَيُؤخَذُ ما بَدا
33. Remove the envy of enviers from me by suppressing them,
For you are the one who made them envy me.
٣٣. أَزِل حَسَدَ الحُسّادِ عَنّي بِكَبتِهِم
فَأَنتَ الَّذي صَيَّرتَهُم لِيَ حُسَّدا
34. If the beauty of your opinion strengthens my determination,
I strike with a sword that severs necks while sheathed.
٣٤. إِذا شَدَّ زَندي حُسنُ رَأيِكَ فيهِمِ
ضَرَبتُ بِسَيفٍ يَقطَعُ الهامَ مُغمَدا
35. And I am but a poet you carried,
So he appeared well-presented and watched carefully.
٣٥. وَما أَنا إِلّا سَمهَرِيٌّ حَمَلتَهُ
فَزَيَّنَ مَعروضاً وَراعَ مُسَدَّدا
36. And time is none but the narrator of my necklaces,
When I recite poetry, time becomes a vocalizer.
٣٦. وَما الدَهرُ إِلّا مِن رُواةِ قَلائِدي
إِذا قُلتُ شِعراً أَصبَحَ الدَهرُ مُنشِداً
37. So he who does not travel travelled with it energetically,
And he who does not sing sang it melodiously.
٣٧. فَسارَ بِهِ مَن لا يَسيرُ مُشَمِّرا
وَغَنّى بِهِ مَن لا يُغَنّي مُغَرِّدا
38. Accept me if I sing poetry, for only
Through my poetry did the praisers come to you repeating.
٣٨. أَجِزني إِذا أُنشِدتَ شِعراً فَإِنَّما
بِشِعري أَتاكَ المادِحونَ مُرَدَّدا
39. And leave every voice but my voice, for I am
The screaming one, the narrator, and the others are the echo.
٣٩. وَدَع كُلَّ صَوتٍ غَيرَ صَوتي فَإِنَّني
أَنا الصائِحُ المَحكِيُّ وَالآخَرُ الصَدى
40. I left travel behind for those whose money is scarce,
And I shod my horses with your bounty completely.
٤٠. تَرَكتُ السُرى خَلفي لِمَن قَلَّ مالُهُ
وَأَنعَلتُ أَفراسي بِنُعماكَ عَسجَدا
41. And I harnessed myself in your rope out of love,
And whoever finds favor is harnessed and bound.
٤١. وَقَيَّدتُ نَفسي في ذَراكَ مَحَبَّةً
وَمَن وَجَدَ الإِحسانَ قَيداً تَقَيَّدا
42. When man asks his days for wealth
And you are far away, he makes you the appointment.
٤٢. إِذا سَأَلَ الإِنسانُ أَيّامَهُ الغِنى
وَكُنتَ عَلى بُعدٍ جَعَلنَكَ مَوعِدا