1. Behold, all cattle of el-Khaizuran
Would be sacrificed for cattle of el-Haizaban.
١. أَلا كُلُّ ماشِيَةِ الخَيزَلى
فِدا كُلُّ ماشِيَةِ الهَيذَبى
2. And for every surviving she-camel
Of el-Bujawi, though not beautiful in walking,
٢. وَكُلِّ نَجاةٍ بُجاوِيَّةٍ
خَنوفٍ وَما بِيَ حُسنُ المِشى
3. But they are ropes of life,
And snares of enemies and shields from harm.
٣. وَلَكِنَّهُنَّ حِبالُ الحَياةِ
وَكَيدُ العُداةِ وَمَيطُ الأَذى
4. With them I hazarded the wilderness, gambling
Either for this or for that.
٤. ضَرَبتُ بِها التيهَ ضَربَ القِمارِ
إِمّا لِهَذا وَإِمّا لِذا
5. When they were terrified, the steeds went before
And the white swords and brown spears.
٥. إِذا فَزِعَت قَدَّمَتها الجِيادُ
وَبيضُ السُيوفِ وَسُمرُ القَنا
6. So they passed by a palm-tree on which were
Some clusters like swords- a vivid likeness.
٦. فَمَرَّت بِنَخلٍ وَفي رَكبِها
عَنِ العالَمينَ وَعَنهُ غِنى
7. We turned away from the world and from need of it.
And it (the palm-tree) offered us choice of its fruit unplucked.
٧. وَأَمسَت تُخَيِّرُنا بِالنِقابِ
وادي المِياهِ وَوادي القُرى
8. And we said: Where is the land of Iraq?
And it (the palm) replied, while we were at el-Turbanah.
٨. وَقُلنا لَها أَينَ أَرضُ العِراقِ
فَقالَت وَنَحنُ بِتُربانَ ها
9. Then it blew against us with the puffs of the north wind,
Facing the zephyrs moving gently.
٩. وَهَبَّت بِحِسمى هُبوبَ الدَبورِ
مُستَقبِلاتٍ مَهَبَّ الصَبا
10. Past the stony tracts and ribs of the desert,
The neighbor of El-Buweirah and El-Gada.
١٠. رَوامي الكِفافِ وَكِبدِ الوِهادِ
وَجارِ البُوَيرَةِ وادِ الغَضى
11. So it crossed the plain of Es-Suwais sweeping the ground
Beyond the ostrich and beyond the wild cows
١١. وَجابَت بُسَيطَةَ جَوبَ الرِداءِ
بَينَ النَعامِ وَبَينَ المَها
12. Up to the knot of El-Jaouf, until it perceived
By the water of El-Jurawi some of the echo.
١٢. إِلى عُقدَةِ الجَوفِ حَتّى شَفَت
بِماءِ الجُراوِيِّ بَعضَ الصَدى
13. At dawn images appeared to it and in the forenoon
The wide plain seemed to it narrow.
١٣. وَلاحَ لَها صَوَرٌ وَالصَباحَ
وَلاحَ الشَغورُ لَها وَالضُحى
14. And the tribe of El-Jumai' called to it in the afternoon
The wild cows and the ostriches.
١٤. وَمَسّى الجُمَيعِيَّ دِئداؤُها
وَغادى الأَضارِعَ ثُمَّ الدَنا
15. So, O night, on a hard-backed steed
Cloaking the provinces-gloomy the aspect-
١٥. فَيا لَكَ لَيلاً عَلى أَعكُشٍ
أَحَمَّ البِلادِ خَفِيَّ الصُوى
16. We returned Ruhaimah in its enclosure
While the rest of the journey was farther than what had passed.
١٦. وَرَدنا الرُهَيمَةَ في جَوزِهِ
وَباقيهِ أَكثَرُ مِمّا مَضى
17. When we alighted we fixed the tent-pegs
Over our glories and lofty deeds.
١٧. فَلَمّا أَنَخنا رَكَزنا الرِماحَ
فَوقَ مَكارِمِنا وَالعُلا
18. And we remained kissing our swords
And wiping them clean of the blood of the foe
١٨. وَبِتنا نُقَبِّلُ أَسيافَنا
وَنَمسَحُها مِن دِماءِ العِدا
19. That Egypt and those in Iraq might know
And those in fortresses that I am the youth
١٩. لِتَعلَمَ مِصرُ وَمَن بِالعِراقِ
وَمَن بِالعَواصِمِ أَنّي الفَتى
20. Who kept his word and who was unyielding
And who transgressed against him who transgressed.
٢٠. وَأَنّي وَفَيتُ وَأَنّي أَبَيتُ
وَأَنّي عَتَوتُ عَلى مَن عَتا
21. Not every one who talks is truthful
Nor does every looker into mirrors discern clearly.
٢١. وَما كُلُّ مَن قالَ قَولاً وَفى
وَلا كُلُّ مَن سيمَ خَسفاً أَبى
22. The heart must need have a contrivance
And a purpose that splits the hardness of rocks.
٢٢. وَلا بُدَّ لِلقَلبِ مِن آلَةٍ
وَرَأيٍ يُصَدِّعُ صُمَّ الصَفا
23. He who has a heart like my heart
Breaks through the gateway to glory.
٢٣. وَمَن يَكُ قَلبٌ كَقَلبي لَهُ
يَشُقُّ إِلى العِزِّ قَلبَ التَوى
24. And every road the youth travels
Is as much as he can endure of hardship.
٢٤. وَكُلُّ طَريقٍ أَتاهُ الفَتى
عَلى قَدَرِ الرِجلِ فيهِ الخُطا
25. And El-Khuwailid slept during our night
For he had slept before blind, seeing nothing.
٢٥. وَنامَ الخُوَيدِمُ عَن لَيلِنا
وَقَد نامَ قَبلُ عَمىً لا كَرى
26. And in our proximity, between us,
Were his insults from his ignorance and blindness.
٢٦. وَكانَ عَلى قُربِنا بَينَنا
مَهامِهُ مِن جَهلِهِ وَالعَمى
27. Indeed, before the eunuch I used to think
That heads were the seat of discretion.
٢٧. لَقَد كُنتُ أَحسِبُ قَبلَ الخَصِيِّ
أَنَّ الرُؤوسَ مَقَرُّ النُهى
28. But when I looked upon his intelligence
I saw that all discretion rests in the testicles.
٢٨. فَلَمّا نَظَرتُ إِلى عَقلِهِ
رَأَيتُ النُهى كُلَّها في الخُصى
29. What laughter is there left in Egypt
Except tears like pouring rain!
٢٩. وَماذا بِمِصرَ مِنَ المُضحِكاتِ
وَلَكِنَّهُ ضَحِكٌ كَالبُكا
30. There a Nabatean from the people of blackness
Gives lessons in genealogy to the people of passion.
٣٠. بِها نَبَطِيٌّ مِنَ اهلِ السَوادِ
يُدَرِّسُ أَنسابَ أَهلِ الفَلا
31. And a black slave whose mustache is half-shaved
Is called "Full moon of darkness."
٣١. وَأَسوَدُ مِشفَرُهُ نِصفُهُ
يُقالُ لَهُ أَنتَ بَدرُ الدُجى
32. And poetry in which I praised El-Karkadan
Between El-Quraish and El-Ruka.
٣٢. وَشِعرٍ مَدَحتُ بِهِ الكَركَدَنَّ
بَينَ القَريضِ وَبَينَ الرُقى
33. That was no praise of him,
Rather, it was satire of mankind.
٣٣. فَما كانَ ذَلِكَ مَدحاً لَهُ
وَلَكِنَّهُ كانَ هَجوَ الوَرى
34. Some people went astray with their idols.
As for spitting of winds, no indeed!
٣٤. وَقَد ضَلَّ قَومٌ بِأَصنامِهِم
فَأَمّا بِزِقِّ رِياحٍ فَلا
35. Those are mere statues, while this one
Speaks nonsense when they move him.
٣٥. وَتِلكَ صُموتٌ وَذا ناطِقٌ
إِذا حَرَّكوهُ فَسا أَو هَذى
36. He who does not know himself, his worth,
Sees in himself what he does not see.
٣٦. وَمَن جَهِلَت نَفسُهُ قَدرَهُ
رَأى غَيرُهُ مِنهُ مالا يَرى