
Glory as my house, so let there be congratulations,

جللا كما بي فليك التبريح

1. Glory as my house, so let there be congratulations,
Food for the one with a flowing beard and melody,

١. جَلَلاً كَما بِيَ فَليَكُ التَبريحُ
أَغِذاءُ ذا الرَشَأِ الأَغَنِّ الشيحُ

2. Destiny played with its inclusiveness and left
An idol among idols, had it not been for the spirit,

٢. لَعِبَت بِمِشيَتِهِ الشُمولُ وَغادَرَت
صَنَماً مِنَ الأَصنامِ لَولا الروحُ

3. What is wrong with him? I noticed him blushing,
While his gardens and my wounded heart,

٣. ما بالُهُ لاحَظتُهُ فَتَضَرَّجَت
وَجَناتُهُ وَفُؤادِيَ المَجروحُ

4. He shot his arrows but his hands did not aim at me,
An arrow that hurts while arrows give comfort,

٤. وَرَمى وَما رَمَتا يَداهُ فَصابَني
سَهمٌ يُعَذِّبُ وَالسِهامُ تُريحُ

5. The shrine is near but no shrine, rather
The gardens where we meet then part,

٥. قَرُبَ المَزارُ وَلا مَزارَ وَإِنَّما
يَغدو الجِنانُ فَنَلتَقي وَيَروحُ

6. Our secrets were exposed to you and our
Allusions appeared clear to you,

٦. وَفَشَت سَرائِرُنا إِلَيكَ وَشَفَّنا
تَعريضُنا فَبَدا لَكَ التَصريحُ

7. When the camels were cut off my soul was cut off,
As if they were my family, and torn apart,

٧. لَمّا تَقَطَّعَتِ الحُمولُ تَقَطَّعَت
نَفسي أَسىً وَكَأَنَّهُنَّ طُلوحُ

8. Farewell revealed from the beloved, virtues
The beauty of consolation, though the ugly appears,

٨. وَجَلا الوَداعُ مِنَ الحَبيبِ مَحاسِناً
حُسنُ العَزاءِ وَقَد جُلينَ قَبيحُ

9. A hand waving, an eye glancing,
Yearning melting, and pouring tears,

٩. فَيَدٌ مُسَلِّمَةٌ وَطَرفٌ شاخِصٌ
وَحَشىً يَذوبُ وَمَدمَعٌ مَسفوحُ

10. The doves would lament even if my lament was absent
The lotus tree would mourn with the doves,

١٠. يَجِدُ الحَمامُ وَلَو كَوَجدي لَاِنبَرى
شَجَرُ الأَراكِ مَعَ الحَمامِ يَنوحُ

11. It leaned if the north blew on a rider
On its expanse, it would rest while the winds blow,

١١. وَأَمَقَّ لَو خَدَتِ الشَمالُ بِراكِبٍ
في عَرضِهِ لَأَناخَ وَهيَ طَليحُ

12. I competed with the trotting of the riders and rode
Fearing death, praising God made them slow,

١٢. نازَعتُهُ قُلَصَ الرِكابِ وَرَكبُها
خَوفَ الهَلاكِ حُداهُمُ التَسبيحُ

13. Had it not been for the trusted one, the son of Muhammad
No danger would have been predicted or advice given,

١٣. لَولا الأَمينُ مُساوِرُ بنُ مُحَمَّدٍ
ما جُشِّمَت خَطَراً وَرُدَّ نَصيحُ

14. Whenever soft nor strong wind blew
It allowed me and her the doves a place to go,

١٤. وَمَتى وَنَت وَأَبو المُظَفَّرِ أَمُّها
فَأَتاحَ لي وَلَها الحِمامَ مُتيحُ

15. We sensed it before the sky clouded with its lightning
And the free-flowing generosity before the winds blow,

١٥. شِمنا وَما حُجِبَ السَماءُ بُروقَهُ
وَحَرىً يَجودُ وَما مَرَتهُ الريحُ

16. Hoping for benefit, fearing harm,
Defeated, the cup of glory poured out,

١٦. مَرجُوُّ مَنفَعَةٍ مَخوفُ أَذِيَّةٍ
مَغبوقُ كاسِ مَحامِدٍ مَصبوحُ

17. Angry at the full moon that brought no harm
And forgiving the one who wronged me,

١٧. حَنِقٌ عَلى بِدَرِ اللُجَينِ وَما أَتَت
بِإِساءَةٍ وَعَنِ المُسيءِ صَفوحُ

18. Had he divided the generosity that divided his money
Among the people, none would be stingy,

١٨. لَو فُرِّقَ الكَرَمُ المُفَرِّقُ مالَهُ
في الناسِ لَم يَكُ في الزَمانِ شَحيحُ

19. His hearing ignored blame and left
A mark on the faces of villains that still show,

١٩. أَلغَت مَسامِعُهُ المَلامَ وَغادَرَت
سِمَةً عَلى أَنفِ اللِئامِ تَلوحُ

20. This is the one, time passed and his mention
And story in its books still overflow,

٢٠. هَذا الَّذي خَلَتِ القُرونُ وَذِكرُهُ
وَحَديثُهُ في كُتبِها مَشروحُ

21. Our minds dazzled by his beauty
Our clouds opened by his irrigation flow,

٢١. أَلبابُنا بِجَمالِهِ مَبهورَةٌ
وَسَحابُنا بِنَوالِهِ مَفضوحُ

22. He covers the skeptic so his irrigation channel is not
Returned broken, and the silent are made whole,

٢٢. يَغشى الطِعانَ فَلا يَرُدُّ قَناتَهُ
مَكسورَةً وَمِنَ الكُماةِ صَحيحُ

23. On dust, corpses from blood, while on the sky
Erased marks from fighting still show,

٢٣. وَعَلى التُرابِ مِنَ الدِماءِ مَجاسِدٌ
وَعَلى السَماءِ مِنَ العَجاجِ مُسوحُ

24. The slain walks to the slain ahead of him
The lord of generosity, while the fallen behind him lie low,

٢٤. يَخطو القَتيلَ إِلى القَتيلِ أَمامَهُ
رَبُّ الجَوادِ وَخَلفَهُ المَبطوحُ

25. So the place of loving lover is delighted with him
While the place of the angry enemy is struck with woe,

٢٥. فَمَقيلُ حُبِّ مُحِبِّهِ فَرِحٌ بِهِ
وَمَقيلُ غَيظِ عَدُوِّهِ مَقروحُ

26. He hides his enmity though it is not hidden
The look of the enemy reveals what he would hide,

٢٦. يُخفي العَداوَةَ وَهيَ غَيرُ خَفِيَّةٍ
نَظَرُ العُدُوِّ بِما أَسَرَّ يَبوحُ

27. Oh son of one who did not gather with his son
Nobility, nor did the grandfather gather the grave,

٢٧. يا اِبنَ الَّذي ما ضَمَّ بُردٌ كَاِبنِهِ
شَرَفاً وَلا كَالجَدِّ ضَمَّ ضَريحُ

28. We would sacrifice ourselves against a flood if asked for help,
Against horror when blood and Messiah mix,

٢٨. نَفديكَ مِن سَيلٍ إِذا سُئِلَ النَدى
هَولٍ إِذا اِختَلَطا دَمٌ وَمَسيحُ

29. Had you been an ocean no coast contained you,
Or a rain, the horizon would be too narrow,

٢٩. لَو كُنتَ بَحراً لَم يَكُن لَكَ ساحِلٌ
أَو كُنتَ غَيثاً ضاقَ عَنكَ اللوحُ

30. I feared for the country and its people because of you
As Noah fearfully warned his folk long ago,

٣٠. وَخَشيتُ مِنكَ عَلى البِلادِ وَأَهلِها
ما كانَ أَنذَرَ قَومَ نوحٍ نوحُ

31. Incapacity at confusion, beyond it,
God’s provision and your open door,

٣١. عَجزٌ بِحُرٍّ فاقَةٌ وَوَراءَهُ
رِزقُ الإِلَهِ وَبابَكَ المَفتوحُ

32. This poem sorely needs your kindness
To be your equal when praised, that is far too much to hope,

٣٢. إِنَّ القَريضَ شَجٍ بِعِطفي عائِذٌ
مِن أَن يَكونَ سَواءَكَ المَمدوحُ

33. The scent of the gardens, their words
Seek praise of the living and thus diffuse,

٣٣. وَذَكِيُّ رائِحَةِ الرِياضِ كَلامُها
تَبغي الثَناءَ عَلى الحَيا فَتَفوحُ

34. The effort of the insignificant, so what about the son
Of a generous woman who gives him good speech,

٣٤. جُهدُ المُقِلِّ فَكَيفَ بِاِبنِ كَريمَةٍ
توليهِ خَيراً وَاللِسانُ فَصيحُ