
I have no way to reach my beloved,

ما لي إلى وصل الحبيب سبيل

1. I have no way to reach my beloved,
And I have no alternative to him in my aspirations.

١. ما لي إلى وصل الحبيب سبيل
وسواه ما لي في الملاح بديل

2. I did not hear in seeking the eternal union
Any evidence for the lack of union.

٢. لم اسع في طلب الوصال الازلي
حظاً على عدم الوصال دليل

3. So I lost union, and I was content with ambition,
As if it were guarantor of union.

٣. فقد الوصال فقد قنعت بهمةٍ
فكأنما هو للوصال كفيل

4. What my opinion hits in its goals,
Is seen by the sick as sick.

٤. ما صاب راي في اصابه مقصدي
رأى الأمور من العليل عليل

5. My heart is broken by excessive passion,
My body is thin from excessive illness.

٥. قلبي بتفريط المنوى منكسر
جسمي بافراط السقام نحيل

6. For everyone who gains love, troubles abound,
So this little test is little.

٦. في كل من كسب الهوى كثر البلاء
فقليل هذا لابتلاء قليل

7. O you who prevented us from those we loved,
There is no ease in our tangled affair.

٧. يا من عنا ممن عشقنا منعنا
ما في مشاكل امرنا التسهيل

8. Do not think the disturbed lover
Is prone to change or replacement.

٨. لا تحسبن بلاء مضطرب الهوى
مما له التغيير والتبديل

9. I loved a full moon, his beauty unmatched,
And the details apart from his beauty are nil.

٩. أحببت بدراً حسنه متفرد
وسواه من اجماله التفصيل

10. The full moon rose up honored, and thereby prospered,
And the beauty of his lineage is perfect beauty.

١٠. بدر علا شرفا وطاب به اليها
وبحسن نسبته جمال جميل

11. A star of heaven's honor and scripture of his fate,
None of his signs are revelation.

١١. نجم سما عزا ومصحف قدره
ما ليس من اياته التنزيل

12. So upon all with splendor, for his beauty,
Is sublimity, preference, and distinction.

١٢. فعلى جميع ذوى البهى لجماله
الاعلاء والترجيح والتفضيل

13. It is incumbent upon spectators, when they see him,
To glorify, proclaim greatness, and extol.

١٣. حتم على النظار عند لقائه
التسبيح والتكبير والتلهيل

14. His majesty obligated souls
To revere, honor, and exalt him.

١٤. فرض على الأرواح اجلاله
التعظيم والتكريم والتبجيل

15. The discourse is concluded that his brows' line
Is tablets and the light of his beauty is Gabriel.

١٥. ختم الكلام بان خط عذاره
صحف ونور جماله جبريل

16. The imagination rules that his cheeks' roses
Are fire, and that the moles on him are Abraham.

١٦. حكم الخيال بان ورد خدوده
نار وان الخال فيه خليل

17. He is only a rod whose worth
Is a garment over a stature above all else.

١٧. ما قده الا قضيبٌ قدره
ثوب على قدٍ سواه طويل

18. The aspiration inclined to sell infatuation,
Spreading out a carpet with no unfurling.

١٨. مالت ملاحة الى بيع البها
بسطت بساطا ماله التعزيل

19. Hypocrisy is most expensive for his union wares,
To him came buyers from every faction.

١٩. اغلا النفاق على سلعة وصله
من كل طايفة اتاه عميل

20. My heart works his love with the soul's cash,
So for that sale there is no avoidance.

٢٠. قلبي بنقد الروح عامل حبه
فالبيع ذلك ليس منه مقيل

21. With promises he sold loyalty, swindling yearning,
Its loyalty will not benefit from hastening.

٢١. بالوعد قد باع الوفا غبن الحشا
لوفايه لا ينفع التعجيل

22. His perfect beauty was hidden from me,
Its disclosure necessitated evidence.

٢٢. قد كان مختفياً جمال كماله
منى بد الظهوره التعليل

23. When I loved his beauty all of existence
Returned to him gradually bought.

٢٣. لما عشقت جماله كل الورى
متبتعا عادت اليه تبيل

24. His virtues spread and his passion encompassed,
For love is only what completes it.

٢٤. شاعت مناقبه وعم هواؤه
ما لعشق الا ما به التكميل

25. O you who made your love firm in my mind,
With firmness not amenable to change.

٢٥. ا من تمكن حبه في مهجتي
بتمكن ما شانه التعديل

26. You preferred loyalty after annihilation,
Since it spread that I am killed by your love.

٢٦. قد اثر الوفا بعد الفنا
مذ شاع اني في هواك قتيل

27. Through the worlds my lineage to you is honor,
And my worth in your love is momentous.

٢٧. بين العوالم نسبتي بك رفعة
عزى وقدري في هواك جليل

28. My matter is entrusted and devoted to you,
Obediently as if you are the authority.

٢٨. امري اليك مفوض ومتيمم
طوعاً كانك للقضاء وكيل

29. So look upon the poverty of the needy one, he
Is a weak, inept, and humble slave.

٢٩. فانظر الى فقر الفضولي انه
عبد ضعيف عاجز وذليل

30. Hello, as long as the crown is on the horizon of the sky,
As long as the blood of Salma flows.

٣٠. دم سالما لازلت يا زين الورى
ما دام في افق السما اكليل